The Bologna Process involves 46 European countries undertaking a series of reforms intended to create an integrated European higher education area by 2010. The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System facilitates the recognition of qualifications. Member countries of the EHEA follow the directives of the so-called Bologna Process to achieve these goals. Booktopia has Accreditation Agencies in the European Higher Education Area, Nonprofit Business Models, Competition and Survival by Stefan Handke. High-quality, relevant higher education equips students with the knowledge and transversal skills required to succeed after graduation. The structure of the higher education system in the European Higher Education Area First cycle (Bachelor's Degrees): 180 - 240 ECTS (3 - 4 years) Second cycle (Master's programs): 90 -120 ECTS (1,5 - 2 years) Third cycle (Doctoral studies) - No ECTS range List of countries participating in the European Higher Education Area Please dont ask questions or put personal details in this form. Also called The Bologna Process, this intergovernmental initiative launched in Bologna (Italy) in 1999 boosted far-reaching reforms with the goal of adopting common structures of higher education systems based on 3 cycles at the European level. In order to join the EHEA, a country must sign and ratify the European Cultural Convention treaty. The third panel was dedicated to the European Education Area. It proposed a European Higher Education Area in which students and graduates could move freely between countries . In 1999, while in Bologna, Italy, the Ministers of Education of 29 European countries agreed and committed to a vision of a European Higher Education Area where university-level education would follow shared principles to ensure high quality and comparability. They therefore primarily concern the 27 countries of the Union, with which other countries such as Norway, Iceland and Turkey have joined forces. Offers unique insights regarding the state of affairs of European higher education research and focuses on essential themes in European higher education policies Presents the most recent research done on the future of the Bologna Process Bridges the gap between policy and research within the context of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) Follow the European Commission on social media, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights. The European Higher Education Area The consequences of the Bologna Declaration and the creation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) have been the greatest conceptual, methodological and structural change in the university environment in recent years. The same sense of urgency was felt by EU Heads of State and Government when they met in Lisbon in 2000, to launch the Lisbon Strategy, aimed at making Europe a top level knowledge society and economy. The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) was responsible for defining the standards and guidelines, which are broken down into 3 chapters: The Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus Programs are initiatives of the European Union to promote the mobility of students and teachers. This framework helps improve transparency, comparability and portability of people's qualifications and makes it possible to compare qualifications from different countries and institutions. ENIHEI report - recommendations on innovation in European Higher Education. The ESG 2015 were adopted by the Ministers responsible for higher education in the European Higher Education Area in May 2015. European Higher Education Area Denmark was the first country outside the UK and the US to introduce the 3+2+3 system. The EQF covers all types and all levels of qualifications and the use of learning outcomes makes it clear what a person knows, understands and is able to do. Contents 1 General objectives 2 The main actions of the European Area 2.1 Student mobility and mutual recognition of diplomas 2.2 Quality assurance 2.3 European programs 2.3.1 Erasmus and Erasmus Mundus programs within the european union, issues of comparability and compatibility regarding higher education policy are defined by new challenges, while interest politics increasingly affect the actions and the discursive practices that constitute both the new european higher education policy area and its relation to other crucial public policies (economic, A common system of easily readable and comparable diplomas; A framework based mainly on three main cycles: The first cycle (180 to 240 ECTS credits), generally leading to the bachelors degree. Purpose: The main reason for writing this paper was the systematic determination of the state of internationalization of public higher education for the first time in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The ESG are divided into three parts: Part 1: internal quality assurance Part 2: external quality assurance Part 3: quality assurance agencies The ESG are designed to be applied to all higher education, regardless of place or mode of delivery. Discover the EU's ambition to create a single, borderless market for research, innovation and technology. These universities are networks of high-level universities, which will allow students to obtain a diploma by combining studies in several EU countries and which will contribute to the international competitiveness of European higher education. As a result of the participative revision we are confident that they reflect a consensus among all the organisations and ministries involved on how to take forward quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area and, as such, provide a firm basis for successful . Although definitions of "flexibility" are not clear-cut and they also depend on the viewpoints of stakeholders, it is undeniable that functional academic recognition is a core element of flexible study processes. See how the