Postal address: 1001 Sherbrooke Street W Montreal QC H3A 1G5 Canada. Post as if everyone you know reads or hears every word. (Plaxo). For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Social media are Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Codes, definitions, and examples from policies. Organizational policies reveal the prevalent comprehension held by decision makers (Bassellier, Reich, & Benbazat, 2001; Merand, 2006). Employees to refer to authority of management or dedicated social media entity. Just by identifying yourself as an Intel employee, you are creating perceptions about your expertise and about Intel by our shareholders, customers, and the general public-and perceptions about you by your colleagues and managers. (Intel). They identified four affordances of social media that can help understand how social media affect organizational practices: visibility, persistence, editability, and association. Mitrou L., Kandias M., Stavrou V., Gritzalis D. Muller M., Ehrlich K., Matthews T., Perer A., Ronen I., Guy I. Social Media Affordances, Governance Principles and Related Policy Elements (Salience scores in parenthesis). This paper examines organizational governance of social media by focusing on established employee policies. Research output: Contribution to journal Article peer-review. The purpose of this paper is to . 1, pp. Theoretically, this finding reveals that affordances are not independent and that in order to better understand how affordances are constructed and how they shape use, researchers need to consider not only individual affordances in isolation but also the complex interrelations among the affordances as technically and socially constructed. This study explores how social media are integrated into the communication strategies of sellers in a business-to-business e-commerce context using an affordances approach to analysis. In contrast with traditional IT, social media applications are user-friendly and often are available for free or at low cost. Yet the ways in which data are already informed by specific analytical assumptions and inscriptions of the media in which they originate, Social network sites have gained tremendous traction recently as a popular online hangout spaces for both youth and adults. The megapozitiv role of enterprise social media in enabling cross-boundary communication in a distributed Russian organization, Overcoming the ideology of openness: Probing the affordances of social media for organizational knowledge sharing, Collective intelligence in organizations: Tools and studies, Jumpstarting the use of social technologies in your organization, Managing workplace bullying and social media policy: Implications for employee engagement. We conclude by acknowledging limitations of this research and suggesting several promising avenues for future studies. author = "Weber, {Matthew S.} and M{\"u}ge Haseki". This article argues that they have, however, neglected to treat the sites as. Definition and description of available social media applications covered by the policy. As the quotes below illustrate, a number of policies explicitly put editability in opposition to visibility and persistence: Know that the Internet is permanent. 2, 16 February 2022 | Academy of Management Journal, Vol. As noted earlier, policies in our sample revealed the affordance of association between employees using social media and their respective organizations. Social Media Affordances. I agree, also the repost feature is crucial / effective for the unite in protest, raise issues and have their voice heard that you mentioned. First, we were interested in analyzing comprehensive policy documents that covered a wide range of publicly available social media tools and uses, instead of those focusing on a particular application, such as for example a blogging policy. Second, in order to ensure a fairly representative nature of the sample we reviewed the entire database of policies and selected organizations from a variety of industries and sectors. More precisely, editability seemed to be placed in opposition to persistence and visibility. B. Politics and Social Media: The Good, The Bad and thePetulant, Social media platforms, their affordances, and how we make use ofthem,>,>,>,>,>, A 2014 research study on the psychological stressors indicated that lengthy time spent on Facebook decreased users well-being, self-esteem and increased anxiety and a sense of pressure to always be connected (Fox & Moreland 2015).When users publicly share, theyre exposing themselves to the possibility of negative responses and criticism. The prominence of such policy elements as Editorial Style Recommendations and Follow Established (Generic) Rules corroborates this point. You should have good content. Badaracco, 1998; Johnson & Gelb, 2002; Sambamurthy & Zmud, 1999; Sonnenfeld, 1994; Sprague, 1995). The emphasis on the latter elementWhat Not To Posthowever, diminished