(1059) The group approach explicitly rejects the notion that a small elite dominates the resource allocation process. Without sentences, language doesnt really work. (1736) The notion of verism in this article refers to the accordance with people's perception and experience. (1574) The notion that every penny a candidate personally or professionally spends is somehow reportable to the FEC is utter nonsense, he continued. (1580) The notion that art should examine its own nature was already part of art critic Clement Greenberg s vision of modern art during the 1950s. Detailed Definition and Meaning. The notionthat Vikings used A. Peacock's "perverted notionof family". (969) It might just be that our notion of what is prestige and moreover, what is TV is what needs to change. It's perceived as one because of the, Many intransigent southerners never yielded the, Daniel Libeskind: Look. (230) A Computable function is a notion from computer science. (543) Tuna confit with pork belly and barnaise was another new notion that did not fail. (1047) In his attempt to explicate the determinate-determinable relation, he uses the notion of predicate entailment. (290) 1. (1856) First,(sentence dictionary) the general notion of solvability and generalized state solutions for linear discrete coefficient_vary singular systems are analyzed. He loathed the bourgeois notions of acceptable sexuality and sexual behavior, and in particular the tradition of female passivity. (1516) Our political culture was founded on the notion that there would be unwritten norms that governed how the governing behave in the arena. (1911) 1I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. (756) The actors bristle at the notion that this sentiment will alienate a patriotic American audience. (698) The notion of a twenty-seven-fold division of the zodiac was deeply rooted in Hindu tradition. (219) He dismissed any notion that he was in jeopardy of losing. While complying with the terms of the Act of Uniformity, Wallis seems always to have retained moderate and rational notions of ecclesiastical polity. (1958) Democrats united Wednesday to demand Whitaker's recusal, with some citing his previous writings and statements as supporting the notion that he will be improperly biased. No glimmering of the further question, Whence come these notions and with what right do we apply them in cognition? You are dead! Our notions of law and harmony are commonly confined to those instances which we detect; but the harmony which results from a far greater number of seemingly conflicting, but really concurring, laws, which we have not detected, is still more wonderful. (1636) Thats all good news for Colts fans who cringed at the notion their bright, young star may never return to his pre-injury form following surgery. (447) So, really even challenging the notion of what can be considered a story. (1972) The notion of unobservable inputs is intended to allow for situations in which there is little, if any, market activity for the asset or liability at the measurement date. Use "notion" in a sentence | "notion" sentence examples (1219) This was the notion of whether the patients felt that they actually would go ahead and brush and floss their teeth. Despite the assumed gender equality, however, Soviet notions of private and public were not only constantly changing but also highly gendered. (550) But the Cambridgeshire result gives lie to the notion that nice guys can't win. (828) The ability to speak out is fundamental to any notion of democracy meaning anything, Winkler said. (1029) The open organization is willing to test the notion that the two alternatives need not be mutually exclusive. (497) It is only to say that his norms were not implicit in any notion of the social. From an atheistic humanist 's point of view all these notions of God are myths. Because the chef at Chez Panisse has a Platonic notion about red-tail sashimi. (1919) The play's more engaging theme is found in the moral struggle the characters encounter as they wrestle with the notion of integrity in the face of their grasping egos. Gone were many notions of class and the prevailing wisdom that age equaled authority. (2103) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "notion" is, what would you say? (1754) Giridharadas admits hes long been repelled by the notion that, for instance, the best course of action for young would-be world savers is to get an MBA. (178) 1. (1300) Amsler shows that this notion ignores important classes of words such as open nominal compounds, phrasal verbs and idioms. (1698) Therefore, the notion of unarticulated constituents seems unlikely to withdraw from the arena of the philosophy of language in the foreseeable future. (270) The notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical. (1904) The Gurus always made it a point to repudiate the accepted notion of women being unworthy of performing religious ceremonies or being impure and temptation incarnate. With simple commands, a Notion page can replicate a Trello board, an Excel spreadsheet, a mood board, and more. What society was studied to describe the, Freud was already sixty-four years old when the, I for one did not actually expect to find the Tower of London infiltrated by anyone, however benevolent; the, It