Instead of using arithmetic operators like addition, subtraction, and multiplication, Boolean logic utilizes three basic logical operators: AND, OR, and NOT. Three attempts could be a nice option in this case. In the string case, by the way, the comparison is case-sensitive. Here is a piece of code with which you can observe this behavior yourself: But Im a bit of a picky eater, so I may not accept every sundae combination that I get. Here are some logical operators in Python: 7. The following examples use the operator ==, which compares two operands and produces True if they are equal and False otherwise: True and False are special values that belong to the class bool; they are not strings: The == operator is one of the . Python calls the points obtained as pt1 and pt2. Search the string to see if it starts with "The" and ends with "Spain": import re. 6. Internally, Python implements them as integer numbers: Python internally implements its Boolean values as 1 for True and 0 for False. There is no such thing as For example, lets suppose that weve assigned these values to variables x and y somewhere in our code: Now, we can build Boolean expressions using our variables: Boolean expressions can also determine whether two strings are identical. Boolean Expressions Python EDA Documentation Boolean Expressions Expressions are a very powerful and flexible way to represent Boolean functions. Note that you use 41 as the second argument to range() to include 40 in the check. Good luck! It often consists of at least two terms separated by a comparison operator, such as "price > 0 ". Declaring a Boolean Value in Python Like any other value such as a number, string, etc., we can declare a boolean value by assigning it to a variable. The following Python code contains one or more errors. Our Code Foundations domain provides an overview of the main applications of programming and teaches important concepts that youll find in every programming language. How would you correct them? The practical way to check for identity is to use the is operator, which is pretty useful in some conditional statements. It's used to represent the truth value of an expression. Booleans are used to represent truth values, and they derive from mathematics and arithmetic. Lets discuss this with the help of a Python program: Hence, operator precedence plays an important role in the evaluation of a Python expression. This detail makes the expression difficult to read and understand. In the following operation, changing the precedence changes the result: This works out to True because and is evaluated first, like this: (False and False) or TrueIf we evaluate it the other way, False and (True or False), the result would be False. They help you decide a programs execution path. How might that look in table form? Like the other two logical operators, the not operator is especially useful in Boolean contexts. Thats what youll do in the following section. Here we want to concern ourselves with basic branching, a simple but fundamental concept that youll quickly master with just a little practice. The third print, print (3, a == 6 and b == 7), is a little different. In this tutorial, youll learn about Pythons not operator, which implements the logical NOT operation or negation. Select all that apply. Since you already have NON_NUMERIC, you can think of using not to check the condition: This code looks odd, and you probably wont ever do something like this in your career as a programmer. operations. As the name suggests, Python precedence rules determine which operators are evaluated first. The not keyword can also be used to inverse a boolean type. Its an especially determined attempt to remove negative logic. This turns out to be a very convenient way to hide the details of complicated tests. Python provides three Boolean or logical operators: With these operators, you can build expressions by connecting Boolean expressions with each other, objects with each other, and even Boolean expressions with objects. For example, using ==, we can check that two lists contain the same elements or that two strings are identical. which compares two operands and produces True if they are Finally, youll learn about some handy techniques that can help you avoid unnecessary negative logic, which is a programming best practice. We know that a number thats evenly divisible by two is even that is to say, the remainder of the division will be zero. Remember that you can always change the order of precedence to be whatever you really mean to do using parentheses. Using negative logic correctly can be tricky because this logic is difficult to think about and understand, not to mention hard to explain. Since one of the expressions is true, changing the and to or in the example above changes the output to Go out with friends. On the other hand, if both expressions are false, then the else clause will run either way. To behave like the and operator and the or operator, the not operator would have to create and return new objects, which is often ambiguous and not always straightforward. This means that both the first flavor must be chocolate and the second flavor must be vanilla. Boolean Operators are the operators that operate on the Boolean values, and if it is applied on a non-Boolean value, then the value is first typecasted and then operated upon. There may be more than one. The task of not is to reverse the truth value of its operand. In fact, Booleans are the building blocks of complex algorithms. We could turn this into a Boolean expression with an AND operator that looks something like this: Flavor_1 = Chocolate AND Flavor_2 = Vanilla. As an exercise, you can restrict the number of attempts before the user loses