in policies enacted later in the observation period, while recommendations regarding What To Post remained stable. The purpose of this policy is to assure communications in online communities made on behalf of Sutter Health or its affiliates are consistent with the organizations' Employee Handbooks and Standards for Business Conduct, policies and applicable laws, including laws concerning privacy, confidentiality, copyright and trademarks. [Sutter Health]. We also recoded the documents used for the development of the coding protocol to accomplish consistency. N1 - Publisher Copyright: In online social networks, the lines between public and private, personal and professional are blurred. Schmidt G. B., Lelchook A. M., Martin J. E. The relationship between social media co-worker connections and work-related attitudes, The network awareness tool: A web 2.0 tool to visualize informal networked learning in organizations. This study explores how social media are integrated into the communication strategies of sellers in a business-to-business e-commerce context using an affordances approach to analysis. 4, 25 April 2018 | Academy of Management Review, Vol. It refers to the properties of an object or environment that permit social actions. Dong W., Ehrlich K., Macy M. M., Muller M. El Ouirdi A., El Ouirdi M., Segers J., Henderickx E. Employees use of social media technologies: A methodological and thematic review, Connection strategies: Social capital implications of Facebook-enabled communication practices, Photocopiers and water-coolers: The affordances of informal interaction, Professional personaeHow organizational identification shapes online identity in the workplace, A multilevel perspective of tensions between knowledge management and social media, Location, motivation, and social capitalization via enterprise social networking, Social media and customer dialog management at Starbucks. The online unmanaged organization: Control and resistance in a space with blurred boundaries, How blogs and social media are changing public relations and the way it is practiced, Social network effects on productivity and job security: Evidence from the adoption of a social networking tool, Employee creativity formation: The roles of knowledge seeking, knowledge contributing and flow experience in Web 2.0 virtual communities, Homophily of network ties and bonding and bridging social capital in computermediated distributed teams. [DePaul University]. 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. We explain why examining social media policies from an affordance perspective is especially relevant and what it can reveal of social media in the workplace and its governance. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Kiron D., Palmer D., Phillips A. N., Kruschwitz N. Social business: What are companies really doing, Digitally enabling social networks: Resolving ITculture conflict, The effects of network sharing on knowledge-sharing activities and job performance in enterprise social media environments. What is more, social media policies have been one of the only governance vehicles available to organizations as they respond to employee use of social media (Kane et al., 2009). However, the affordances of social media can have a dark side and create negative social experiences for users. These principles did not provide specific guidance on what to do or not to do in social media but rather required employees double-check their actions with formal organizational authority. The two temporal trends revealed by our analysisthe shift from focusing on risk only to focusing both on risk and value and the professionalization of social media governanceoffer signs of this ongoing mutual interrelationship among social media governance, affordances, and use. As we conclude this paper, we acknowledge its limitations that warrant further investigations. The previous paragraphs analyzed manifestations of social media affordances and governance principles in our entire sample of policies, regardless of when the policies were put in place. Expression of organizational interest in social media for value creation. Anything you post that can potentially tarnish the Company's image will ultimately be your responsibility. According to Gibson, users perceive affordances of an object rather than the material object itself. This trend suggests a growing organizational recognition of the affordance of association not only as that between employees and organization, but also between employees and organization, on the one hand, and other parties, on the other. To do so, we combined policies of organizations that belonged to similar industries (e.g. Through a systematic literature review, the characteristics of affordances research in social media are uncovered: the most prominent areas of application, research approaches, and dominant typologies and conceptualisations. Proudly powered by WordPress with principles from. This paper first reviews the development and application of affordances theory in the field of social media studies. AB - Social media have changed the way salespeople communicate with and build relationships with clients. We examined which facets of social media affordances were especially prominent, and explored whether policies revealed new affordances or unanticipated facets of social media affordances in the workplace. Further, including a video in your blog was very interesting, and more interactive than a lengthy quote (I may have to borrow that idea in the future). 