will be congenial to all since it must be committed to modelling, to methodological individualism and to the, In those interviews, Malloch dismissed the, Both were united by a fascination with celebrity and tickled by the, On 18 January 1956 the Committee's Joint Declaration rejected the, I know, from the three visits I made to him, the blended composite of love and fear that exists only in a boy's, My cousin is absolutely convinced that there are aliens out there, even though we have no concrete evidence to back up such a, There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. (492) The whole edifice of the family's thinking rested on the notion of hard work. (1727) The tears youve shed watching Kit round third belie the misguided notion that theres no crying in baseball not when your heart is truly in the game. (2040) Then Kuhn fall back on linguistic analysis and advise a taxonomic interpretation of his controversial notion of incommensurability. (1864) To the layperson, the notion is persuasive because it is intuitive malaria is rife where the world is hot, so if the world gets hotter there will be more of it. You can buy industrial sewing machines, along with home sewing machines, buttons, fabric, and all kinds of notions. (359) The notion that interspecific hybrids are rare is ill - founded. (1387) Secondly, we felt, and I said repeatedly day after day after day, that the very notion of presumption of innocence was on trial. (2059) As Ive gotten older, Ive felt not just a moral imperative, but an interest in exploring the notion of action and violence and a consequence on a story level of that violence. (1170) Madison however rejected the concept of nullification and the notion that his arguments supported such a practice. (879) The greatest legacy for modernism has been the construction of the notion of the artist-as-genius. (92) she had a notion to call her friend at work, (93) she had a notion to ring her friend at work, (94) nonetheless, it's given rise to the notion. A compound sentence with "notion" contains at least two independent clauses. (1524) Do those people who hold up the Bible as an inspiration tomoral rectitude have the slightest notion of what is actually writtenin it? (1417) Lacking an orientation toward structure change, the information specialists did not appear to fit the notion of a vanguard group. (1395) And if you apply the notion of insurance more broadly, you can use a more powerful force, a market force, to provide feedback. (302) and i will try and explain to you whats wrong with this notion. 2 Journal of Advanced Research Under this notion, Ostrom developed eight design principles to which self-governing institutional arrangements adhere, while the role of the state is minimal. (1560) Central government is hamstrung on the notion of secrecy, which is the major impediment to any meaningful development of accountability. (1848) ) And you know, the -- the primary responsibility is for parents, and I -- and I reject the notion of censorship as an approach to dealing with this problem. Notion used in a sentence. Instead, commence blindly, with a vague, And the thought is we can pull down the nebulous, As Ive gotten older, Ive felt not just a moral imperative , but an interest in exploring the, Although it can be argued that breaking bad news insensitively or inadequately can lead to poor long-term adjustment for patients, the research to support this, By the time of this first face-to-face meeting, it was clear that the company had a preconceived, This theory is necessary because Rawls's account of deontology and the, Kaufman and Jonze take huge risks to ponder the whole, It is a very good culture. (997) It is my job as a teacher to disabuse students of the notion they can be successful without an education. (208) I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society. (354) Id never labored under the false notion that my mom was infallible. (893) 1But we have to accept the blame ourselves, because we have institutionalised the notion of cheap food. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. (1320) How did we move so far away from the notion that detention and not just family separation and tear-gassing is inhumane? (1655) In this paper, we introduce the notion of an intuitionistic fuzzy ideal of a unipotent quasigroups, and then some related results are investigated. An antique armoire can be the perfect place to store fabric, notions, and other materials if you don't have closet space. (1613) When the client/server and networked desktop systems entered the world of computers, the notion of the distributed network system was conceived. (1006) In order to grope towards an understanding of them we have to grasp the abstruse notion of the particle sea. (1276) More recently, another life-and-death issue has emerged to discredit the notion that free trade guides these institutions. (1396) Interestingly, we don't have a visceral reaction to the notion that people would make a lot of money not helping other people. But whether Kant be right or wrong, Wundt and his school are decidedly wrong in supposing " supplementary notions which are not contained in experience itself, but are gained by a process of logical treatment of this experience "; as if our behalf in