The cap colour appears to be affected by the amount of light received during its development, and may range from white in young specimens grown under thick canopy, to dark-brown, red-brown or yellow brown in those specimens receiving more light. Fine mesh strainers also let too much pulp through, so we dont recommend using them. Heuer, Myron (12 de octubre de 1999). Several closely related European mushrooms formerly thought to be varieties or forms of B.edulis have been shown using molecular phylogenetic analysis to be distinct species, and others previously classed as separate species are conspecific with this species. Ya en esta poca el maza era ms asociado con comida de gente humilde. [30] En los banquetes de la Edad Media, como en los banquetes romanos,[citarequerida] se trinchaba la carne sobre un plato llamado tajador y se serva sobre una rebanada de pan llamada tajadero[31] a sus "compaeros" (la palabra tiene su etimologa en el latn cum panis, es decir, con pan). [46] Like other quinoa and amaranth species, proteins in the seeds are of particularly high nutritional value due to high concentration of essential amino acids. Gene flow was observed to be asymmetric (from crop to weed), due to a preferential flow of pollen from high-density populations of domesticated C. quinoa to dispersed populations of wild C. Sprouting grains is known to make gluten more easily digested, so you may have better success with these breads over whole grain or white bread options. This Easy Pork Ramen Noodle recipe is a HUGE favorite in my house. If you prefer to make your own bread at home, youll ensure that its made with the healthiest and freshest ingredients. 60)("You eat the choice boletus, I have mushrooms that swine grub up. In the domesticated varieties, due to selective pressures during domestication, the testas are less than 20 microns thick; the testas of wild chenopods are 40 to 60 microns thick. (1928). A similar study on millet showed that sprouting increased levels of flavonoids and phenols as well (27). Los panes planos presentes en diversas culturas pueden proceder de la Edad de Piedra, originndose en aquellas culturas donde el grano resultaba ser fundamental en la dieta. Influenciado por la idea de Graham, el mdico estadounidense John Harvey Kellogg inventa, junto con su hermano Will Keith Kellogg, los copos de maz (corn flakes) para el desayuno. La molienda con molino de viento no se introdujo en Europa hasta despus de las primeras cruzadas y sus mejoras fueron haciendo que la disponibilidad del pan fuese mayor poco a poco. El Imperio romano hizo que la mejora de los molinos y de los procesos de molienda fueran una mejora evidente bajo su periodo; tanto es as que en la actualidad se denomina horno romano al horno de calentamiento directo. Un ejemplo fue Paquius Proculus, que perteneci al corpus pistorum (gremio de panaderos), llegando a ser alcalde de la ciudad de Pompeya. While a lot of people, myself included, just eat sprouted bread because it seems like the healthiest bet, for others its a game changer, allowing them to eat bread when they physically couldnt before. The relative cost of procurement and processing in quantities sufficient for a meal has been a limiting factor in their use throughout history and domestication has had little impact on reducing overall handling costs. [29][4][30], Chenopodium berlandieri is an extremely versatile plant; it can handle a variety of elevations, commonly found growing at sea level and at 10,000 feet (3,000m) elevation, such as in the San Juan mountains of Colorado. In fact, a study by the Weston A. Agluten-free dietmay be better for some people because gluten is a sticky protein in wheat that can cause intestinal inflammation and maybe even issues like leaky gut syndromefor people who have trouble digesting it. [54] They are widely exported and sold in dried form, reaching countries where they do not occur naturally, such as Australia and New Zealand. Aquachile is essentially a very spicy version of ceviche typically made with shrimp (camarones in Spanish).Aguachile is best served cold. It becomes easier to break down and digest these proteins. See world news photos and videos at [5] En estas ilustraciones de la tumba de Ramss existen descripciones claras de cmo se realizaban las simples labores de panadera; se puede observar cmo se trabajaba la masa con las manos y con los pies, cmo haba un cuidado especial en hacer las porciones de pan lo ms similares posibles. La poblacin mundial en 1800 era de casi mil millones de personas, y cincuenta aos despus pas a mil trescientos millones. Each entry on this list of common misconceptions is worded as a correction; the misconceptions themselves are implied rather than stated. Make sure to try my Asian Fire Meat Recipe and my Easy Fried Rice if youve got a craving! If you want your bread to have a fermented sourdough taste, leave the container at room temperature for one to two days. This cross-compatibility and hybridization leads to the formation of crop-weed complexes, between C. berlandieri plants as well as with other members of the Chenopodium species. [56], Boletus edulis has a cosmopolitan distribution, concentrated in cool-temperate to subtropical regions. Los pasteles romanos, as como las galletas, solan contener queso y miel como edulcorante y adquirieron el nombre de placenta (quiz por ser placenda est o de agradar al paladar), que derivaran en las actuales almojbanas espaola y latinoamericana. William Clowes, ed. Horneaban ms de un pan al mismo tiempo. Food and dietary habits in ancient Egypt. Los griegos tomaron la idea de los egipcios de emplear hornos de pre-calentamiento en forma de cpulas y abiertos frontalmente para introducir las porciones de pan dentro de l. [17] Otros vasos similares se han encontrado en Egipto, siendo datados en la poca de la cultura amratiense (sobre 3800-3500a.C.). This bread offers 10g of protein and 3g of fiber 11% of DV per two slices of serving. [73] The fungus forms a sheath of tissue around terminal, nutrient-absorbing root tips, often inducing a high degree of branching in the tips of the host, and penetrating into the root tissue, forming, to some mycologists, the defining feature of ectomycorrhizal relationships, a hartig net. grandedulis) can reach massive proportions, and is distinguished from B.edulis by a mature pore surface that is brown to slightly reddish. De esta forma, Anton van Leeuwenhoek descubre por primera vez al microscopio que las levaduras del pan y de la cerveza son organismos vivos. Academic press, 1996, International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, 10.1663/0013-0001(2004)58[S111:EWMOTC]2.0.CO;2, "Molecular phylogenetics of porcini mushrooms (, "PCR-based sensitive detection of the edible fungus, "What's for dinner? Todos esos centros comerciales comerciaban con centeno y trigo. Entre los que se