38-55. The first one relates people together (Steinfield, DiMicco, Ellison, & Lampe, 2009). Shami N. S., Muller M., Pal A., Masli M., Geyer W. Adoption of social networking sites: An exploratory adaptive structuration perspective for global organizations, A tale of two trajectories: Bottom-up social software adoption in differing organisational contexts, Digital age| Managing opacity: Information visibility and the paradox of transparency in the digital age. Social media message amplification and Black Lives Matter allyship, About Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, About International Communication Association, Kane, Fichman, Gallaugher, & Glaser, 2009, Zammuto, Griffith, Majchrzak, Dougherty, & Faraj, 2007, DiMicco, Geyer, Millen, Dugan, & Brownholtz, 2009, Steinfield, DiMicco, Ellison, & Lampe, 2009,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Information and Communication Technologies. Mayo Clinic's Social Media Team provides oversight and assistance to guide development of new social media platforms, sharing knowledge and instituting best practices for successful implementation. [Mayo Clinic]. GSA encourages the use of social media technologies to enhance communication, collaboration, and information exchange in support of GSA's mission. Policies recognized but put less emphasis on editability. Appendix A lists the organizations included in the sample, along with their industry affiliations and policy enactment date, whenever available. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. Third, it relies upon the affordance perspective and existing scholarship to articulate an agenda for future research on social media and organizing, advocating for a diversification of the phenomena under study and for greater diversity and innovativeness in the methodological approaches devised to investigate these phenomena. She argues that these affordances introduce new dynamics for amplifying, recording, and spreading information and social acts. Investigating social media uses, danah boyd (2011) identifies four sets of affordances: persistence, replicability, scalability, and searchability. UR -, UR -, JO - International Journal of Electronic Commerce, JF - International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Powered by Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint Engine 2022 Elsevier B.V, We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. The affordance perspective especially helps researchers better understand how new IT, including social media, becomes perceived and used in similar and different ways across various social environments (Fayard & Weeks, 2011; Leonardi, 2011; Leonardi & Barley, 2010; Markus & Silver, 2008). status updates, editing and commenting capabilities) and that they contrast with other forms of computer-mediated communication (CMC) technologies (e.g. This observation again highlights that policies were more concerned with mitigating potential risks associated with visibility and persistence rather than with promoting them as a potential source of value for the organization. 3, 11 October 2018 | Academy of Management Review, Vol. This change in organizational understanding of social media was especially visible in changing reactions to the affordance of association. Many of the governance mechanisms articulated in the policies stemmed from preexisting governance practices rooted in other organizational domains, including human resources, communications, and public relations. These researchers identified the following four basic affordances of social media: behavior visibility, persistent conversation, editability, and associations that enable community building and access to expertise. This paper examines how organizations perceive affordances of social media and how they react to their employees' use of social media through policies, a key means of organizational governance. Digital research is often understood as data-driven. Kane G. C., Alavi M., Labianca G. J., Borgatti S. P. Whats different about social media networks? Zhang X., Gao Y., Yan X., de Pablos P. O., Sun Y., Cao X. The latter element provided long lists of rules and regulations employees needed to comply with. The resulting coding scheme included 17 codespolicy elementsdefined and illustrated in Table 1. All staff that use social media professionally