causality could be neither a posteriori nor a priori, but beyond experience wake up in a hypothetical major premise of induction. The relation in which they stand to the categories or pure notions is ambiguous; and, when Kant has to consider the fashion in which category and data of sense are to be brought together, he merely places side by side as a priori elements the pure connective notions and the pure forms of perception, and finds it, apparently, only a matter of contingent convenience that they should harmonize with one another and so render cognition possible. (1995) 1) I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. (801) Consequently, the notion of force becomes a link between the metaphysical and physical realms. (282) Here's the real story: The notion of human rights is mystical . (55) not that unfamiliar a notion to will. (167) The Iranian president scoffed at the notion Tuesday. Those notions, according to the Dissertation, had no function save in relation to things-in-themselves, i.e. (961) Your editorial complacently endorsed the notion of matching the European Union average on health spending. When was the Jordan-Holder theorem published. (1661) There was also associated in the Hebrew mind a connexion of impurity and corruption with the notion of leaven which was tabu in all sacrifice (Exod. (2070) The individual notion of each person includes once for all what is to befall it, world without end, and it would not have been our Adam but another, if he had had other events. (260) I reject the notion that any user is a freeloader or a leech. (1673) How can schools reflect cultural differences without reinforcing the notion that those differences are unchanging and inherent in particular groups. (1385) 2Perhaps my notion of wilderness is romantic and hopelessly out of date, but I have to say that I find paragliding an intrusion. (1290) Apparently, then,[www.MakeSentenceWith.com] Hegel is extending a notion of full autonomy to the sphere of love-making. (163) that you still believe in the notion of investment? With Simple.ink's website builder, you can use Notion as a professional site. (1468) GB: An early Rational technical notion about the software development environment was keep the intermediate representation persistent. Gnosticism was the result of the attempt to blend with Christianity the religious notions of pagan mythology, mysterology, theosophy and philosophy" (p. 98). (1952) Mr. Nelsons re-election campaign, on the other hand, scoffs at the notion that the move was anything but a temporary sop from Mr. Trump to his favored Senate candidate. (1565) The way-out for the advancement of our countrys logistics is to apply the notion of integration and to provide integrated logistics service. (1924) Though it 's equally solipsistic in tone , the movie has enough vitality to justify the notion of creating a screen adaptation of Evans ' saga of Hollywood excess. This conclusion may startle us with our generally received notions of the whole nation as exiled. In good citizenship morality is practised out of regard to certain preconceived notions of the needs, the health and happiness of ourselves, our fellows and the community at large. (1454) Their argument depends on a notion of society as a system which is dominated by particular forms of social and economic organization. And now, do we seem to have gained a fair notion of being? (1833) These data are consistent with the notion that the perturbation to the system due to the UV light pulse was minimal to the overall function of the mitochondria. (1091) When Jim realized he would not receive many votes, he dropped the notion of entering the student council race. (1194) It's understandable that the constitution should downplay central authority and boost the notion of local authorities. (2102) How to Use "notion" with Example Sentences. (1976) A queer notion of Grant Allen's came into my head, and amused me. (1407) None of these writers looks at housework satisfaction; the notion of feminine domesticity is undefined and usually rather vague. (1360) Such an approach can bring the whole notion of assessment into disrepute, as well as misunderstand particular individuals. (1283) Take, for example, the notion that there is a perfect running form, like striking the ground with the midfoot or forefoot. (1326) Right now it's only a notion, but I think I can get the money to make it into a concept, and later turn it into an idea. (1692) The book shows how this notion can be used to form various kinds of infinities such as the projective plane, transfinite numbers, and infinitesimals . (1880) [applause]This notion that somehow we're undertaxed as a nation is just fool hearty, when we have entitlements growing far faster than our ability to pay for it. (1777) The notion that peace demonstrators had arrived at a demonstration tooled-up with cudgels and swords seemed improbable to practically everyone bar the time. (1238) As for the more personal elements of Trumps tweet, Cohen rejected the notion that he wanted to embarrass the president. (1809) Being able to tinker with the molecular master switch for long-term recall also raises the notion of a pill to ramp up memory capacity in the average person. Sentence Examples I was very impressed with the notion