Wrath smirked Well, I guess this really must be my lucky day. The armies advanced against one another steadily until both erupted into a crazed run and clashed against each other, the big dragons from both sides faced against themselves on the skies, the alicorns fought both in land and sky aiding their allies and disrupting their enemy, on the ground unicorns, minotaurs, zebras, earth ponies, allied drakes and diamond dogs clashed against the enemy drakes and the wyrms. Spike, Cmon dont say that, you are good at many things. She said, trying to cheer her dear friend up. Let me have a taste. the second one said as the female passed him the rock and soon he too took a bite from it its Lemon pie, my favorite, I thought you said it was blueberry jam sister! he said taking another bite from the rock. Mmmm, Delicious as always my dear., Oh my, thank you Discord, she said blushing a little at his comment. I even thought he was unaffected, until I saw his purple fire, but Spike was also affected by dark magic in the Crystal Empire, Spike saved Twilight from a Shadow Door and in turn got caught inside the spell himself., Th-then its because of me Spike was turning into that.thatthat thing! Discord gave Spike a genuinely surprised look. And so did I with your Greed. Sabarius gaze turned hard and stern. Why yes Miss Pinkie, Fancy said grabbing one of her hoofs and kissing it, making Pinkie giggle. Princess has it, Rarity replied, ignoring Dash's last comment. She was having none of it today, and was only concerned to wait. Yeah, and that meeting or whatever they are doing is taking forever, princess Cadence and that changeling queen came by a minute ago, hope they finish up quickly I hate waiting so much., Hold yer horses Dash, Ahm sure the princesses must be doin somethin really important., I say, couldnt we just attend the meeting too? Whats going to happen to you?, If Im lucky I will finally be at peace and join my brothers and sisters in the great beyond., Wait! Twilight shouted, as her sun orb spell began to also fade away. He refused to crush an egg. So, Tia, are you going to tell your dear, old friend, Discord, why this book is so important to you or not?, What makes you think I'm going to tell you something like that?. Im sorry, but you must go away and never return.. What is your purpose here? Wrath asked. The griffon fell to the ground screaming in agony. A royal guard behind her used his magic to levitate a scroll and placed it in front of Celestia, using her magic she unfolded the scroll and brought forth a quill and ink and signed it, then she passed it to Luna who did the same and finally she passed it to Chrysalis, once the three signatures were written the scroll vanished and all stood up. It was large for a normal ponybut only slightly so for an Alicorn, I suppose. Indeed, your highness. Soon both best friends began talking and laughing thoroughly throughout the rising night. Clawshift left the throne room and walked towards two of his personal guards. It had been so long since he actually laughed! What about the Element of Magic? Twilight asked looking at her mentor, who only shook her head. And disobey the kings command! Im sure Angel will do just fine while you stay here, my dear Fluttershy. he said taking the stack of papers up to his mouth and with a swift move ate them. A loud muffled scream of pain echoed in the room making Spike roar in anger and charge out of the debris to attack whoever had hurt his mother, once he was out he stopped. Small tears formed in his eyes, and his voice broke. And now a very BIG SPECIAL thank you to Miss Dark Angel for editing it, THANK YOU!. so THIS is the Crystal Empire? SHE WILL PAY!. As you just saw, Celestia and pretty much everypony else except Spike glared death upon her, we cannot kill ourselves either.. Oh, well. Let us make haste! she said, finally breaking the spell between the two. Very well. In the medical bay too, watched over by royal guards, Twilight sure did a number on the griffon, he laughed. The Gods fell to darkness, never to return, only their legacy remains. It had almost the same shape as a chicken egg, and it was lavender colored with deep purple dots all over it. The Princesses are waiting for you inside the Librarium, a Pegasus guard said, one Twilight and Spike knew well. Celesia took her egg with her wings and hugged in tenderly, crying from the fear of almost losing it. Y-you should have seen your face. Luna smiled broadly. The mysterious letter, the urgent gathering, the carriages and Phalanx himself! She took a deep breath, also while doing the exercise Cadence taught her to keep calm. TikTok video from Silent86 (@anime635473): "Naruto realm includes Naruto and boruto modes/jutsus and people, spawn under construction but you can Captain Winda Breezeina huffed and smiled thinking about her mission, set Wrath free, just thinking about it filled her with excitement and faith, she had always adored dragons for what they