the game. For example, if we have the expression 10 + 3 * 4. Boolean Expression is the expression that returns true or false. Boolean Values In programming you often need to know if an expression is True or False. Another common requirement when youre coding in Python is to check for an objects identity. When youre working with the not operator, you should consider following a few best practices that can make your code more readable, clean, and Pythonic. Some students find it helpful to construct a truth table when learning about Boolean values. Instructions. Which of the following is not a boolean expression, and why? Pythons None keyword is used when we want to declare a variable but not set it to a value just yet. Python logical operators are And, Or, and Not. In many cases, you can avoid negative logic by expressing the condition differently with an appropriate relational or equality operator. Complete this form and click the button below to gain instant access: No spam. Boolean logic is a type of algebra in which results are calculated as either TRUE or FALSE (known as truth values or truth variables). However, the leading not makes it difficult for someone reading your code to determine if the operator is working on "c" or on the whole expression, "c" in ["a", "b", "c"]. 10.2. Youll also learn how negative logic can impact the readability of your code. We show that you can use other numbers with the modulo operator on line three. The following examples use the operator == , which compares two operands and produces True if they are equal and False otherwise: Save & Run Original - 1 of 1 Show CodeLens Pair? 2. In the last section, we used == and != to say that two numbers are equal or not equal, respectively. We can run code conditionally with just an if clause. Example 4: Python If with Expression evaluating to a Number. This functionality makes it worthwhile in several situations: In this tutorial, youll find examples that cover all these use cases. Youll also code a few practical examples that will allow you to better understand some of the primary use cases of the not operator and the best practices around its use. When we work with multiple boolean expressions or perform some action on them, we make use of the boolean operators. But when we combine different types of expressions or use multiple operators in a single expression, operator precedence comes into play. What would an expression like not "" return? To this end, you can use the or operator: This or expression allows you to check if x is outside the 20 to 40 interval. It would start by evaluating 20 <= x, which is true. Code Foundations Courses & Tutorials | Codecademy, Interested in learning how to code, but unsure where to start? It also defines a set of Boolean operations: AND, OR, and NOT. Combinational Expressions: We can also use different types of expressions in a single expression, and that will be termed as combinational expressions. That said, weve already discussed the behavior of not in an earlier section, so lets focus on the behavior of and and or. For example, I hate Rum Raisin and absolutely will not eat anything with Rum Raisin in it. Example 2: Python If Statement where Boolean Expression is False. Commenting Tips: The most useful comments are those written with the goal of learning from or helping out other students. *Spain$", txt) Try it Yourself . In that case, you can use a flag variable to toggle actions in every iteration: Every time this loop runs, you check the truth value of toggle to decide which course of action to take. For example, what if an expression like not "Hello" returned an empty string ("")? For example, To get the most out of this tutorial, you should have some previous knowledge about Boolean logic, conditional statements, and while loops. == is a comparison operator. These Boolean values and operators are helpful in programming because they help you decide the course of action in your programs. 4. So, whenever possible, you should use positive formulations. basics Now think of how to turn this negative conditional into a positive one. How was your experience with this little game? 8. Using the not_() function instead of the not operator is handy when youre working with higher-order functions, such as map(), filter(), and the like. To make an if statement test if something didnt happen, you can put the not operator in front of the condition at hand. The second Boolean context in which you can use the not operator is in your while loops. Python truth table explained you python truth table creator logical statement evaluator you truth tables in python evaluating logical statements now improved version see https youtu be wtl you truth table generator programming dojo. 4 Answers Sorted by: 3 Yes, both and and or are so called short-circuit operators. OR boolean operator in Python What are the Boolean Expression and Boolean Operators? In this case, youre generating numbers from 1 to 10, both included. Using not in a while loop allows you to iterate while a given condition is not met. The else clause is optional we may not do anything if the Boolean checked by else is False. The Python documentation refers to the syntax in the second example as the not in operator. For example: Note that the double equals of a Boolean expression (==) are different from the single equals sign that we used to assign a value to a variable: Frequently, Boolean expressions are expressions that use comparison operators. Get tips for asking good questions and get answers to common questions in our support portal. You can find many similar examples in which changing a comparison operator can remove unnecessary negative logic. A Truth Table for Python Boolean Expressions. Write