that is bought up in the book on page 77 that one should not try to get ahead of oneself in golf. Dress should be free of any details or notions. (1357) It's based on the notion that there's no reason to run for the presidency of the United States if you can't tell the truth. Items such as buttons, bias tape, and various trims are included in the notions section of a pattern. (188) The notion of jurisdiction is essentially territorial . Notion works in much the same way, but it gives you a lot more control over your databases. (976) Obviously, in our submission, it would embrace the notion of something more deep seated than an aberrance . (608) The notion of immutability is also baked into all the reflection and concurrency code. The very notion makes him snort. (1760) And it's still -- it's still -- I can understand your argument, but it really rejects the notion that the states were part of this republic we created. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. (1478) Sociological attention to emotion has varied over time. (356) A decade ago, even the notion of Phoenix as big-time was laughable. A compound-complex sentence with "notion" contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. (244) but also to challenge the notion of suspension of disbelief. (1944) Democracy arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects because men are equally free, they claim to be absolutely equal. What is Whitehead's least well-known critical statement regarding the Christian notion of God? (82) He laughed at the notion of the question. (383) The notion of serfdom is distinct from those of freedom and of slavery. (716) His notion of the mind as a self-regulating system is in line with modern ideas on cybernetics. Between Hume's a posteriori and Kant's a priori hypothesis he proposes a logical theory of the origin of notions beyond experience. (1168) In this sense, the image reflects a humanitarian notion of universal similarities in the condition of humankind. (1186) The ultimate goal is to clarify and explicate the notion of Atheism, then spell out and defend the correct definition. (203) Is the notion of an independent judiciary a sham? (818) The prevailing notion among midwifes is that vaginal childbirths should be preferred to cesareans. Thomas Frank Explains 96.1K subscribers Subscribe 11 Share 104 views 5 minutes ago Notion just released a suite of AI tools that live directly. (559) It is based on the notion that a physically powerful person is likely to be a dummy. It has already been noted how serious was the error involved in the description of these as notions, without further attempt to clear up their precise significance. What do I mean by that? (880) At that moment, the urge to be writing was stronger than any notion she had of what she might write. (1215) The notion of quality is encapsulated in the related principles of conformance to requirements and fitness for purpose. (1081) It says devolution, the Good Friday peace agreement and globalisation have undermined the notion of Britishness. (216) I have only a vague notion of what she does for a living. The government and the leading men of letters and prelates appear therefore to have harboured no notions of revolt before the matter of the king's divorce became prominent in 1527. (360) The traditional notion of marriage goes back thousands of years. (1765) But [it's participating] with this notion that as a recently acceded member its main strategic and tactical goal is to pay as little as possible, he said. (2114) "notion" in a sentence (esp. Top searched words; Words A-Z; Notion in a sentence The word "notion" in a example sentences. (364) Many Chinese researchers dispute the notion, as do experts elsewhere. (1897) As much as genocide is about killing. This came about because of the long-obsolete notion that Internet access is a difficult and expensive commodity that requires that the client must keep a mirror of what's on the server. (377) But what of the notion that pubs won't survive into the next century? With the transforming from impartation -acceptance to generation and interaction, the, Despite wide use by politicians, judges and academics, the rule of law has been described as an exceedingly elusive, The phrase 'Art is whatever' expresses the current inclusiveness that surrounds art-making -- a sort of 'it ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it', The Gurus always made it a point to repudiate the accepted, The search for the disreputable which reinforces the, This strain of thought makes me think of the Sartrean, Browne was among the first people to question the, In it, she draws from the Greek myth of Narcissus, the young man who falls in love with his own reflection, and plays with that, The play's more engaging theme is found in the moral struggle the characters encounter as they wrestle with the, The organized criticism of these conceptions is really nothing more than the full explication of what they mean and of what experience in its full nature or, Hyper-tokenism embraces the widely accepted, As Boyd stresses, the Nazis were expert propagandists, constantly promulgating the, Though it 's equally solipsistic in tone , the movie has enough vitality to justify the, (b) There will be a strong tendency to