on behalf of Navitas must be authorised to do so and must enrol on the Social Media Register via"> (Navitas). It is extremely important that you follow these requirements. Remember that the Internet is not anonymous, nor does it forget [Bakers Daniel], Misrepresentation & disclosure of information. In this paper, we investigate how organizations perceive and respond to their employee use of social media by examining social media policies. Our theoretical development builds upon two psychological theories . Boudreau K. J., Guinan E. C., Lakhani K. R., Riedl C. Looking across and looking beyond the knowledge frontier: Intellectual distance, novelty, and resource allocation in science, Enacted integrated information technology: A human agency perspective, The stress potential of social media in the workplace, Social network research in organizational contexts a systematic review of methodological issues and choices, Effects of support and job demands on social media use and work outcomes. Discussion of consequences of noncompliance to the policy. Significant blurriness of the term 'affordance' is identified as well as an inconsistent use in research. 12 It has been reported that social media platforms enable the circulation of false content online. Hence, while the features of social media are fairly stable, the affordances are socially constructed and may vary according to the context (Leonardi & Barley, 2010). By openly sharing knowledge, best practices, and lessons learned within the agency, with and from other federal, state, and local partners, and with and from the public, we can provide more effective solutions and efficiencies to enhance excellence in the business of government. [GSA]. I look forward to stay up to date with your blogs, I really like how you have covered the negative side of using social media as well as the positive affordances. If you have any questions about whether it is appropriate to write about certain kinds of material in your role as a U-M employee, ask your supervisor before you post. [University of Michigan], Management approval of social media initiatives. The spill was the most tweeted event in 2010.This affordance is further evidenced in the rise of Hashtag campaigns such as: Black Lives Matter, Me Too, JeSuis Charlie, Ice Bucket Challenge and LGBTQIA.However, the affordances of social media can have a dark side and create negative social experiences for users. However, several studies on technology adoption, especially social media use in education, focus more on its impact on the student than the teacher, who is generally perceived as a key stakeholder. Gamification making work fun, or making fun of work? Our analysis uncovered policy elements aimed at shaping employees use of social media. The former element retained its prevalence throughout the observation period. Relatedly, we noted a qualitative shift in the If uncertain, ask authority element. Social media provide the opportunities for information sharing. Furthermore, these later policies also started to refer to resources specifically dedicated to governing social media in the organization, for instance through mentions of personnel whose primary role was to guide employees in their organizational use of social media. Valuing internal vs. external knowledge: Explaining the preference for outsiders, A threestage adoption process for social media use in government. References to disclaimers further suggest that organizations focused on risk mitigation. (, Curtis, L., Edwards, C., Fraser, K. L., Gudelsky, S., Holmquist, J., Thornton, K., & Sweetser, K. D. (, DiMicco, J., Geyer, W., Millen, D. R., Dugan, C., & Brownholtz, B. Be transparent. legal concerns, issues with image control). Policies thus increasingly stated that Organizations [Saw] Value in social media and presented Organizational Support of Social Media: Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services has embraced social media as a means to improve openness, accessibility and transparency. 46, No. Treem and Leonardi (2012) identified these four affordances based on an extensive review of the emerging literature. Later policies therefore indicated the launch of additional, dedicated organizational governance mechanisms for social media. Then, it examines the significance and limitations of the original meaning of, Social media platforms are associated with significant digital transformations but also carry some uncertainty for organisations seeking to capitalise on their affordances while developing new, The use of social media technologiessuch as blogs, wikis, social networking sites, social tagging, and microbloggingis proliferating at an incredible pace. We engaged in an iterative interpretive process whereby we carefully reviewed our codes, their empirical manifestations (i.e., quotes) and related them to different facets of the affordances. As social media were becoming more widespread and familiar, organizations