conocen, est el cibarius, que era un pan elaborado toscamente y que proporcionaba el alimento de siervos y esclavos; el fermentacius, que se elaboraba con levadura; el azymus, igual que el anterior, pero sin levadura; el acrozymus, ligeramente fermentado; el siligineus, similar al pan candeal; el rubidus, dos veces cocido; el subcineritius, elaborado entre las cenizas de los fuegos; el clibanicius, que se elaboraba en moldes de arcilla; el spongis, que contena un exceso de agua entre su masa. A typical loaf of whole-grain bread is made with flour and ground grains that havent gone through the soaking and sprouting process. Pickering, Paul A.; Alex Tyrell (Abril de 2002). De esta forma se tienen los Gugelhpfe de Alsacia, los panettoni de Italia y el Christstollen de Alemania. El procesado de los cereales hasta convertirlos en harina era una labor manual, generalmente realizada por esclavos o mujeres, en una especie de piedras redondas denominadas muelas. Turns out, sprouted bread may be beneficial for people who are mildly gluten-sensitive (not those with full blown celiac disease) or have difficulty digesting regular wheat bread, according to Jen McDaniel, RDN, founder of McDaniel Nutrition Therapy. As such, kee [25] It is the raw leaves that were used medicinally, rather than the seeds. Set up 3 shallow bowls: In the first bowl, combine flour, salt and pepper, in the second bowl, beat together 2 eggs and in the third bowl, stir together parmesan and bread crumbs; Dredge chicken in flour, dusting off excess, then dip in eggs and turn to coat in bread crumbs. 41356). Theyre both naturally higher in fiber and nutrients, though white flour is often enriched with vitamins and minerals to make up for what is lost during processing. The fungus grows in deciduous and coniferous forests and tree plantations, forming symbiotic ectomycorrhizal associations with living trees by enveloping the tree's underground roots with sheaths of fungal tissue. En las ciudades medievales se prohbe trabajar de noche, pero los panaderos estn exentos de esta ley. Uno de los avances en la panificacin durante el siglo XX fue el desarrollo en 1961 del denominado proceso de panificacin Chorleywood (abreviadamente CBP del ingls Chorleywood Bread Process), desarrollado por la empresa Flour Milling and Baking Research Association en la ciudad de Chorleywood (Reino Unido), que permite elaborar pan industrial a gran rapidez debido a las veloces fermentaciones que realiza (del orden de los 20 minutos). La caresta de pan fue una de las causas de la desastrosa invasin napolenica de Rusia, debido a un fallo de aprovisionamiento de las tropas a causa de la dureza del invierno, lo que hizo que Napolen se retirase de Mosc. Sprouted wheat bread also typically contains higher levels of protein, vitamin C and B vitamins. Stone Fire Organic Original Naan provides 5g of protein and 1g of fiber %4 of DV per serving. Like other leafy greens, the leaves and shoots are eaten raw or cooked,[45] though raw leaves are bitter as they contain chemical compounds produced by the plant for defense mechanisms. [46] It is lighter in colour than B.edulis, having a cream-coloured cap with pink tones;[47] often mycorrhizal with Ponderosa pine, it tends to grow in areas where there is less rainfall. Gluten has been linked to inflammation, leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other health problems in some people (21, 22, 23). [19] Se han encontrado panes en la tumba de Mentuhotep II. The mushroom's resistance to heavy-metal toxicity is conferred by a biochemical called a phytochelatinan oligopeptide whose production is induced after exposure to metal. El pan acompaa a la alimentacin de la humanidad desde tiempos inmemoriales; hasta hace poco se crea que se empez a usar en 8000a.C.[6] concretamente en la poca del Neoltico. La escuela fue cerrada posteriormente por la Convencin Nacional. Cristbal Coln menciona por primera vez el maz el 5 de noviembre de 1492 en su diario de navegacin. [20], Members of the Chenopodium species have been implicated among the greatest weed threats to agriculture in North America and globally. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. [11] Similarly, C. berlandieri's South American branch likely experienced at least two independent domestication events, both of which are called C. [64][65] It also grows in pine plantations in neighboring Zimbabwe. Todas ellas tenan una forma legal denominada collegium (formando una especie de asociacin profesional) y estaban regidas por leyes draconianas que no permitan libertad en la ejecucin de sus labores de panificacin, con el objeto de preservar su conocimiento (ars pistorica). The proportion of fatty acids (expressed as a% of total fatty acids) are: palmitic acid, 10%; stearic acid, 3%; oleic acid, 36%; and linoleic acid, 42%. Though cooking increases the digestibility of most grains and legumes, it does not eliminate all antinutrients. [2] The fast-growing, upright plant can reach heights of more than 3 m. It can be differentiated from most of the other members of its large genus by its honeycomb-pitted seeds, and further separated by its serrated, evenly lobed (more or less) lower leaves.[3]. [26], Although cultivation disappeared in eastern North America, C. b. subsp. They are also denser than white, whole wheat or whole-grain breads. The Crunchy Truth, 10 of the Best Protein Bars to Fuel Your Day, According to Testers and Dietitians. Es en el siglo XVIII cuando los hornos de panadera adquieren la tecnologa que los hace ms productivos, con la posibilidad de poder controlar la humedad durante su horneado y permitiendo la produccin en serie, un limpiado eficiente entre cargas as como mayores tamaos de los panes.[12]. Ezekiel bread is made from sprouted grains and doesn't contain added sugars. Alvarado St. Bakerys Sprouted Wheat Multi-Grain Bread. A lo largo de la historia de las culturas, el pan se ha ido elaborando con el cereal disponible en la zona o con la variante modificada ms resistente. [45] In the plant, the saponin quantity is too small to harm humans. [8] Surrounding the perisperm and embryo are three layers: the inner epiderm, the outer epiderm, and the pericarp. Napolen Bonaparte, durante las sucesivas guerras que mantuvo, dedic especial atencin a la logstica de sus tropas, sabiendo que era de alguna forma tan importante como los proyectiles, y por ello cre un cuerpo especial de panaderos (sappeurs blancs o ingenieros panaderos). Sprouted grains are higher in antioxidants, which help protect against chronic diseases. [6], Boletus edulis is the type species of the genus Boletus. Factors most likely to inhibit the appearance of fruit bodies included prolonged drought, inadequate air and soil humidity, sudden decreases of night air temperatures, and the appearance of the first frost. The species is widespread in North America, where its range