a Boolean expression that tests if the value stored in the variable num1 is equal to the value stored in the variable num2. In this case, the question is: how do you check if two objects dont have the same identity? But while there can be practically infinite possibilities for a numerical or string value in programming, there are only two possible Boolean values: TRUE and FALSE. Both and and or are said to be short-circuit expressions. With not before the expression, you check if x is outside the 20 to 40 interval. Perhaps we want to print a formatted string including odd if a number is odd and even if its even. Copyright 2020 - Based on Python for Everybody. The and operator and the or operator return one of the operands in an expression, while the not operator always returns a Boolean value: With the and operator and the or operator, you get True or False back from the expression when one of these values explicitly results from evaluating the operands. The first syntax is somewhat difficult to read and non-Pythonic. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This chapter will explain how to construct and manipulate Boolean expressions. Then it evaluates logical operators, including not: In the first example, Python evaluates the expression True == False and then negates the result by evaluating not. Because were using and and not or, the compound expression evaluates to false, so the else clause is executed. Note: The example above uses pathlib from the standard library to handle file paths. Boolean logic looks at a reported relationship between things and determines whether the relationship holds. For example, Python evaluates math and comparison operators first. 1. Manage SettingsContinue with Recommended Cookies. Of course not, and thats why this Boolean expression would return a value of FALSE. The game should compare the users input with the current secret number and take actions accordingly. When youre working with integer numbers, this small trick about where exactly you use the not operator can make a big difference regarding code readability. The while loop on line 10 iterates until the user provides a valid name. Boolean values are the two constant objects False and True. Some of those names are empty strings. Answer: Yes, it was added in version 2.5.The expression syntax is: a if condition else b. Our new truth table looks like this: So, whats next after learning the basics of Boolean logic? Boolean expressions can take several forms. Notice how each expression ends up being either False or True. The comparison between two numbers via == results in either True or False (in this case False), both Boolean values. Note: Python also has and_() and or_() functions. There are many other ways to build Boolean expressions, depending on the programming language. On the other hand, not behaves differently, returning True or False regardless of the operand it takes. 1. For example, if I wanted either the first flavor to be strawberry or the second flavor to be mango, then the Boolean expression would be: Flavor_1 = Strawberry OR Flavor_2 = Mango. It often consists of at least two terms separated by a comparison operator, such as "price > 0. You can achieve the same result by using positive logic with a minimal change: Thats it! You can use two different approaches: In this example, you remove the not operator by changing the comparison operator from equal (==) to different (!=). Pythons not is a logical operator that inverts the truth value of Boolean expressions and objects. If .exists() returns False, then you need to initialize the file. The result is the same as using an equivalent not expression. This can be true if x and y have the same value, but are stored in different objects. Python boolean type is one of the built-in data types provided by Python, which represents one of the two values i.e. To sort out these confusions, the operator precedence is defined. None is a special type that represents the absence of a value. However, doing something similar can sometimes be tempting, such as in the example above. Join us and get access to thousands of tutorials, hands-on video courses, and a community of expert Pythonistas: Whats your #1 takeaway or favorite thing you learned? Boolean expressions are expressions in a programming language that produce a Boolean value. Expressions are chained using operators with higher precedence, using component parts that have operators with lower precedence. Python Operators: The Building Blocks of Successful Code, Python Format Strings: Beginner to Expert. To get this result, you removed not and moved the negative sign (-) to modify the input number when its lower than 0. To test for None, the recommended procedure is to use is" and is not instead of == and !=. At the end of each code block, you change the value of toggle so you can run the alternative action in the next iteration. Boolean Expression can be represented in two ways Conditional Expressions For example, If a > b{ cout<<"a is greater than b"; } Here a > b is a conditional expression that can be either True or False. Using the not operator effectively will help you write accurate negative Boolean expressions to control the flow of execution in your programs. A Boolean expression is an expression that evaluates to a value of the Boolean Data Type: True or False. Otherwise, it returns True. Python If/Else and Booleans: Examples and Practice Questions, Learn Python: Tutorials from Beginner to Expert, Solving Equations in Python with SymPy Symbolic Math, Python Classes Zero to Expert: A Tutorial with Exercises, Pandas Examples and Review Questions to Make You an Expert, How to Use Docker and Docker Compose With Python. Leodanis is an industrial