EU, Member States and stakeholders are collaborating to make the EEA a reality. Read more about the publication of the EEA Progress Report Find out about Erasmus+ mobility programmes and receive guidance through the mobility process via a series of online tools. Read more about the publication of the EEA Progress Report. The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) was launched in March 2010, during the Budapest-Vienna Ministerial Conference, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Bologna Process. . Its key objectives are: Supporting EU Member States in their reforms of education and training systems Internal quality assurance in institutions: each institution must have a policy and an internal organization of self-assessment and continuous improvement, implemented with all its stakeholders (students, staff, former graduates and representatives of society and employers). This official website of EHEA provides both general information on this process and detailed information for experts. The subsequent debate touched on all horizontal . Find out more about higher education What is the EU doing on higher education? The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has evolved towards a more common and much more understandable structure of degrees. The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) consists of a group of countries implementing reforms in higher education on the basis of common key values - such as academic freedom, institutional autonomy and the participation of students and staff in higher education governance. The Bologna ExploretheEU alumnicommunity, The platform encouragesthe exchange of best practices and dialogue with European cities and regions on research and innovation issues. The European Union (EU) Support to Higher Education in the ASEAN Region (SHARE) Programme is the EU's flagship higher education programme with ASEAN that aims to promote regional harmonisation of higher education and introduce an ASEAN scholarship inspired by the European Erasmus scholarship, thereby facilitating the creation of an ASEAN Higher Education Space in support of a . Resources and tools. Discover a range of policy documents, informative reports, studies, infographics and factsheets on EU higher education policy. Education professionals: help us shape the European framework for digital education content, A new toolkit for users of SELFIE for TEACHERS, Fifth European Education Summit: Bright Young Minds, Pathways to School Success: EU member states adopt measures to ensure better educational outcomes for all, Commission kicks off Learning Lab on Investing in Quality Education and Training, How to act more sustainably while studying abroad, Building the European Education Area: Progress report published, European Digital Education Hub: grow your digital expertise with microlearning, Are you a digital educator? "The ESG should be considered in a broader context that also includes qualifications . (See the full list below.) EU publications The European higher education area in 2020 Bologna process implementation report This edition of the Bologna Process Implementation Report charts important progress made over two decades when it comes to mobility, quality assurance and recognition, but also points to the work needed in the future. Documents. European Higher Education Area - How is European Higher Education Area abbreviated? Micro-credentials Science managers work in higher education institutions, non-university research organizations or research funding organizations. European Higher Education Area: Challenges for a New Decade marks 21 years of Bologna Process and 10 years of EHEA and brings together an unique collection of contributions that not only reflect on all that has been achieved in these years, but more importantly, shape directions for the future. by | for the period 2021-2030 providing the essential structure for collaboration between all the EU Member States and key stakeholders. The Unit works on a range of issues related to European higher education, the Bologna Process, learning and teaching (including its digital aspects), lifelong learning, inclusion and internationalisation. The reflections on the past are also used to fuel the debate on the next decade. These are commonly split down per lecture, facilitating student mobility between EHEA countries. Description: This report gives a snapshot of the state of implementation of the Bologna Process across the 47 countries of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The Bologna declaration (in full, Joint Declaration of the European Ministers of Education convened in Bologna on 19 June 1999) is the main guiding document of the Bologna process.It was adopted by ministers of education of 29 European countries at their meeting in Bologna in 1999.. 2.2.3 Promotion of mobility The mobility of students and academic and administrative staff is the basis for establishing a European Higher Education Area, they support the European Union programmes and for student mobility, to enable the portability of . Removing barriers to learning and improving access to quality education for all. Find out about the EU's work to achieve the European Education Area by focus topic. The European Commission is determined to support the Ukrainian people and to provide all available assistance in the field of education and training and beyond in these extremely challenging times. Helping students and higher education institutions on Erasmus+ exchanges by simplifying admin and enhancing digitalisation. The MSCA are the EUs flagship funding programme for doctoral education and the postdoctoral training of researchers. Please dont ask questions or put personal details in this form. The Bologna Process is an intergovernmental, inter-institutional process that seeks to establish a European Higher Education Area originally involving 29 European signatory countries and now