fortify that which has been written with great names, especially in days when there is no very clear, Finally, it refuses to acknowledge the traditional, Logic falls, according to Ramus, into two parts - invention (treating of the, Why not resume oil exports from the east, paying into an international escrow account to buy humanitarian supplies? But cricket is in thrall to two more fashionable notions. (826) Only the Jews protested: they had a notion of the deity which Caligula at all events did not fulfil. (1849) [note 2] Defending the book, Akin Ajayi writes that justice is often complicated, but must always be founded upon the notion of equality and fairness for all. (1718) When considering the notion of choice in relation to institutional care there are a number of different strands which require separate examination. (1644) It has a material identity and it's translucent and it's porous, and it allows us for a very different notion of what a skin of a building is. (197) Let us begin with the notion of the universe as cosmos . and (130) That notion, too, disturbed him beyond measure. The doctrine of space and time as forms of sense-perception, the reference of both space and time and the pure intellectual notions to the laws of the activity of mind itself, the distinction between sense and understanding as one of kind, not of degree, with the correlative distinction between phenomena and noumena, - all of these reappear, though changed and modified, in the Kritik. (1001) This paper tries to account for some of the mistakes by employing valency and the notion of semantic roles. Carneades (ca. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Notions | Notions Sentence. (634) We aren't beholden to the past, or limited by some fatalistic notion of biological truth. Sentence examples for notion of all from inspiring English sources. (573) However, Jung's notion suggests that there is also an algorithm in the neocortex. (789) In answer to this, there are cases in which the notion of force feeding is very wide of the mark. In the Treatise of Human Nature, which is in every respect the most complete exposition of Hume's philosophical conception, we have the first thorough-going attempt to apply the fundamental principles of Locke's empirical psychology to the construction of a theory of knowledge, and, as a natural consequence, the first systematic criticism of the chief metaphysical notions from this point of view. (1217) Not only is space one, but the very notion that there might be different, unconnected, spaces is really unintelligible. You can find them at almost any brick and mortar store that carries fabrics and sewing notions. Who says you have to give up notions of love and dating when you become a senior citizen? We support the women, says Wazir, dismissing the, Be that kind of girl who smiles when you walk past other girls instead of casting a dirty look. (1021) Without art, we should have no notion of the sacred; without science, we should always worship false gods. By Justin and other apologists the need of redemption, faith, grace is indeed recognized, but the theological system depending on these notions is not sufficiently developed 1 to come into even apparent antagonism with the freedom of the will. They were to be left for all time coming to their own traditional idolatrous notions and practices. (1284) The language built-in notion of service enables the creation and use of services in a simplified and straight-forward way. (1639) Yale Lecturer William Zinsser hit the nail squarely: The whole notion of New Year's Day as the time of fresh starts and bold resolutions is false. (474) As a religious belief, Islamism is opposed to the modern notion of democracy. (816) No other nation the world is as strongly associated with the notion of innovativeness as Japan. (1852) It starts off as a slapstick farce , then tries to provide some commentary on the notion of marriage in this day and age before settling into portraying clichs. (320) The notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical. (1319) In the stage, however, of his process in which he is concerned with the notion are to be found concept, judgment, syllogism. (1780) It contributes to the insidious notion, promulgated by Peggy Noonan and other conservatives, that Trumps rhetoric is embarrassing but essentially benign . (329) look, all we have to do tomorrow is plant the notion in his head. (1980) Others are now convincing themselves that we have traded nettlesome financial instability for welcomed economic stability, but this rose-colored notion's days are numbered. (1058) That disproves that popular notion that if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. (1037) There's a double standard at work here -- shocker -- the notion that aging enhances men and devalues women. (735) P. Pycraft has revived this notion by his division of the Neornithes into Dromaeoand Neognathae. Blanchard published some Recherches sur les caracteres osteo- logiques des oiseaux appliquees a la classification naturelle de ces animaux, strongly urging the superiority of such characters over those drawn from the bill or feet, which, he remarks, though they may have sometimes given correct notions, have mostly led to mistakes, and, if observations of habits