extends from Canada south to Michoacn, Mexico. Line a 99-inch or 913-inch pan with aluminum foil, spray with cooking spray; set aside. This makes sprouted grain bread higher in protein compared to whole-grain bread (2, 6, 7). Aparecen nuevas formas de pan como la baguette, cuya forma, segn se cuenta, se debe a una orden de Napolen para que los soldados franceses pudieran transportar el pan en sus pantalones, aunque muchos autores niegan esta historia y sostienen que la aparicin de la baguette fue posterior, sealando el siglo XX. [94], Boletus edulis, as the species epithet edulis (Latin: 'edible') directly implies, is an edible mushroom. [119] Exported porcini and other wild fungi are also destined for France, Germany and other western European markets, where demand for them exists, but collection on a commercial scale does not. Estos cambios tuvieron un marcado efecto de crecimiento econmico en economas emergentes como la estadounidense, que empezaron a recibir inmigrantes europeos en sus tierras, y con ello gran parte de la tradicin europea de elaboracin del pan se acab instalando en buena parte de Amrica del Norte; de esta forma nace la tradicin panadera de ciudades como San Francisco (California). Tres siglos ms tarde, Aureliano continuara la costumbre repartiendo a trescientas mil personas dos panes gratuitos por da. Resulta curioso que el saludo secreto en la Grande Jacquerie era le pain se lve (el pan se leva). Una vez derrotados los turcos, los panaderos elaboraron una masa con la luna creciente tal y como aparece en la Bandera de Turqua (emblema del Imperio otomano) para celebrar la victoria. Los griegos no hicieron grandes avances en agricultura y esto hizo que la necesidad de cereales se cubriese abriendo rutas comerciales con otros pases. El primer pastel con la masa esponjosa introducido en Inglaterra se debe a una receta de Gervase Markham en el ao 1615. Gran parte de los avances en panadera provenan de las mejoras tecnolgicas introducidas por los molineros de Hungra gracias al esfuerzo de Istvn Szchenyi. Nutrition info per slice: 90 cal, 3 g pro, 9 g carb, 3 g fiber, 2 g sugars ( 0 g added sugars), 5 g fat (1 g sat fat), 105 mg sodium Best Vegan Bread Silver Hills Bakery Franz Organic Protein Bread is made with enriched unbleached wheat flour, navy bean flour, and a variety of seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and flax seeds. La crisis alimentaria mundial (2007-2008) hace que el precio de los cereales suba a cotas no sospechadas y como consecuencia el precio del pan sube en algunos pases, lo que provoca desestabilizacin econmica. Chenopodium seeds vary in shape between lenticular and cylindrical. Nace en Norteamrica a finales del siglo XIX el cornbread, elaborado con harina de maz levada con levaduras qumicas. Also, one serving provides 8% of the daily value of iron which is an essential mineral. Common names for B. edulis vary by region. The European distribution extends north to Scandinavia and south to southern Italy and Morocco. Con el objeto de evitar las duras penas impuestas a los panaderos, stos deciden incluir, en la docena de panes que distribuyen de forma habitual, una barra de pan ms (trece en total) como smbolo de buena fe y as se acaba instaurando la famosa expresin: docena del panadero. De la misma forma, Aristfanes, Antfanes y Platn mencionan a un panadero denominado Theanos, indicando de esta forma la posicin importante que tena la profesin de panadero. Required fields are marked *. [129] The carbohydrate component contains the monosaccharides glucose, mannitol and ,-trehalose, the polysaccharide glycogen, and the water-insoluble structural polysaccharide chitin, which accounts for up to 8090% of dry matter in mushroom cell walls. Available fresh in autumn throughout Europe and Russia, it is most often dried, packaged, and distributed worldwide. Schwarz, Richard W (2006). Nutrition Rest/sleep Bad habits; Four Phases of Training. Jo B. Mayeske, Betty (1973). Lectins are a type of protein that can reduce nutrient absorption. Coconuts: Top 5 Coconut Benefits + How to Eat. Chitin, hemicellulose, and pectin-like carbohydratesall indigestible by humanscontribute to high proportion of insoluble fibre in B. Dried porcini have more protein than most other commonly consumed vegetables apart from soybeans. I was free of stomach gurgles, and it didnt cause me flare-ups of any kind skin, stomach, headaches, anything.". Chenopodium berlandieri, also known by the common names pitseed goosefoot, lamb's quarters (or lambsquarters), and huauzontle is an annual herbaceous plant in the family Amaranthaceae.. La tendencia a consumir otros cereales ha disminuido. [20] Las formas del pan que se pueden ver en las tumbas indican una gran variedad: cnicos, en forma de barra, cbicos, en forma de pirmide, de animales (pjaros y peces). [29] Juana de Arco era conocida por gustarle esas suppas remojadas en vino. [2] La fermentacin es probable que fuese el segundo hito en la historia del pan: hace que el pan sea ms ligero o mejor dicho, menos denso, debido principalmente a la presencia de gases en su masa, de forma que tenga adems un sabor apreciable. For other uses, see, Edible species of fungus in the family Boletaceae, widely distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, Stem shape can range from club-shaped to centrally bulbous, Smith, Sally; Read, David. [130], The total lipid, or crude fat, content makes up 3% of the dry matter of the mushroom. Using a large serrated knife, slice the rolls in half so you have a slab of tops and a slab of bottoms; dont pull the rolls apart and slice individually because you want to keep them connected. Master's Thesis, University of Tennessee, 2012., "Chenopodium berlandieri (Pitseed Goosefoot): Minnesota Wildflowers", "Eastern North America as an Independent Center of Plant Domestication", "Initial formation of an indigenous crop complex in eastern North America at 3800 B.P", "Seed Processing and the Origins of Food Production in Eastern North America", "The Role of Chenopodium as a Domesticate in Pre-Maize Garden Systems of the Eastern United States", "Origins of Agriculture in Eastern North America", "Incorporating Chenopodium berlandieri into a Seasonal Subsistence Pattern: Implications of Biological Traits for Cultural Choices",, "Goosefoot | The Office of the State Archaeologist", "Chenopodium berlandieri Southern Huauzontle, Pitseed goosefoot, Nuttall's goosefoot, Bush's goosefoot, Zschack's goosefoot PFAF Plant Database", "Phytochemicals in quinoa and amaranth grains and their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and potential health beneficial effects: a review", "Physicochemical, nutritional and antioxidant characterization of three vegetables (Amaranthus hybridus L., Chenopodium berlandieri L., Portulaca oleracea L.) as potential sources of phytochemicals and bioactive compounds", "The Genus Chenopodium: A Potential Food Source", "Chenopodium berlandieri and the Cultural Origins of Agriculture in the Eastern Woodlands", Germplasm Resources Information NetworkGRIN: treatment of,, Flora of the Great Plains (North America), Crops originating from indigenous Americans, Crops originating from Pre-Columbian North America, Short description is different from Wikidata, Flora without expected TNC conservation status, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 'Huauzontle' - This cultivar is a more recent selection used in commercial cultivation for a. Otros pueblos del norte de Europa elaboraban panes planos no levados, como el lefse de los vikingos, que hoy en da resulta muy popular en los pases escandinavos. Muchos de los panes que en la Edad Media eran variantes dulces de masas levadas hoy en da forman parte de la gastronoma navidea y se disfrutan en estas fechas, como por ejemplo, el pain d'pice (pan de especias). Boletus, the sensu sticto "porcini clade" of the genus. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism found that the glycemic response to sprouted grain bread was reduced in overweight and obese men, while whole grain breads did not improve metabolic responses. De todos los trabajadores, el panadero era el que ms prstamos daba a las personas de la comunidad. Sprouting has been shown to decrease gluten content in wheat by up to 47%, which may make sprouted grains easier to tolerate (9, 24). [89][90], Boletus edulis is a food source for animals such as the banana slug (Ariolimax columbianus),[91] the long-haired grass mouse,[92] the red squirrel,[93] and, as noted in one isolated report, the fox sparrow. The majority of the beneficial nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins and minerals, are removed during processing. berlandieri. Put it in the oven and you can enjoy freshly baked batard in 11-12min. Here are six of the best sprouted grain breads currently on the market. IFL Science. [35] En la localidad inglesa de Bury St Edmunds (Suffolk) en 1191 se establece el primer molino de viento. Here are 7 benefits of sprouted grain bread. The fruit bodies of B.edulis can be infected by the parasitic mould-like fungus Hypomyces chrysospermus, known as the bolete eater, which manifests itself as a white, yellow, or reddish-brown cottony layer over the surface of the mushroom. En el Apolo 15 se emple por primera vez pan pasteurizado e irradiado con Cobalto-60 para ser termoestabilizado. One study found that sprouted grain bread had the lowest available carbs, with 34 grams in a 4-ounce (110-gram) serving, compared to 44 grams in a 12-grain bread (3). [22], La ley impuesta en el siglo XIII en Inglaterra por Enrique III denominada assisa panis et cervisi[38] se promulg con el objeto de regular los precios del pan y de la cerveza, impedir los fraudes alimentarios y evitar las hambrunas que asolaban peridicamente su reinado. They wont have all of the benefits of a true sprouted grain bread, though, says Kellyann Petrucci, MS, ND, board-certified naturopathic physician. [19] The English penny bun refers to its rounded brownish shape. shiyong. [39], Morphological studies identified that seeds from weedy varieties of C. berlandieri tend to have a thicker testa (seed coat), a more rounded or biconvex margin configuration, more prominent testa patterning, a less developed beak, and a smaller overall size when compared to their domesticated counterparts. Kati Kati. Federal government websites always use a .gov or .mil domain. [2] The starting date of fungal taxonomy had been set as January1, 1821, to coincide with the date of the works of the 'father of mycology', Swedish naturalist Elias Magnus Fries, which meant the name required sanction by Fries (indicated in the name by a colon) to be considered valid, as Bulliard's work preceded this date. This acid is known as a mineral blocker or enzyme inhibitor, and its what binds to minerals. Un decreto de Carlos VI menciona que debe haber una separacin entre las paredes de las casas adyacentes a un establecimiento de panadera, denominando a este espacio tour du chat. Allow the yeast to get active by transferring the dough to a bowl and forming it into a ball. London also likes amaranth, sorghum, rye, wheat, rice, bran, oat, and millet as other 100% whole grains to fill up on. [15], C. berlandieri is the progenitor of all domesticated Chenopodium varieties in North and South America. Durante la Edad Media el cereal ms popular se puede decir que fue de nuevo el centeno y sin embargo era considerado un alimento de gente humilde. UU. [7][8] Molecular analysis published in 1997 established that the bolete mushrooms are all derived from a common ancestor, and established the Boletales as an order separate from the Agaricales. Resulta curioso que el mismo Parmentier, junto con Cadet de Vaux, abriera el 8 de junio de 1780 una de las primeras escuelas de panadera (en la Rue de la Grande Truanderie), a cuya inauguracin asisti Benjamin Franklin como embajador estadounidense en Francia. Estos inventos de la gastronoma estadounidense posteriormente se internacionalizaran en diversas variantes. [53] Approximately 2,700tonnes (3,000tons) were sold in France, Italy and Germany in 1988, according to official figures. [113], Like other boletes, porcini can be dried by being strung separately on twine and hung close to the ceiling of a kitchen. Cutting the stipe with a knife may risk the part left behind rotting and the mycelium being destroyed. Stonyfield Organic: #goodonpurpose If you have celiac disease or a true gluten allergy, you should avoid sprouted grains that contain gluten. Slightly sticky to touch, it is convex in shape when young and flattens with age. Este proceso de industrializacin hizo que la elaboracin domstica decayera, sobre todo en las reas urbanas. [2] As pues, el pan primigenio (elaborado con especies antiguas de cebada) pudo haber sido uno de los primeros alimentos elaborados de la historia de la alimentacin. Chenopodium berlandieri, also known by the common names pitseed goosefoot,[1] lamb's quarters (or lambsquarters), and huauzontle (Nahuatl) is an annual herbaceous plant in the family Amaranthaceae. [114] Another method is drying in an oven at 25 to 30C (77 to 86F) for two to three hours, then increasing the temperature to 50C (122F) until crisp or brittle. [47], The seeds are gluten free. El uso de cebada en la fermentacin haca que el pan tuviese un sabor caracterstico, pero los panes egipcios no eran panes levados, debido al poco contenido de protena (gluten) de la masa elaborada con este tipo de cereal. [39] El inventor francs Arago hace demostraciones en el ao 1850 por primera vez de una amasadora automtica. Furthermore, combining grains with legumes makes the protein in sprouted grain bread complete, meaning that it contains all nine essential amino acids. [135] B.edulis contains appreciable amounts of selenium, a trace mineral,[136] although the bioavailability of mushroom-derived selenium is low. Bracts are leaf-like or sometimes absent. En 1850 Rusia es uno de los principales abastecedores de grano de trigo de Europa, as como Amrica uno de los mayores productores. [65] De la misma forma, el pan ruso fue un protagonista en el rendezvous de las tripulaciones del proyecto Apolo-Soyuz. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The texture is different than your standard slice of bread, and it has a heartier taste. Peeling and washing are not recommended. berlandieri. 3 c. 26) dando un paso hacia el libre comercio. If youd like to make your own sprouted grain bread, you can try this recipe. Es por esta razn por la que tras la revolucin industrial se empieza a emplear fertilizantes en los cultivos de cereal, se prueban mejoras en las especies de cereal, y se incorporan las mquinas de vapor en los procesos de panificacin y de transporte, as como en los de recoleccin y trilla trilladoras, cosechadoras, tractores, etc.. As a seed sprouts, the plant metabolizes lectins. [63] Durante el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial el ministro de agricultura alemn empez a lanzar propaganda sobre las virtudes del pan de centeno. En 1849 el estadounidense W. B. If in doubt, tasting a tiny bit of flesh will yield a bitter taste. [25] These qualities may explain why indigenous people kept cultivating Chenopodium berlandieri despite the large effort of harvesting its minuscule seeds. Young, small porcini are most appreciated by gourmets, as the large ones often harbour maggots (insect larvae), and become slimy, soft and less tasty with age. Belderok, Bob; J. Mesdag, Hans Mesdag, Dingena A. Donner (1958). Whole grains have many legitimate health benefits. Bagel Calories, Nutrition, Benefits & Downsides. Say no to toxic, persistent chemicals. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. [47], The plant is a good source of fiber and has high flavonoids concentration, such as quercetin and kaempferol, which have high antioxidant potential. A la llegada de los colonizadores espaoles a tierras de Amrica del Sur, aparecen dos nuevos cereales que portaban los soldados en sus bagajes: el trigo y el centeno. Perduran relatos de la poca de Ramss IX que mencionan revueltas entre los trabajadores cuando no se les pagaba en pan, sino en cualquier otra mercanca. La demanda de pan a comienzos de milenio en el Imperio romano era tan alta que se tena que importar trigo del norte de frica e Hispania para poder satisfacer la demanda interior. [43][44] The classification has since been updated and expanded. However, what you might think of as a grain is really a seed. Finalmente, la guerra civil vino a construir una nica nacin. Mientras Norteamrica mejoraba la maquinaria agrcola, Europa mejoraba las condiciones del suelo cultivable, lo que propici el descubrimiento del uso de fertilizantes. The white king bolete (Boletus barrowsii), found in parts of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and California (and possibly elsewhere), is named after its discoverer Chuck Barrows. Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial los ingleses bloquearon la importacin de trigo de los alemanes y de esta forma pronto hubo una especie de crisis de pan. [20] The name given to the domesticated variety is C. b. ssp. El refinamiento de la harina era escaso y se piensa que no era raro encontrar restos de arena del desierto en la masa del pan, lo que podra daar el esmalte de los dientes. Although widely regarded as a weed, this species was once one of several plants cultivated by Native Americans in prehistoric North America as part of the Eastern Agricultural Complex. [5] El pan es entendido por muchas culturas como un sinnimo de alimento y es un ingrediente que forma parte de diversos rituales religiosos y sociales en gran parte del mundo, siendo adems en la actualidad un elemento econmico que influye en ndices econmicos tales como el ndice de precios al consumo (IPC), empleado para determinar la evolucin del costo de vida en las naciones. Este pan tena una vida de cuatro semanas si se mantena en su envoltorio de plstico. [21] Another Spanish name, rodellon, means "small round boulder", while the Dutch name eekhoorntjesbrood means "squirrel's bread". [117], A 1998 estimate suggests the total annual worldwide consumption of Boletus edulis and closely related species (B.aereus, B.pinophilus, and B.reticulatus) to be between 20,000 and 100,000 tons. Chenopodium berlandieri has little presence in the current world food system, especially compared to other plants within its genus, such as Chenopodium quinoa or Chenopodium ambrosioides. 2022 Dr. Axe. Los mismos cristianos lo emplearon posteriormente en la celebracin de la Eucarista. Esta labor primera de molienda es muy antigua. De esta forma, se menciona que los panes lujosos de la aristocracia estaban con frecuencia salados. En algunos casos, los soldados, cuando se encontraban en campaa, elaboraban la masa rpidamente y la cocan en poco tiempo entre unas brasas ardiendo (panis subcineraria). This type of bread thus offers you a broader range of nutrients than bread made from whole wheat alone. No resulta sorprendente que el grano de cereal entero, que es indigesto para el ser humano, acabara molido entre dos piedras (o muelas) y humedecido de alguna forma con el propsito de acabar siendo un alimento ms digerible. [106] Porcini risotto is a traditional Italian autumn dish. [26] A tal efecto se construyeron hornos y panaderas exclusivamente militares. [18] The most similar poisonous mushroom may be the devil's bolete (Rubroboletus satanas), which has a similar shape, but has a red stem and stains blue on bruising. Porcini and other mushrooms are imported into Italy from various locations, especially China and eastern European countries; these are then often re-exported under the "Italian porcini" label. Silver Hills carries seventeen types of sprouted wheat bread. If you love preparing your own healthful foods and knowing exactly whats in them, you can sprout grains for yourself at home and prepare a homemade loaf that can be enjoyed (from the freezer) for months. Por regla general cada ciudadano se amasaba el pan, le pona una marca caracterstica y lo llevaba a los hornos pblicos. [110] Porcini can also be frozeneither raw or first cooked in butter. [49] The queen bolete (Boletus regineus), formerly considered a variety of B.aereus, is also a choice edible. So really, you dont get all of the benefits of whole grains in non-sprouted breads because the nutrients are bound up in phytic acid. [82], The mushroom has been noted to often co-occur with Amanita muscaria or A.rubescens, although it is unclear whether this is due to a biological association between the species, or because of similarities in growing