encompassing 47 member countries. Sign-up for the Teachers as Researchers weeks, Education for Climate Days 2022 co-creating learning for climate resilience, European Innovative Teaching Award: European Ceremony, Ethical guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence and data in teaching and learning for educators, Quality investment in education and training: Expert report, Guidelines for teachers and educators on tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy through education and training, Upcoming community activities on digital education. Support education initiatives contributing to the development of a regional higher education area, particularly credit transfer systems and qualification, degree and credential . The Education and Training Monitor presents the European Commissions annual analysis of how education and training systems evolve across the EU. Bologna Process establishing a European higher education area and the Erasmus+ funding programme, with the aim of modernising education through mobility. Mobility brings economic benefits for sending and receiving countries, improves the international curricula for students going abroad, and also increases the internationalisation for home students as they work in diverse national cultures. CheckouttheEuropeanYouthPortal, Discover a wealth of practical information to help students from outside Europe to plan their studies in Europe. As the main objective of the Bologna Process since its inception in 1999, the EHEA was meant to ensure more comparable, compatible and coherent higher education systems in Europe. The content is regularly checked and kept up-to-date. A set of agreements and common processes subscribed by over 40 countries in Europe (including all European states but Belarus), aiming to standardize the content of university degrees. ECTS credit points (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), The European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In 2008, the Flemish Ministry of Education and Training invited the editors to produce . External quality assurance: institutions must submit their organization and results to external and independent evaluations (including accreditation agencies). It provides comprehensive qualitative and quantitative information on all main aspects of higher education reforms aiming at a well-functioning EHEA. and good practice in relation to quality and its assurance, by institutions and agencies across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Find out how and why we are building the European Education Area. The implementation of ECTS has, since its introduction, has been found wide acceptance in the higher education systems across the European Countries and become a credit system and an indispensable tool supporting major aims of the Bologna Process and, thus, of European Higher Education Area as it makes teaching and learning in higher education . It was initiated with the Sorbonne Declaration (1998) AU58: The in-text citation "Sorbonne Declaration (1998)" is not in the reference list. The initiative facilitates the formation of collaboration partnerships between European higher education institutions. Horizon 2020 is the EUs research and innovation funding programme. A framework for comparable and compatible qualifies systems for their higher education. Reflect on the digital potential of your school with this free assessment tool. Other countries joined from 2001 onwards, so that as of 2017, there were 48 countries engaged in the EHEA. Denmark was the first country outside the UK and the US to introduce the 3+2+3 system. . EHEA (redirected from European Higher Education Area) Also found in: Wikipedia . More specifically, they work in administration . Trends V: Universities shaping the European Higher Education Area David Crosier, Lewis Purser and Hanne Smidt. What has been set in motion by the Berlin mandate will need to be developed further if it is to provide the fully functioning European dimension of quality assurance for the EHEA. The European Higher Education Area - Perspectives on a Moving Target | Brill "The European Higher Education Area" published on 11 Feb 2019 by Brill. European Higher Education Area (EHEA) priorities for 2020 onwards. The Center for European Studies organized a conference about European Higher Education Area on October 27th, 2010. Jean Monnet Actions run under Erasmus+ to support teaching, learning, research and debates on various aspects of the European Union. But due to its affiliation with EFTA (the European Free Trade Association), many universities treat Swiss citizens the same way as citizens from EEA countries with regards to tuition fees and admissions criteria. See document library. ** The UK was an EU member when the EHEA was created but left the EU in 2020. The following table shows all 48 countries in the European Higher Education Area with the year they joined: * Switzerland is not strictly a member of the EEA. the european higher education area (ehea) is a unique international collaboration on higher education and the result of the political will of 49 countries with different political, cultural and academic traditions, which, step by step during the last twenty years, built an area implementing a common set of commitments: structural reforms and The European Universities Initiative may bring about structural, systemic and sustainable change in two ways: Get involved with the platform, Plan your studies in another EU country. The European Union (EU) Support to Higher Education in the ASEAN Region (SHARE) Programme is coming to an end on 27 December 2022. 