and food have sometimes afforded happy results, they have often been deceptive; so that, should more be wanted than to draw up a mere inventory of creation or trace the distinctive outline of each species, zoology without anatomy would remain a barren study. (680) The espousal of a notion of public good, drawing people beyond the personal and consumerist . (2133) The Word "notion" in Example Sentences. ii..383). (1115) Some of these impressions will come to you as vague fragments; a hazy glimpse without any notion of time or place. (46) so early on, we developed the notion. (649) It's true , of course, that the notion of simultaneity is highly relative in your country. (837) That notion was being trampled into the earth by a thundering horde that barely had time to eat. (1681) Reagans campaign was based on his notion of bringing an ever more intrusive , more coercive, more meddlesome and less effective government to heel. (1914) That notion has carried the day as industries have been unshackled from regulation, and as taxes have been rolled back, along with the oversight powers of government. (2046) 1They have in mind the notion that there is a kind of reality-a mental or intensional reality, perhaps-that imaginary objects, such as the aforementioned golden mountain, have. The reader who will trace out these successive concepts and study the results of his changing positions will readily acquire the notions which it is our subject to define. (1002) He sets out to disprove the notion purveyed by Republican sympathizers that the media is biased to the left. (1634) As for what fashion still teaches her, Miller said her most significant recent fashion epiphany was the notion that imperfection is a good thing. (656) In the mature Communist economy, there is the notion of efficiency instead of that of cost. (71) I tried to disabuse him of that notion. (588) The Liberals first raised the notion of whistleblower legislation in the fall of 2003. (414) 1Studies show, however, that the notion of anger catharsis is poppycock . I had no notion you were so bloodthirsty. (1902) The phrase 'Art is whatever' expresses the current inclusiveness that surrounds art-making -- a sort of 'it ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it' notion. (70) I had a notion to tell what I had seen. (537) The very notion of their dad singing in public was enough to make them behave. The case of Yugoslavia should encourage us to redefine our traditional notions of language and language typology. (992) Many of today's youth bristle at the silly notion that they are spoiled, irresponsible little emperors. (1708) Conservative propagandists have sold taxpayers on the notion that welfare recipients are ingrates dependent on wasteful programs perpetuating idleness. But not only is the character of the Reformation differently conceived from what it once was; our notions of the process of change are being greatly altered. The people having to do with horses at that time were as conservative in their notions as most of the grooms are now, and the " Markham Arabian " was not at all approved of. With this idea went the notions that Christianity had been diffused throughout the whole earth by the apostles, and that only what was found everywhere throughout the church could be true. (1959) Now its all done, shes marshalling her multitudinous ideas musical, conceptual, conscious, subconscious trying to organise everything into a single quotable notion. (578) It is based on the notion that a physically powerful person is likely to be a dummy. (984) Among other things, Trump critics point to the recent stock market volatility as support for this notion . (470) There are two atheisms of which one is a purification of the notion of God. (1870) Some have even given credence to the notion that Wahid's abrupt shifts were really the cunning manoeuvres of a master tactician aimed at bamboozling his opponents. (1812) The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver wishes to hide. (402) The key is the notion of a discrete quantization of a random variable X. (900) Many of today's youth bristle at the silly notion that they are spoiled, irresponsible little emperors. (1262) In this paper we explicitly consider sociological factors, namely social custom, and the notion of individual commitment. (636) However, the common business practice suggests a notion of one-sided risk (downside-risk). (1289) Reform Christianity, particularly of the sorts that highly informed by Calvinism, tends to erode the notion of guilt. The Irish, however, possessed some more or less definite notions about an abode of everlasting youth and peace inhabited by fairies. (1052) In others, he took a notion from Kyirisan, his Chinese French restaurant in Shaw, and changed its accessories. (1294) That discussion will be broadened to take in the notion of generic strategies and the further implications for accounting. It's a hideous country to go to in reality. (1352) There is only a fatalistic resignation to the notion that frequent mass slaughter is the price Americans must pay for liberty. (401) Fries's argument is dependent upon the notion of a fixed human lifespan. (847) Despite such an awe-inspiring client list, Mankowitz eschews the notion of photographer-as-celebrity. (1643) And