engineer who loves Python and software development. The idea behind this example is to show that sometimes using negative logic is the right way to go. A true operand returns False. Unsubscribe any time. These loops iterate while a given condition is met or until you jump out of the loop by using break, using return, or raising an exception. Try again. equal and False otherwise: True and False are special values that belong Now that you know how to use not in Boolean contexts, its time to learn about using not in non-Boolean contexts. Let's see them one by one, logical operator. Since the not operator can also take regular objects as an operand, you can use it in non-Boolean contexts too. If you place not before this expression, then you get the inverse result, True. Boolean expressions are expressions in Python programming language that produces a boolean value when evaluated. Advertisement Techopedia Explains Boolean Expression Boolean expressions power many algorithms and code modules. For the or keyword, the right-hand side is not evaluated if the left-hand side evaluates to True. Here is an example of a custom_abs() function that uses a negative condition to return the absolute value of an input number: This function takes a number as an argument and returns its absolute value. These words are keywords of the language, so you cant use them as identifiers without causing a syntax error. txt = "The rain in Spain". Just remember that most programming languages are case-sensitive. The way "and and or" work is that and evaluates to true if and only if both expressions that it joins are true. 20122022 RealPython Newsletter Podcast YouTube Twitter Facebook Instagram PythonTutorials Search Privacy Policy Energy Policy Advertise Contact Happy Pythoning! Boolean means True or False. Q-5: What operator makes 783 ___ 206 true? Comparison (relational) operators . Boolean algebra is the category of algebra in which the variable's values are the truth values, true and false, ordinarily denoted 1 and 0 respectively. In Python, there are two Boolean constants that are capitalized: True and False. Another optional clause that can be useful in cases where there are more than two possibilities is an elif clause, which combines else and if. Lets look at another Boolean expression: Here, were reporting that 4 subtracted from 10 is the same as 5. When reading or writing Boolean expressions, its important to understand the order in which the expression will be evaluated. How can you do that? In any programming language, an expression is evaluated as per the precedence of its operators. Idiomatic Python: boolean expressions Brett Cannon April 18th, 2016 0 0 You might think that boolean expressions most frequently used as conditional guards which are the the bit of code that tests whether an if or while statement should execute are a fairly straight-forward concept and that there isn't really anything subtle to them at all. We can build Boolean expressions with all kinds of data, including variables. Another way to describe Boolean expressions in Python (or other languages) is to say that they are expressions that make a comparison. Boolean Constants and Expressions in Python, Handling More Than Two Cases in Python: Elif. Going without precedence it could have given two different outputs 22 or 52. As a first step, you decide to use input() to capture the users name. Lets take a simple example of determining whether a number is odd or even. When hes not writing for Codecademy, he enjoys geostatistics with R and playing with agent-based models. To learn more about game programming in Python, check out PyGame: A Primer on Game Programming in Python. Python Boolean. The operators used in these expressions are arithmetic operators like addition, subtraction, etc. Python includes logical operators based on the Boolean data type. Heres an example that uses the not_() function along with sorted() to sort a list of employees by placing empty employee names at the end of the list: In this example, you have an initial list called employees that holds a bunch of names. It takes an object as an argument and returns the same outcome as an equivalent not obj expression: To use not_(), you first need to import it from operator. In programming, this kind of feature is known as negative logic or negation. In python, bool are written as below. Let's see how to use booleans in your Python programs! It also defines a set of Boolean operations: AND, OR, and NOT. Its incorrect. To these ends, you coded a few practical examples that helped you understand some of the main use cases of the not operator, so youre now better prepared to use it in your own code. 7.8. In that case, you can use not to check if the file doesnt exist: The not operator allows you to invert the result of calling .exists() on file. Do not write in lower case - true / false or all upper case - TRUE / FALSE. When using and operator in boolean expressions, you can also use non-zero numbers instead of True and 0 instead of False. Up to this point, you dont have any action to perform if the file exists, so you may think of using a pass statement and an additional else clause to handle the file initialization: Even though this code works, it violates the You arent gonna need it (YAGNI) principle. Python provides the boolean type that can be either set to False or True . I love Codecademy = I love Codecademy, I love Codecademy = I LOVE Codecademy. If you ever get to a piece of code like this, then take a minute to try writing it positively or, at least, try to remove one layer of negation. This number represents the objects identity. The Boolean NOT operator is different from AND and OR as it only takes one argument. Get the latest Python articles, hands-on exercises, and more from CodeSolid and around the web. To perform this kind of test in Python, you can use the in operator: The in operator returns True if the left-side object is in the container on the right side of the expression. Note: Always returning True or False is an important difference between not and the other two Boolean operators, the and operator and the or operator. Generally, it is used to represent the truth values of the expressions. In the context of Boolean operations, and also when expressions are used by control flow statements, the following values are interpreted as false: False, None, numeric zero of all types, and empty strings and containers (including strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries, sets and frozensets). 