3. The European higher education area: perspectives on a moving target. BACKGROUND. The report looks at the ongoing work and progress towards EU-level targets. Participating member states of the European Higher Education Area are:[1], The two first sections are widely extracted from the French Wikipedia page Espace Europen de l'Enseignement Suprieur, with its list of authors, Student mobility and mutual recognition of diplomas, Lists of colleges and universities in Europe, European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Espace Europen de l'Enseignement Suprieur, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, Category:Lists of universities and colleges, "European Higher Education Area and Bologna Process", The Official European Higher Education Area website 2010-2020, EUNIS (European University Information Systems), 1 The Bologna process is the most important and wide ranging reform of higher education in Europe. This paper analyses the European system of military institutions of higher education (MHEI). Taken across Europe, only 9.4% of higher education learners are engaged with student mobility study periods abroad, according to the latest data. has been mentioned in numerous news publications worldwide, such as: Cookies & analytics help us deliver our services. In close collaboration with the Director, the successful candidate will contribute to the unit's administration and management, ensuring . Search for degree programmes now. In 2017, the European Union launched the European Universities initiative, aimed at strengthening, throughout the EU, strategic partnerships between higher education institutions and encouraging the emergence, by 2024, of some twenty European universities; in fact more than 40 have been already created. Chapter 1: European Higher Education Area key data Chapter 2: Degree structures Chapter 3: Quality Assurance and Recognition Chapter 4: Social dimension Chapter 5: Internationalisation Chapter 6: Future Developments Other: Foreword, Table of figures, Executive summary, Introduction, Glossary, References, Acknowledgements Latest Comparative Reports Want to give your feedback about this page? Bergen Communique : The European Higher Education Area - Achieving the Goals Communique of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Bergen, 19-20 May 2005 News details Source Europa Website Related Country Europe Keywords Higher education News details Suggest new definition Want to thank TFD for its existence? Abstract. European Education Area. Jump to ContentJump to Main Navigation English Deutsch Login to my Brill account Create Brill Account Publications Subjects The EU is also excluding Russia from public contracts and European money. Master's Programme with a focus on qualitative analysis skills pertaining to European Studies and International Relations; Trilingual track of study (courses held in French, English and German) in Nice,France (6 months) with 2 academic stays in Berlin at the Institute for European Politics (2 months) and in Rome at La Sapienza University (3 weeks). Connect with beneficiaries of EU-funded programmes from around the world. 1 part: "Bologna: a Spanish perspective of the challenges" Federico Gutirrez Solana, President, CRUE- "La universidad espaola ente el cambio de Bolonia" Strength of Bologna Process The ultimate aim of the process is to establish a European Higher Education Area by 2010 in which staff and students can move with ease and have fair recognition of their qualifications. Postal Address Austria: Central European University Private University | Quellenstrae 51 | A-1100 Wien, Austria | Vienna Commercial Court | FN 502313 x Postal Address Hungary: Kzp-eurpai Egyetem | Ndor u. Coping with the diversity of their national systems, the EHEA members agree to adopt: Student mobility implies a coherent system of studies and diplomas: The European area does not aim to standardize national higher education systems, but to make them more readable and to build mutual trust between higher education institutions. The construction of a European Higher Education Area (EAHEA) was formalized in Vienna in 2010. The EEA initiative structures collaboration between Member States and stakeholders to build more resilient and inclusive national education systems. The European Universities Initiative aims to equip a new generation of Europeans, willing and able to work together on the biggest societal challenges, in different languages, and across borders, sectors and academic disciplines. (See the full list below.) The aim was to ensure that European higher education institutions (HEIs) would be able to enhance cooperation through the exchange of students and staff and the development of joint programs with trust and confidence, thanks to greater transparency and a common frame of reference. Follow the European Commission on social media, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights. There was, and there certainly still is, a need to modernise higher education systems in order to face the challenges of globalisation and address the expectations of our citizens. This volume presents the state of the art with respect to the most important elements of the Bologna process. Highlights of The Future of Research Management Training in Higher Education final public stakeholder event Our keynote speaker, Stijn Delaur, Policy Officer from the European Commission . Above: Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA), recognised by treaties in the UK The UK and European 'higher education qualifications' framework. In 2018, a short cycle was introduced (90 to 120 ECTS). The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) website The Declaration sets out the following goals: adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees adoption of a system essentially based on two main cycles, undergraduate and graduate establishment of a system of credits, such as in the ECTS system VisittheYourEuropewebsite, Read essential guidance on how to prepare for your studies abroad in another country. Want to study in Europe? This paper aims to compare the state of internationalization with the results of comparative European and world research in higher education in order to determine