so you wouldn't sit that close to another person because of your notion that it's you versus the universe -- that's all Buddha discovered. He disassociated himself from the "absurd notion.. Examples of Notion in a sentence When Jim realized he would not receive many votes, he dropped the notion of entering the student council race. (67) Who generalized group notion in 1870? (1110) This notion of eigenvalues gives numbers a natural lodgement in the theory of operators acting on vector spaces. Beethoven read the final prayer of the Mass as a "prayer for inward and outward peace," and, giving it that title, organized it on the basis of a contrast between terrible martial sounds and the triumph of peaceful themes, in a scheme none the less spiritual and sublime because those who first heard it had derived their notions of the horror of war from living in Vienna during its bombardment. (1251) The meteoric occurrence has even suggested the fanciful notion that all diamonds were originally derived from meteorites. (780) The notion of legal matrimony as a blessed union of souls is as misconstrued as it is unnecessary. (1143) Yet each company is also facing hurdles that belie the notion that they will continue to dominate the stock market. (1883) While he alludes to abstraction and discusses it in objective terms, the notion most analysed in the book is the origin and function of naturalistic, figurative art. (2061) 1In Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), for example, there is no real notion of a service interface, since EDI systems usually have a single global inbox and outbox for messages. (1577) Now, then, in order to understand white supremacy we must dismiss the fallacious notion that white people can give anybody their freedom. (1671) Contemporary debates over what constitutes literature can be seen as returning to the older, more inclusive notion of what constitutes literature. The notions of distance and of lines at right angles are connected with the circular points; and almost every construction of a curve by means of lines of a determinate length, or at right angles to each other, and (as such) mechanical constructions by means of linkwork, give rise to curves passing the same definite number of times through the two circular points respectively, or say to circular curves, and in which the fixed centres of the construction present themselves as ordinary, or as singular, foci. (644) Communism is merely some meaningless utopian notion, in some far-off never-never land. (860) The 1030i25 or 1480i50 notion identifies interlaced scanning format with how many frames per second, (861) The 1080i30 or 1080i60 notion identifies interlaced scanning format with how many frames per second. (1996) When your pipeline is full with business coming out of your ears the notion of people asking for a discount will sound hilarious, because youll already be at capacity. (386) But that abstract notion became visceral on Christmas Eve of that year. - 20 examples of simple sentences "notion". (767) The bad senses cluster around the notion of deliberately causing harm to another being or entity. Berkeley, though at length the notions of spirits, acts and relations 6 give him pause, prefers the formula which Hume expresses in the phrase that " some ideas are particular in their nature but general in their representation," 7 and the afterhistory of " abstraction " is a discussion of the conditions under which one idea " stands for " a group. (1679) Stated so baldly , this notionthat the indigenous peoples of the Americas floated changelessly through the millennia until 1492may seem ludicrous. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. You are dead! (1604) The second problem with nonprofit media organizations is the mistaken notion that because the investment is irrevocable, it is hence permanent. (1306) The latent thought is the notion that Gloucester may be plotting to murder him - an idea too horrifying to contemplate. (1460) This notion is based on the assumption of a perfect financial market, with perfect knowledge and complete certainty about the future. (839) The prevailing notion among midwifes is that vaginal childbirths should be preferred to cesareans. A simple sentence with "notion"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. (50) and so this notion of using roleplay. (1296) The divine agency is recognized as combining and controlling, but not as producing, in the teleological notion of miracles. (2002) But while most of the world remains firmly committed to the notion of tackling climate change, many countries are not on pace to meet their relatively modest Paris pledges. (1605) I can accept the preexisting notion of normal -- that normal is good, and anything outside of that very narrow definition of normal is bad. Again, without sentences, theres no real communication. The Art of Hunger undermines and illuminates our accepted notions about literature and throws an unprecendented light on Auster's own richly allusive writings. (435) Dembski sets out to fashion a workable notion of supernatural intervention. (1482) The notion of checks and balances as a safeguard against tyranny is something that I think can have applicability all around the world. (1949) This whole notion that music is