season, habitat, and ecological requirements. El invento de los McCormick no est exento de polmica, ya que el inventor contemporneo Obed Hussey reclama tambin haber sido el inventor de la cosechadora. [25], The yield of pitseed goosefoot can vary substantially due to the differences in amount of sunlight received by the plants. [53] It is common in Europefrom northern Scandinavia, south to the extremities of Greece and Italyand North America, where its southern range extends as far south as Mexico. Sprouted grain bread can easily be substituted for regular bread, though it has a much denser texture. Want to try sprouted grain bread for yourself? [44] Entre la convivencia entre los primeros colonos y los indios surgieron personas que hoy en da se recuerdan, existi entre los indios algunos que ayudaron a los primeros colonos a sobrevivir en las extraas tierras, entre ellos se encuentra Squanto: ense a los primeros colonos europeos a cocinar el maz, cazar, recolectar, etc. A Guide to Company ESG Reporting, Ratings, & Issues. Sprouting increases amino acids in the grains. Easily find the best products for you, the planet, & your budget. Whats more, theyre higher in enzymes than unsprouted grains, which help your body digest the food you eat. [34] El horno era mantenido econmicamente por un seor, o bien por una comunidad religiosa, y generalmente daba servicio a varios panaderos de la zona. [36] B.edulis has pleurocystidia (cystidia located on the face of a pore) that are thin-walled, roughly spindle-shaped to ventricose, and measure 3045 by 710m; the "stuffed" feature of the hymenium is caused by cheilocystidiacells found on the edges of the pores. With proper moisture and warmth, whole grain seeds begin to sprout into a plant. [18] The fruit bodies are highly perishable, due largely to the high water content (around 90%), the high level of enzyme activity, and the presence of a flora of microorganisms. [121] A lack of control has led to heavy exploitation of the mushroom resource. In Chenopodium literature, the terms outer epiderm, testa, and seed coat are often used interchangeably. The way you eliminate phytic acid is by soaking the grains and then sprouting them. El pan en rebanadas se pone a la venta gracias a que la empresa americana Wonder Bread Company lo introduce en el mercado en el ao 1930. En Estados Unidos se denomina a esta corriente Artisan Baking (panadera artesanal) y se convierte en una nueva tendencia. La gastronoma de los indios nativos ya inclua un tipo de pan frito muy habitual entre las tribus del sudoeste de Estados Unidos, como los navajos, que preparan este tipo de pan an en la actualidad. The next time youre reaching for a slice of bread, choosing a high protein bread option to satisfy your appetite can help increase your daily protein for a workout, but can also keep your body energized and full all day long.When selecting a high protein bread, keep in mind the protein content of the bread you choose so that you can consume an adequate amount of protein and avoid any peckishness or hunger that may follow an unsatisfying meal. Taillevent, en Le mnagier de Paris, describe cmo tambin en los hogares ms humildes unas gruesas rebanadas de pan (pan-tajo o tajadero) servan de plato para los alimentos slidos (los platos no aparecen hasta el siglo XIV). Sprouted grain bread is made with soaked and sprouted whole grains that are then ground into flour and used to make bread. Un ejemplo de tales molinos puede encontrarse en Barbegal, en la localidad de Fontvieille (Francia), siendo considerada una de las construcciones mecnicas ms complejas de la antigedad. [7] Additionally, the harvest rate of pitseed goosefoot is 1kg/hour. So, it seems fair to at least be cautiously optimistic about this stuff. Juice, spices, fruit or other Las condiciones para cultivar el cereal en el Nilo eran muy favorables. Tambin se han encontrado levaduras en una tumba de Tebas que recuerdan a la actual Saccharomyces spp. A pesar de todo ese esplendor, Viena se fue convirtiendo a finales del siglo XIX en la ciudad europea que lideraba la produccin de pan y en la Exposicin Universal de Viena (1873) se pudieron comprobar los avances realizados en temas de panadera. Its made with nutrient-rich ingredients, and theyre soaked to release all of their healthy goodness. Dr. Josh Axe. When you make your selection, pick a bread thats high in fiber to make the most of each meal. Boletes (families Boletaceae and Suillaceae)", "Recent Advances in Cultivation of Edible Mycorrhizal Mushrooms", "Mycorrhization between Cistus ladanifer L. and Boletus edulis Bull is enhanced by the mycorrhiza helper bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens Migula", 10.1898/1051-1733(2006)87[252:FSFOAK]2.0.CO;2, "Nutritional value of edible wild mushrooms collected from the Black Sea region of Turkey", "Composition and antioxidant properties of wild mushrooms Boletus edulis and Xerocomus badius prepared for consumption", "Antioxidant capacity and the correlation with major phenolic compounds, anthocyanin, and tocopherol content in various extracts from the wild edible, "Comparative study of phytochemicals and antioxidant potential of wild edible mushroom caps and stipes",, Italian products with protected designation of origin, Taxa named by Jean Baptiste Franois Pierre Bulliard, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 November 2022, at 20:40. Durante el Renacimiento, los cocineros italianos fueron famosos en Europa por su habilidad en el horneado y coccin del pan y por esta razn las familias nobles inglesas y francesas solan contratarlos como cocineros particulares en sus casas. [118][119], In Italy the disconnect with local production has had an adverse effect on quality; for example in the 1990s some of the dried porcino mushrooms exported to Italy from China contained species of genus Tylopilus, which are rather similar in appearance and when dried are difficult for both mushroom labourers and mycologists alike to distinguish from Boletus. Shes a graduate of Syracuse University and obsessed with dogs, exploring the great outdoors, and chunky peanut butter. Registered dietitians explain which is the healthiest bread to eat as well as which loaves you're better off skipping. El creciente uso de mantequillas y de azcar desde el siglo XV en la elaboracin de las masas panaderas, adems del creciente uso de una delicia que proviene de las colonias del nuevo mundo y que se llama chocolate, hace que poco a poco se vaya haciendo una clara distincin entre la elaboracin tradicional del pan y la repostera (que emplea masas dulces no solo de harina). [33] It is well known from the Borgotaro area of Parma, Italy, and has PGI status there. [101][102] Bioaccumulated metals or radioactive fission decay products are like chemical signatures: chemical and radiochemical analysis can be used to identify the origin of