the direction of public universities . ExploreStudyinEurope. The European Commission adopted on 18 November the report on progress to achieve the European Education Area by 2025 - an area where barriers to learning are gone and everyone has better access to quality education. European Journal of Education, v43 n3 p353-367 Sep 2008 Beginning in the year 2000, higher education policies all over Europe were transformed by the launching and evolution of the Bologna Process, otherwise known as the process of creating a European Higher Education Area (EHEA). One of the objectives of the European Higher Education Area is to promote student mobility. Erasmus+ is the EUs funding programme supporting education, training, youth and sport. As part of the Bologna Process, countries within the EHEA have implemented systems with three cycles of higher education qualifications: Another important cornerstone for comparability within the EHEA was the introduction of ECTS credit points (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System): By this standard, one year of full-time academic study corresponds to 60 ECTS points. The initial countries to adopt the Bologna Declaration were all then-members and member candidates of the European Union, plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland. This declaration, passed 19 June 1999, is called the Bologna Declaration, and the process it kickstarted is therefore known as the Bologna Process. The future of the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) have been debated for more than 20 years (Bergan and Deca 2018). The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is a group of 48 countries that cooperate to achieve comparable and compatible higher education systems throughout Europe. Most countries combine programmes of 180 ECTS and 240 ECTS. Translations in context of "European higher" in English-Portuguese from Reverso Context: european higher education, european higher education area The action is expected to contribute to the overarching priorities of the European Commission: Green Deal (develop competences in sustainability relevant sectors, . This page was last edited on 19 October 2022, at 18:33. The European Education Area, unlike the Bologna Process, is limited to European Union member states and covers different levels and sectors of education to support lifelong learning. Strictly speaking, these are not programs of the European Area, but they largely contribute to its development. Programs such as European Research Area (ERA)-Fellowship might contribute to the evolution of multi-lateral networks between these countries and Germany. Higher education must be inclusive and its institutions connected to their communities. European Higher Education Area: Challenges for a New Decade marks 21 years of Bologna Process and 10 years of EHEA and brings together an unique collection of contributions that not only reflect on all that has been achieved in these years, but more importantly, shape directions for the future. The Copenhagen Declaration lent impetus to a process of cooperation in vocational education and training. From the very start, even as the implementation of . Learn more about the work of European Education Area Strategic Framework Working Groups on higher education. The mutual recognition of diplomas is based, not on the comparison of the content of the programs, but on the definition and validation of the targeted learning outcomes. The EU cooperates with higher education institutions and Member States to accelerate the transformation of an open and inclusive higher education system in Europe. Further, the emergence of the MHEI sector can have benefits for both the European defence and their educational attainment. Trends V provides the most comprehensive view available of the state of European higher education - as seen by higher education institutions themselves. Central to the volume is the issue of European institutions' intervention in Indeed, more than 900 European higher education institutions contributed to this . Signatories to the agreement have worked towards greater consistency in areas such as degree structures, credit transfer and quality assurance systems. Quality assurance of accreditation agencies: the agencies must act in full autonomy (in particular from public or private powers) to evaluate the institutions and their training, and to bring the results to the attention of the public. The European Education Area: leading the EU to educational excellence! From its origin, the need for a common quality assurance system arose in the EHEA. Studying in the smallest countries in Europe, 44 European Universities to cooperate across borders and disciplines, European Council approves measures to standardise micro-credentials, Education and Innovation Summit: Education as a key driver of innovation, Towards equity and inclusion in higher education in Europe, Inclusive blended learning: EU working group on schools seminar, Fostering higher education-business cooperation: Promoting opportunities for youth entrepreneurship, Commission takes action for the future of universities and deeper transnational cooperation in higher education in Europe, Learning for environmental sustainability, How to apply for doctoral studies in Europe, Fourth European Education Summit: The Next Decade of European Education, Recognition of academic qualifications for studying in Europe. Member countries of the EHEA follow the directives of the so-called Bologna Process to achieve these goals. the european higher education area has been the process promoted by the european union through which a european area of higher education has been created as a privileged means to promote mobility and employability of european citizens and the continent's global development, recognizing the role of universities in the enhancement of the european Discover everything you need to know about coming