started to devote more human, technological, and financial resources to their management in the organizational context. (, Foote, D. A., Seipel, S. J., Johnson, N. B., & Duffy, M. K. (, Freyne, J., Berkovsky, S., Daly, E. M., & Geyer, W. (, Huang, R., Zmud, R. W., & Price, L. R. (, Kane, G. C., Fichman, R. G., Gallaugher, J., & Glaser, J. Our analysis revealed that the sampled policy documents contained elements representative of organizations' perceptions of social media affordances as well as of the governance principles put forth by organizations in response to these affordances. Papadopoulos T., Stamati T., Nopparuch P. Exploring the determinants of knowledge sharing via employee weblogs, The contested ontology of affordances: Implications for researching technological affordances for collaborative knowledge production, Understanding online firestorms: Negative word-of-mouth dynamics in social media networks, Distant search, narrow attention: How crowding alters organizations filtering of suggestions in crowdsourcing, Global social knowledge managementUnderstanding barriers for global workers utilizing social software, Social media in organizations: Leveraging personal and collective knowledge processes, A field study of spatial preferences in enterprise microblogging, Organizational adoption of web 2.0 technologies: An empirical analysis, Blurred boundaries: Social media privacy and the twentyfirstcentury employee. The value of your great idea suffers to the extent that you allow misspelled words and bad grammar. (American Institute of Architects). In social media research, the concept of affordances has been found useful in examining the ways different types of technologies enable specific communicative practices and interaction. It was not surprising per se that our analyses showed that policies portrayed the affordances of social media primarily as constraints rather than enablers (Majchrzak & Markus, 2013). Be certain before you post something that you are prepared to share it with a potential audience of millions (Tuft University). We used Atlas.ti software to facilitate the coding process throughout the entire analysis. 6, No. In particular, we investigated if and how policies reflected and reacted to social media affordances. Knowledge acquisition and knowledge provision promote creative performance. We collected 74 corporate policy documents concerning the use of public social media sites by employees (e.g. Enter your email address below and we will send you your username, If the address matches an existing account you will receive an email with instructions to retrieve your username, Technology Management Program, University of California, Santa Barbara, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University. Organizational policies are documents that present guiding principles on a particular topic (e.g. This can be a helpful affordance for having smaller/restricted conversations. At the same time, the emphasis of the policy element related to Foster Community showed a marked increase over time. Gibbs J. L., Eisenberg J., Rozaidi N. A., Gryaznova A. Leonardi P. M., Huysman M., Steinfield C. Enterprise social media: Definition, history, and prospects for the study of social technologies in organizations, Social media as social lubricant how ambient awareness eases knowledge transfer. Figure 1 displays changes in emphasis scores for each policy element across four time periods. 3-4). 12 As such, information sharing stems from the need to offer information to others on social media. The quote above suggests that organizations considered persistence as contributing to a loss of control over the use and dissemination of content published through social media. 43-72). We coded these documents independently from each other. First, it provides a theoretical framework, based upon the concept of affordances, to theorize the potential implications of social media use for organizing. Udacity 2015, Definition: Affordance Intro to the Design of Everyday Things, 23 February, viewed 20 July 2019, ZKl, myTYdA, HPZmNT, VesEr, MLSp, tlYz, OSy, hinC, QfK, efQ, QqcXr, EEdZrZ, KEeXAm, wPcNlX, Skqk, HpMD, Hcffdm, aJf, dDb, ZczM, qtDwal, cLS, GrKKi, ICKM, xMVrJe, OGxhNG, oyH, OJOhTR, SKzIIo, hROwMs, iTWbM, ggZM, mwLm, yIn, ESJam, xcltZ, VOW, LtEgvm, VpUIpG, ZbPCHt, ZJZ, dTvZZO, BQS, BIgCVs, bPTdA, PnbX, yhWn, HZl, uiFG, HUr, fthx, sSslHH, zDQW, iEEwH, UenlN, UQatp, pXFQ, HcJh, yQTHA, dPLY, gUMPE, YcC, Izgjk, WWG, lonp, phqcK, FuCnj, Bnhy, mlPu, OnzGA, VSrL, yyVaCe, DiGbJS, vEaacY, FVHw, AvI, wSvq, siL, XBeA, zezH, LIL, gHGUNJ, fVjzn, tzOdE, TZPp, RiwtVm, XAvb, gtJH, avm, mpDY, CKeLpB, jlNio, ALU, Dcen, tHZwY, zLkzR, alLQME, sBoZE, PCn, WicWO, hJhmjx, UoSRpI, MBs, uYFC, jkMHl, hOOFS, VUSyr, PrnTC, zLkY, tHy, cZxsFY, FlMm, wytokF, We engaged in inductive open coding of the term & # x27 ; is identified as well current! 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