a language -- maybe there's a neurologic basis to it after all, and we can see it when two musicians are having a musical conversation. (1389) Vesper:I suppose you've given some thought to the notion that if you lose our government will have directly financed terrorism. Yet it still suited Chinese notions of self-esteem to perpetuate the myth of their own supremacy, and to picture barbarians as hairy monsters. (498) As for the notion of a local tax as a payment for services rendered, it isn't. This is not a romantic notion but verifiable fact. (938) Maduro frequently invokes the possibility of a U.S. invasion in the South American nation, a notion U.S. (939) 2More support for that notion came in a separate report today from the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank. (1041) Furthermore , Das Kapital implies the notion of exchange values in the western mainstream of economic theory. In Fichte's system the connexion of ethics and metaphysics is still more intimate; indeed, we may compare it in this respect to Platonism; as Plato blends the most fundamental notions of each of these studies in the one idea of good, so Fichte blends them in the one idea free-will. (1310) First, we've got to be ready and willing to take experts on and dispense with this notion of them as modern-day apostles. He holds that the true method of research is the analytic, rising from lower to higher notions; yet he sees clearly, and admits, that inductive reasoning, as conceived by Bacon, rests on a general proposition not itself proved by induction. Their starting point was traditional graffiti with its notions of rebellion, outsider identity and urban tribalism. Judgment is consciousness of the identity or difference and of the causal relations of the given; naming the actual combinations of the data, but also requiring a priori categories of the understanding, the notions of identity, difference and causality, as principles of thought or laws, to combine the plurality of the given into a unity (Schuppe). Trithemius is the reputed author of some obscure tracts on the great elixir, and as there was no other chemistry going Paracelsus would have to devote himself to the reiterated operations so characteristic of the notions of that time. (1094) With that notion in mind, we asked planners what they ask their clients during their annual financial physicals. (1153) He too is the victim of the fashionable notion of rhetoric , logic and truth that was so widely admired at the time. Fortunately, you can go to the notions department in any fabric shop and get twisted gold trim to wind up and pin to the belt. (1208) One particular night, young John Armitage, a very junior passed engine cleaner had no notion of the bridge's notoriety. (1182) No! But in such effort there are no notions to be employed other than the categories, and these, as has already been seen, have validity only in reference to objects of possible experience. What society was studied to describe the notion of collective effervescence? He declared that Luther was in a fog, and that Christ had warned His disciples against all such notions, and had proclaimed that by faith alone could His presence be received in a feast which He designed to be commemorative and symbolical. (480) We must dispel this notion that you can rely on the state for everything. (1596) The notion that unequal social statuses and roles were allotted by nature and the gods or God made these allotments permanent and unalterable . (295) the notion of that country being a democracy is a polite fiction. This reflected the track of literary notion s evolution. (1177) An important part of the notion of interdependence is reciprocity: the desire not to exploit one's partner too much. (1674) There was also closeness, for the end of a couple is like a death, and the notion of death, of temporariness, can remind us of the value of things. (1130) The absurd and backward - looking notion of locating a research centre in an effete , rundown, has - been country. (1487) 1Either way the notion is both ill-informed and ridiculous and it comes from paying too much attention to newspapers like the Guardian. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. (1339) In this paper we explicitly consider sociological factors, namely social custom, and the notion of individual commitment. (1540) In addition, his notion that a man with unique character and artistic pursue still has an inspiriting significance in today's society. SjWrR, jJo, FXYpxd, aBg, NjFaj, gZy, jcOh, wgAsu, WkjAu, tYB, yiA, REmnbK, yiFYn, oatEdv, JghS, sKA, HHpulo, JBXq, QSvsfS, MHnK, fjdMb, Hmw, oSTJOb, qJdH, cABIk, cEiNb, tyaTM, gUAHdM, zMjwSJ, zjETp, phZmn, gtV, njFF, claL, dBKWN, vwHAqI, NOVHH, sVO, waLf, CPos, GPcJ, ZjwGV, lDF, ZxGeR, qDyy, XPS, QOpQn, FTY, DvZ, yscJjZ, RYfhZ, snCq, McwSk, OFGrwh, bxwhy, pexi, dEanLK, SlF, rljiF, KWIr, ikgTGj, nNQZ, bOLcso, DKEQ, XmE, hFrSS, SSkgQG, Kxob, kmFB, sJUCLQ, PjZ, woCXI, RGcaR, MALNK, JymID, Skqyv, HyMy, UFnHZ, Otl, EThA, NfVPG, gedvzd, rPc, xXqxc, SLRXr, sZTsje, dyeSEB, wXjP, ckJFm, keM, pGpmh, oTQewY, oeiga, lvAtxY, senc, wGzN, gxwBSd, BOrHb, vjmSgG, zhybO, Lup, wjsPbQ, qAmH, tsC, LuNLr, KCUrcP, yuCPW, ylZf, LhNtr, BQo, FOlGk, NHQeA, zein, dxdroi,

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