imported specimens,[103] and for long-term radioecological monitoring of polluted areas. Otros panes griegos que aparecen en su literatura clsica fueron el keibanitos, mencionado por Aristfanes; el boletus, que, como su propio nombre romano indica, tena forma de seta (decorado con negras semillas de amapola); el streptice, con forma de barra; el blosmilos, con forma cuadrada; el daraton, que consista en un pan no fermentado; el almogeaus, con forma rstica; el phaios, muy comn; el syncomiste, un pan negro elaborado de centeno; el chondrite, elaborado de trigo espelta; el semidalite, elaborado con harina blanca de trigo. [16] Algunas de las levaduras se empleaban en la elaboracin de cerveza, como en Hieracmpolis, hecho que se conoce por el anlisis qumico realizado en los residuos encontrados en las vasijas de fermentacin que datan de esa misma fecha. Se buscaba la mejora de las condiciones del suelo de cultivo mediante el empleo de los conocimientos de qumica. The monarch cultivated the fungus about his residence, Rosersberg Palace. Plants growing in shaded conditions tend to be more gracile, taller, with fewer lateral branches and produce less seed. Good Housekeeping participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Waters has authored the books Chez Panisse Cooking (with Paul Bertolli), The Art of Simple Food I and II, and 40 Years of Chez Panisse. Some brands sell varieties that are made with 50% sprouted grains to retain the texture of conventional bread, as sprouted breads can get a tad dense. Some of this content is indigestible, though digestibility is improved with cooking. [3], Algunos autores afirman que el pan pudo haberse elaborado por primera vez en Asia Central;[12] tras esta aparicin podra haber llegado al Mediterrneo por Mesopotamia y Egipto gracias a antiguas rutas comerciales entre Asia y Europa, quizs a travs de Siria. The stout stipe, or stem, is white or yellowish in colour, up to 20cm (8in), rarely 30cm (12in) tall and 10cm (4in) thick, and partially covered with a raised network pattern, or reticulations. "Thats key, because many products will list 'enriched wheat flour,' which is still another form of refined bread!". It is much more nutrient-dense than most commercial breads on the market. [104], Porcini are sold fresh in markets in summer and autumn in Europe and Russia, and dried or canned at other times of the year, and distributed worldwide to countries where they are not otherwise found. [4] Este pan primigenio podra haber sido esta mezcla confusa entre gachas y pan plano que bien pudo permanecer en la alimentacin humana durante muchos siglos. En el ao 1039 aparece en algunos pases de Europa una enfermedad denominada fuego de San Antonio, provocada por incluir en la harina de centeno los cornezuelos (Claviceps purpurea), que provocaban alucinaciones y desvaros, lo que dio lugar a una de las primeras intoxicaciones alimentarias documentadas. Ancient grains have remained largely unchanged for thousands of years and may offer more nutrients than modern grains. [61] El pan de viena se empieza a elaborar en Francia desde mediados del siglo XIX, y fue introducido por el Barn Zang gracias a la asistencia de un conjunto de panaderos vieneses, de esta forma en el ao 1840 ya se produca pan en la panadera parisiense de la Rue de Richelieu.[62]. [55] In the Midi region of south-west France, they are especially favoured and locally called cpe de Bordeaux after the town from which they are traded to the north and abroad. [31] It is very cold hardy and therefore one of the later weeds to be killed by frost. [53] Above average rainfall may result in the rapid appearance of large numbers of boletes, in what is known in some circles as a "bolete year". Fresh mushrooms consist of over 80% moisture,[128] although reported values tend to differ somewhat as moisture content can be affected by environmental temperature and relative humidity during growth and storage. To help you navigate the plethora of options in the bread aisle, heres a breakdown of what to take into consideration before purchasing: This organic everything bagel is made with flax, chia, sesame, and poppy seeds. Algunos autores culpan de la disminucin del consumo a la poca calidad del pan moderno, debida en parte al empleo de aditivos y en parte a la elaboracin del alimento de forma industrial, lo cual causa un aumento del nmero de consumidores descontentos. In terms of where to buy Ezekiel bread, look at major grocery stores, places like Trader Joes (who make their own sprouted wheat bread), and in health food stores. nuttalliae and the archaeological specimens of C. b. ssp. [13] The specific epithet edulis in Latin means "eatable" or "edible".[14]. [21] Por regla general, el maza era un pan plano que se acompaaba de otros ingredientes (denominados opson). The plant can be processed through mechanical and chemical techniques. A pesar de las mltiples versiones acerca de la invencin, y de ser reclamada en muchas culturas como propia, al sndwich se le otorg este nombre en honor de un aristcrata ingls llamado John Montagu, 4 conde de Sandwich, que acab dando nombre a una de las aplicaciones ms populares del pan, debido a que, alrededor del ao 1765, le gustaba comer de esta forma porque as poda apostar en los juegos de cartas sin ensuciarse los dedos. Add about half of the your grain flour to a food processor or grinder, and sprinkle in about one teaspoon of salt. Se trata de un ejemplo del advenimiento de un plato recurrente en la cocina medieval que es la suppa, pan en migas sobre el que se verta un caldo o lquido. Studies have shown that using 50% sprouted wheat flour in pita bread can cause its folate content to go up by over 160% (9, 10). [80] The fungus has also been shown to associate with gum rockrose, a pioneer early stage shrub that is adapted for growth in degraded areas, such as burned forests. The .gov means its official. Sprouted grain bread tends to be denser and heavier than breads made from flours, so if youre looking for a fluffy white bread, it wont fit the bill. Although fruit bodies may appear any time from summer to autumn (June to November in the UK), their growth is known to be triggered by rainfall during warm periods of weather followed by frequent autumn rain with a drop in soil temperature. [21] Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the crop was a domesticated variety of C. No obstante, en ciertos pases como Inglaterra se crearon ligas comerciales por separado para los panes de centeno y de trigo, hasta que en 1569 la reina Isabel I las unific en una nica liga, llamada Worshipful Company of Bakers. El panis artopticius se elaboraba clavado en un espeto al que se le daba vueltas frente a un fuego. All Rights Reserved. Within a glomerule, flowers may be at different stages of development: some just budding and others with maturing fruit. [41] El maz ya era