were, big, majestic, powerful, proud and unconquerable. Normally a dragons egg that doesnt hatch becomes dull and transforms into a hollow rock, but then I found your egg, Spike, she said, looking at her bemused child. Applejack was working on her apple trees as usual; luckily, she had started extra early, so that bad, she let Big Mac handle the rest. The trio of noble ponies plus some that had stayed behind to see the show looked both disgusted and angry at the young dragon. To regain his power he will need his original hoard, until then he will be weak and wont be a threat beyond his legacy, Euphrinos smiled cockily. ----------------------------------------------------------------***************************************, I saw Aurora as a comrade, a partnermaybe even as a friend but in all those years I never asked him nor did he asked me upon th e subject Discord smiled butMoon Light she was a different story, at first I thought she was just playing some kind of game with me, pretending to be nice to me or something, soon I discovered she was truthfully kind to me, she always treated me with respect and equality, she went all off her way to defend me when she caught somepony talking bad about me, S-she sounds a lot like Fluttershy Spike said, You have no idea how much Discord clenched his fists Two years before the end of the war something happened his face turned serious Moon Light, Celestia and Luna went out to practice their routine exercises II.Moon Light asked me if I wanted to come along but I refused, she she gave me a light peek on my left cheek and left saying good bye, it wasnt the first time she had done it but it was the first time she had in front of her daughters.thenit came. Part I, Writing a Paragraph, has been condensed from seven to three chapters in order to move students more quickly to writing essays. Twilight watched from the entrance of her former mentors room as the mother and son embraced. Spike walked towards Twilight and climbed on her back, both of them giving a last sad look at the skeleton encrusted inside the crystal walls before walking away. Right. What happened?, I mean if you want to answer that, if thats ok.. Im reporting this to the princess! another one shouted. You are a very beautiful mare Twilight and you are the very opposite of pathetic, not because you are a princess now but because you never, EVER, give up, you want to be successful not because you dont want to disappoint yourself but because you dont want to disappoint those around you, you will never disappoint me Twi, never.. Fluttershy, he almost killed you! Rainbow said from her seat He almost killed everypony inside that room, even if he was just trying to protect princess Celestia. Open your eyes there is no more king, we are the only ones left We should be helping our alicorn brothers in battle not babysitting an abomina-. It can become the greatest shield and strength you can have or be your greatest weakness, You are a gemstone dragon, young one, you must control your emotions and desires, or they will end up controlling you. Is there a rampaging dragon loose in Equestria again? I do cool stuff, and I'm not a jerk like the others, but. ? King Silver Feathers shouted throwing a scroll before a bowing griffon, who was not moving. This is so much fun! Twilight said, still scribbling notes to her parchment. The first one was strange to him, judging by size alone the form was a little bigger than Celestia, the strange part though was that this figure was bipedal. Five of them were just a mass of cloud in different sizes, but another three held forms inside the spheres. Care to join us? Aurora asked but Discord didnt move Discord? Aurora asked as he took a step closer to him, lifted his right forehoof and touched him, Discord fell backwards shattering into millions of pieces, the guards and Aurora were frozen in fear. Of course, mommy! But that doesnt answer why you didnt tell me he was a changeling.. Oh, nothing Cadence, nothing, I was just telling my dear sister how my son should be asleep by now, but it seems he is still awake. Celestia answered smiling sweetly at her niece. Immortality was also bestowed to our offspring and it changed us all, alicorns became one with the sun, the moon and life itself, draconequus became one with the balance and the void, letting them do great and magnificent feats, but we, the gemstone dragons changed in a more drastic way, our paths to maturity were changed, our cycles were changed and even our talents were changed, we feared that our draconic brothers would hate us for our change, the scene around them changed and now a group of every kind of dragon was around the gemstone dragons and suddenly all of the other dragons bowed before them yelling again something they could not understand, but they saw us as the leaders of dragons and so the King and Queen of dragons were named, my husband Thorn as the king and me as the queen. the scene around them