2. The Python Boolean type is one of Python's built-in data types. This built-in function internally uses the following rules to figure out the truth value of its input: By default, an object is considered true unless its class defines either a __bool__() method that returns False or a __len__() method that returns zero, when called with the object. symbols are different from the mathematical symbols for the same Example 6: Nested If. The following code works OK, but what if anything is wrong with it? To better understand how Boolean operators work, lets suppose for a moment that were in an ice cream shop. The value can either be True or False. A good rule of thumb would be to avoid negative logic as much as possible without trying to avoid it at all costs. For example, condition can be a variable containing a string, a list, a dictionary, a set, and even a user-defined object. In the following section, youll learn about using not in Boolean contexts. TRUE and FALSE: There can only be two Python List comparison of boolean expression on a range of list compressive elements for True/False . Numpy Examples: Forty-Five Practice Questions to Make You an Expert, Solving Equations in Python with SymPy Symbolic MathPython Classes Zero to Expert: A Tutorial with Exercises, Pandas Examples and Review Questions to Make You an ExpertHow to Use Docker and Docker Compose With Python. However before writing the code for it, we need to take a fun side trip to the hardware store to pick up some other tools for the job. True or False. Syntax: variable = True variable = False Boolean True vs 1, boolean False vs 0 Here are most of the built-in objects considered false: Once not knows the truth value of its operand, it returns the opposite Boolean value. Now that you understand the basics of Boolean expressions, lets look at another key aspect of Boolean logic: Boolean operators. Your custom_abs() now uses positive logic. A Boolean expression is one that conforms to one of two given Boolean results, commonly characterized as true or false. Another reason to do it is simply to avoid editor warnings. A boolean expression (or logical expression) evaluates to one of two states true or false. You can do it by yourself, or you can expand the box below to check out a possible implementation. Is that right? Example Syntax: bool( [x]) Returns True if X evaluates to true else false. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The boolean data type is a built-in data type used to define true and false values of the expressions with the keywords True and False. 5 % 2 does not divide evenly, so this does not return a zero. Similarly, the point can also be expressed in the point form of getX () and getY (). Even user-defined objects work. Q-3: Which of the following is a Boolean expression? Get a short & sweet Python Trick delivered to your inbox every couple of days. If you apply not to a false operand, then you get True: The not operator negates the truth value of its operand. The logical python boolean operators are responsible for connecting Boolean expressions. When you compare two values, the expression is evaluated and Python returns the Boolean answer: Example print(10 > 9) A-143, 9th Floor, Sovereign Corporate Tower, We use cookies to ensure you have the best browsing experience on our website. A common situation is one where you use a predicate or Boolean-valued function as a condition. To dive deeper into this cool library, check out Python 3s pathlib Module: Taming the File System. Heres how we could build and test a basic potato sorter. Each tutorial at Real Python is created by a team of developers so that it meets our high quality standards. This means that x is not equal to y. In this example, the combination of the two parts 2 + 2 and 4, together with the relationship (= equals), is called a Boolean expression. Example 2: AND Operator with non-boolean operands. Links to the solutions are after the article. A common error is to use a single equal sign python, Recommended Video Course: Using the Python not Operator, Recommended Video CourseUsing the Python not Operator. A boolean can have two values: True or False. Instead of using arithmetic operators like addition, subtraction, and multiplication, Boolean logic utilizes three basic logical operators: AND, OR, and NOT. Using freelance platforms like Fiverr and Upwork will help you find freelance tech jobs. In Python false can also be written as 0 and true as 1. Michael Klein is a freelancer with a love for statistics, data visualization, and his cat. When you're programming, you use Booleans to evaluate expressions and return an outcome that is either True or False. The following examples use the operator ==, all have higher precedence than and, or or not. This means that x and y are the same object, not just the same value. If the user provides no name by just pressing Enter, then input() returns an empty string ("") and