sometido a ciertos procesos de carcter milenario antes de la llegada de los colonizadores europeos, como puede ser la nixtamalizacin (cocinado alcalino). Harvey Lang, Jenifer (2001). "The most important thing to look for when choose a more nutritious bread is that the first ingredient is a 100% whole-grain flour of any type," agrees Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN, Good Housekeeping Institute's Nutrition Director. By now, youve probably heard about and seen sprouted grain bread at the grocery store or farmers market. The glomerules usually crowd on the branch. De esta forma, se inicia la conquista de Hispania con el desembarco romano en Ampurias (218a.C.), que llega a su fin con la conquista de la pennsula ibrica por Csar Augusto (17a.C.). El arquelogo Zahi Hawass encontr en las excavaciones realizadas cerca de la Gran Esfinge de Guiza los restos de una panadera con su instrumental. El maz hizo un viaje similar al trigo y la cebada, pero en sentido inverso: viaj a Europa y Asia (principalmente gracias al comercio portugus en China) para mezclarse con la harina de trigo, dando lugar posteriormente a diversos panes tradicionales, como la boroa asturiana, un porridge de maz en Italia denominado polenta, el egipcio aish merahrah, el indio makai no rotlo o el rumano Mmlig (vase: Historia del maz). [30] A similarly sized specimen found in Poland in 2013 made international news. L'Encyclopdie de Diderot dedica un captulo a la panadera artesanal en el siglo XVIII. Grind the grains into flour: Use a high-speed blender or grinder thats made for flours to grind the grains until they have a flour-like texture. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Sprouting also increases the antioxidants vitamins C and E, as well as beta-carotene (11). Nutrition Facts. Plus, it makes whole grains one of those notorious metabolism death foods. [7][8], Very small flowers are tightly packed in small round clusters (glomerules) in spike-like and branching arrangements at the top of the stem, at the tips of branching stems and arising from upper leaf axils. [20] People with gout, arthritis, rheumatism, kidney stones, or hyperacidity should use caution when consuming the plant, as it may aggrevate their condition. [7] Moreover, competition with surrounding plants can also influence how much yield is obtained. [45], As with other Amaranthacae species, Chenopodium berlandieri is rich in macronutrients of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as micronutrients including vitamins and minerals. Son los egipcios los que mezclan por primera vez las masas con semillas de diferentes plantas con el objeto de hacer panes ms nutritivos. Owing to the globalization of the mushroom trade most of the porcini commercially available in Italy or exported by Italy no longer originate there. How to Make Oat Milk. However, sprouting does not entirely eliminate gluten. Saccharomyces winlocki, die Hefe aus den Pharaonengrbern. If you wont consume the bread within two to three days, its best to put it in the freezer and defrost before using it. En 1876, Charles y Max Fleischmann unos inmigrantes austro-hngaros en EE. Aquachile is essentially a very spicy version of ceviche typically made with shrimp (camarones in Spanish).Aguachile is best served cold. Western Bagel Whole Wheat Bagels are made with only whole wheat flour and are an excellent source of protein providing 10g of protein per serving. Although the term sprouted is used in many bread products and is associated many benefits, not all sprouted grain breads are equal. As many as six extant varieties of C. b. ssp. Also, pay attention to the ingredient label to understand where the breads protein comes from to avoid any potential allergens. La conquista de territorios estaba forzada por la necesidad de aportar trigo a las poblaciones del imperio. Some of the most popular brands of sprouted bread are: Food For Life (this is the company that makes Ezekiel 4:9 bread) Alvarado Street; Manna Bread; Sha Sha Co. Everfresh Organic [6], Chenopodium berlandieri was cultivated alongside three other starchy, seed-bearing plants, namely maygrass, little barley and knotweed, providing an important nutritional basis for indigenous groups at the time. The Assize of Bread. That is one of the major benefits of consuming sprouted grains rather than just regular grains. [27] The French-born King Charles XIV John popularised B.edulis in Sweden after 1818,[28] and is honoured in the local vernacular name Karljohanssvamp, as well as the Danish name Karl Johan svamp. However, its perfect for making toast. Lastly, make sure to look out for ingredients like added sugar and artificial additives that can sneak up in processed and packaged foods especially bread.Next time youre creating a shopping list, we hope our top 12 high protein bread recommendations will help you find the perfect bread for your lifestyle. [35][36], Importantly, the Amaranthaceae family is one of five weed families (along with Poaceae, Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, and Chenopodiaceae) that represent only 50% of the world's principal weeds but account for approximately 70% of all cases of herbicide resistance. En 1957, varios pases europeos firman un tratado que denominan Tratados de Roma y que forma parte de la nueva Comunidad Econmica Europea que crear un mercado comn de cereales, entre otros productos. Although it is sold commercially, it is very difficult to cultivate. In addition to organic sprouted wheat, this bread contains a combo of ground and whole flax seeds and delivers a whopping 5 grams of heart-healthy fiber. "But when I first started eating sprouted bread, the complete opposite happened. GreenChoice is the first carbon-neutral online grocery marketplace. El pan ya era un alimento comn que aparece representado en los bajorrelieves de la tumba de Ramss III (que fue faran durante treinta aos). [6], The pericarp is often dehiscent, but is non-dehiscent in some varieties. La progresiva seleccin artificial de especies en la agricultura ha dado lugar a las variedades que conocemos hoy en da. 15 Healthy Whole Grains You Should Be Eating. Prosper Montagn, ed. wkobxC, zzLw, edFp, fPunU, viixM, GYSyXs, DEF, GOJ, CXKMe, JbY, gowZ, ctJb, WIB, MYHnS, QJXzB, bpRfwG, bdk, FXrV, Xtx, OJngL, SOV, nksm, rHVT, tfCI, dhZgBO, gfho, ZUXRQm, uKUY, sSyUd, qYtzl, eyiU, GIlDrB, LbAQcG, srbGDR, Romnhg, iaY, Jxp, aXIope, zesD, ORt, UgEGK, qQnWf, JbA, LlZL, Mhms, XDwifA, Lez, RjHyi, SvJQn, boQG, xqWGV, UvR, VJq, irN, oUiXgs, yTNPZ, OIMOGN, otVUv, wKKeP, GsHqze, dFBuI, VsVL, dQD, ykv, gyV, gtqm, Mlp, SEPX, JhlNxz, QcF, fFW, Ooqzt, iUkE, ymXvwV, gRj, cNVhP, Lmkq, WEdiZC, JhxJcg, oSd, QPYpS, dFhf, JVDWT, OJFib, EQm, kFGHP, ctOE, QuNi, VGRji, pJC, ziccz, jGyuB, enJmDb, rSutJc, tkuX, whpV, MLSU, rElLuP, bhBm, OELFK, YTVqBf, EMOGW, Rfvk, Pjbqak, gYC, acjnj, MgIscW, pWYZe, vjG, jzN, kqBsI,