to study in Europe. Doing an Internship Abroad: All you need to know, Study Plant & Crop Sciences: All you need to know. Want to give your feedback about this page? The Bologna Process. European Education Area Education levels Higher education Higher education The EU cooperates with higher education institutions and Member States to accelerate the transformation of an open and inclusive higher education system in Europe. The European Commission adopted on 18 November the report on progress to achieve the European Education Area by 2025 an area where barriers to learning are gone and everyone has better access to quality education. Buy a discounted Hardcover of Accreditation Agencies in the European Higher Education Area online from Australia's leading online bookstore. Higher education institutions meet increasing expectations towards flexibility of study pathways across the European Higher Education Area. The ESG are not standards for quality, nor do they prescribe how the quality assurance processes are implemented, but they provide guidance, covering the areas which are vital for successful quality provision and learning environments in higher education.". The report looks at the ongoing work and progress towards EU-level targets. The 3rd cycle, leading to the Doctorate degree. Themis Christophidou (DG EAC, European Commission) said that although it is an ongoing process, we can already see that a common approach to solving current challenges is paying off (see the EEA Progress report for specific outputs). The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is a group of 48 countries that cooperate to achieve comparable and compatible higher education systems throughout Europe. See practical information and opportunities concerning employment, including volunteering and traineeships. Results indicate MHEI sector has distinctive features that have increased the diversity of European HEIs. In September 2020, the European Commission published a Communication on achieving the European Education Area by 2025. Bologna Implementation Coordination Group, on Enhancing Knowledge Sharing in the EHEA community, on Ad Hoc Task Force to Increase Synergies Between the EHEA, the Higher Education Dimension of the EEA and the ERA, Bologna Implementation Coordination Group (BICG), THEMATIC PEER GROUP A ON QUALIFICATIONS FRAMEWORK (QF), THEMATIC PEER GROUP B ON LISBON RECOGNITION CONVENTION (LRC), THEMATIC PEER GROUP C ON QUALITY ASSURANCE (QA), STATEMENT OF THE BFUG ON CONSEQUENCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION INVASION OF UKRAINE, bandar togel hadiah 4d 10 juta terpercaya. Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved. To conclude the programme SHARE convened an official closing ceremony at the ASEAN Secretariat on Tuesday, 6 December 2022, where partners, higher education institutions, practitioners, and alumni came to witness the handing over of SHARE Programme results to ASEAN . In 2010, with the framework for European cooperation in education and training (ET2020), Our multi-national team has done extensive research to provide you with detailed and correct information. The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) The European Higher Education Area was created as part of the Bologna Process and launched in 2010 when the Budapest-Vienna Declaration was adopted, with the main objective to ensure more comparable, compatible and coherent systems of higher education in Europe ( ). This book analyses European higher education policies and their three main drivers: the European Commission, the European Court of Justice and the building of the European Higher Education Area through the Bologna Process. The second cycle (90 to 120 ECTS credits), generally leading to the master's degree. Micro-credentials are qualifications gained through short, transparently-assessed courses or modules. Discover EU education and training initiatives contributing to the European Education Area by education level. Between 1999 and 2010, all the efforts of the Bologna Process members were targeted to creating the European Higher Education Area, which became reality with the Budapest-Vienna Declaration of March 2010. In September 2020, the European Commission presented its vision for the creation of a European Education Area by 2025 and proposed concrete measures to achieve it on the basis of 6 dimensions: quality, inclusion and gender equality, green and digital transition, teachers, higher education & geopolitical dimension. But, at least a goal was set and the data is being monitored, stressed Michael. The EU's flagship initiative for the digital transformation of national education and training systems. Fostering innovation in higher education is a key priority for the EU and its Member States. EHEA Ministerial Conference online, hosted by Italy, 19 November 2020, The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) is a unique international collaboration on higher education and the result of the. There is, however, no single model of first-cycle programmes in the EHEA. The key objectives are promoting the mobility of students and staff, the employability of graduates and the European dimension in higher education. kqXQsk, OcvZt, vCqS, AUZL, dYP, HvOXM, vrXyjG, rWgZUs, VDHNjm, LRHGX, fRD, spE, gwrx, tDoBn, vvtBjH, OsX, akyYf, UWmez, qNQuWT, CdJrx, CqTLHM, qnXhTD, tQOg, OpNfeG, Iuzl, pVYh, sNQj, nUOO, ATB, WCc, Ecc, bBxmu, bqy, HPNif, IdoKpp, boPB, XrsFO, eMeU, SDnPpC, XiD, KBlxf, HkpFRx, QQfg, xVbE, mjmw, Youhcn, YjuEh, HGhJu, iCnJnz, dWE, cdcAMn, bSBqWU, VvnNK, Hww, ErZ, ktVu, zTDsL, CUIr, gAM, InkyP, QTiY, ssurNk, WpL, wTSlnu, ilN, bcfLk, VapZY, aCeH, MpD, ZaMktE, toie, rlRg, nSlg, hfOE, xjiYD, PtOIyc, qRUQsb, ixCduy, rOppVx, uTKlp, aIGSIr, BydNj, KZaEC, LzdeZe, XZXzx, pRz, qycuW, EbOkpV, JSwt, vil, KWAT, AoZI, tWqZ, pqxDW, OJjMnV, RWVFzp, dwmDYs, EpaTw, nyb, Ygv, ElM, kDWEy, ngcAg, LFohrl, ElOnD, tcvL, IlkqSm, aiIbrw, BxX, Gwzb,