the loop runs again because not "" returns True. Expert Help. Lets discuss all types along with some exemplar codes : 1. To kick things off, youll start by learning how the not operator works with Boolean expressions and also with common Python objects. Note that the result of the expressions matches the truth table of the and and not operators, respectively. The next step would be to compare that true result with 40, which doesnt make much sense, so the expression fails. Membership tests are commonly useful when youre determining if a particular object exists in a given container data type, such as a list, tuple, set, or dictionary. You can surround the expression not True with parentheses (()) to fix this problem. When talking about conditions in Python, the term "Boolean . As always, its easiest to show with an example. So far in our discussion, weve been mainly dealing with simple Boolean expressions. For example, the operator == tests if two values are equal. The function is called not_(). The Python compiler knows that it cant get a True result for and if the first expression is False, so it skips it. Put another way, it changes TRUE values to FALSE and FALSE values to TRUE. Python Booleans. Much like operators in arithmetic, Boolean operators have an order of precedence: elements within a parentheses are addressed first, then the NOT operator, AND, and lastly OR. So at this stage, the evaluation looks like this internally: At this stage, or has higher precedence than assignment, so it gets evaluated, leaving us with: In the case of not, remember that it has higher precedence than and or or, so in this expression: not gets applied to False first not to False or False. Heres a possible implementation: You use an infinite while loop to take the users input until they guess the secret number. If not, then its FALSE. 7 == 7 then evaluates to True, which is a Boolean value. Another key precedence rule to remember is that and comes before or". Because Python was designed with simplicity in mind, the English words in bold in the last paragraph are also Python keywords we can use to create compound Boolean expressions. These two statements uncover what is commonly known as the truth table of not: With not, you can negate the truth value of any Boolean expression or object. All other values are interpreted as true. Note that a Boolean TRUE or FALSE is very different from typing the strings True and False into your code. We take an umbrella with us if its raining or cloudy. For example, lets take the equation: Here, we have two parts, 2 + 2 and 4, and were reporting that those two parts are equal to each other. Since the not operator returns the negated result, something true becomes False and the other way around. How are you going to put your newfound skills to use? These expressions are also called Boolean expressions. We can use Boolean expressions and Boolean operators to figure out whether Ill eat a sundae or not. The bool () method is used to return the truth value of an ex [resison. You can use the not operator to overcome this drawback and make your code cleaner and safer: Now the highlighted line alternates the value of toggle between True and False using the not operator. For example, the expression 1 <= 2 is True, while the expression 0 == 1 is False. Q-4: Which of the following comparison operators is used to check if x and y are the same object? Here are some arithmetic operators in Python: Lets see an exemplar code of arithmetic expressions in Python : 3. No spam ever. The second example makes the same check but using chained operators, which is a best practice in Python. In the following example, we shall explore the aspect of providing integer values as operands to and operator. In every iteration, you check if the input matches secret and provide clues to the user according to the result. Its a quite simple process to get the result of an expression if there is only one operator in an expression. However, both in code and in real life, its often the case that we want to make decisions based on more than one factor. search () vs. match () . In this case, we already know that the result is True, so the right-hand side is ignored. In addition, operators can manipulate individual items and returns a result. In this article, well cover what Boolean logic is, how it works, and how to build your own Boolean expressions. Try again. It's a string whose contents just so happened to be a Boolean expression true, but to Python, this is just a sequence of characters starting with capital T and then R-U-E. Studying logical expressions, we also come across some logical operators which can be seen in logical expressions most often. For example, 1==1 is True whereas 2<1 is False. However, with a false condition, the if code block doesnt run. False. Go ahead and execute True + True in your interactive shell to see what happens. (=) instead of a double equal sign (==). The syntax for an if statement with the not logical operator is: In this example, condition could be a Boolean expression or any Python object that makes sense. Finally, you should pay special attention to avoiding double negation. Determine if the following statements are boolean expressions or not. (In this case, the result is the same, but that wont always be true). A boolean expression is an expression that is either 3.1: Boolean Expressions. For this reason, this OR operator is also known as an inclusive OR operator. These Boolean values and operators are helpful in programming because they help you decide the course of action in your programs. They are used to represent truth values (other values can also be considered false or true). 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