changed to a great mountain and valleys in the distance, almost the same sight they saw first but there were no buildings. I cant read it either; such a shame. He grinned. Sabarius entered the young dragons mind with ease now that Spike had allowed him free access. With my death.the..ele.ments.are..free he whispered find.yourbearers he commanded before falling a long way to the earth. After Twilight and I had a little chat about the way she treated the griffon assassin it was to my great surprise that it was Celestia herself who foolishly showed her how to use it, even if it can be said it was an accident, Twilights friends looked at her surprised. That helps but not so much, is there anything more about your history? Shining asked. The griffon was a she, and yes she WAS being guarded, but somepony tricked the guards giving them some sedatives and killed the griffon. Discord walked to them until he was standing besides Fluttershy. And say nothing, they did. Spike has green spikes, but his egg didn't had any green on it, Celestia said, turning to Spike. Now we must discuss thy actions Twilight Sparkle, but fear not we are not here to scold you but to inform you, She looked at Cadence. Players need to install the Fabric or Forge mod on the client for the voice chat to work. 'If thats the case then what can I do to help him, I dont.I dont want to impose any path for him, he must choose his own path, his own destiny, just like Twilight has done. It had an orange underbelly, and a set of horns rested on his head. Nothing my dear Phalanx, tell the guards to return to their posts., Of course my Princess, Phalanx said but didnt move. Well, it turns out the all mighty Celestia has kept a dragon hatchling for herself behind our backs for almost twenty years, perhaps even more, Wrath was silent, waving his chained tail in bordom, as much movement as he was allowed at any rate not only that but now there are two new alicorns, ascended ones I believe, one of them is Princess Cadence, niece of Celestia and Luna, princess of love and ruler of the Crystal Empire., So it was true, it came back after a thousand years, what a worthless race the ponies areand this second one?, Her name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, former protge of Celestia herself and the Element of Magic.. She decided to follow him, from a distance, to both guard him and discover what she had stumbled upon. So did you learned anything useful you two?, Oh YES! Its alright, lower your horns, his name is Discord and he is my savior. Aurora smiled at both of the guards who looked at him surprised but did what their king said, Auroras smile turned into a scowl as he focused his attention on the battlefield. assets from their respective owners if you intend to use them for commercial purposes. Pain, she looked up, she had felt pain inside her, the hunger was starting to act inside of her, a pain so great and so terrible that she couldnt wish, not even to her most hated rival, to ever feel, a pain that threaten to destroy her very soul, body, mind, feelings and sanity all at the same time, a pain that would kill her from her very, deepest core, and she knew what her death would mean, she was the last queen, no more changelings would be born if she died, the pain became bigger and bigger, she knew that with her death no one would protect her remaining changelings, she knew that, as her grandmother had told her, she would become a foul beast, something from the ancient past, she had felt the pain before but never so strong, so demanding.so powerful, the pain began to spread through her body every second stronger than before, she was about to scream in pain when suddenly, it was gone and she felt something at her right side, turning her head she saw a group of three changelings with their horns glowing a light pink aura and a bigger around her horn. Special thanks to Bennet001 for proofreading! Although Twilight and her friends were shocked by her sudden presence and the following evacuation they hadn't budged or protested, all of them were sick once and their own mother acted very much the same, so with nothing to do but not wanting to return to their rooms or go to sleep they decided to wait for good news. Dear travelers, we have arrived to the Canterlot Port. ---------------------------------------------------------------*******************************. Both sides charged against one another, the alicorns smashed, with their supernatural strength, their opponents, impaled them with their horns, crushed them with their magic, kill, burn, destroy or obliterate them with spells or simply hacking them with their weapons, the draconequus fought melee against the bigger opponents like manticores or minotaurs, some were using their supreme aerial maneuvers and agility to fight against multiple opponents, some were using their magic to change the shape of their enemies weapons, block attacks, switch places or make things out of thin air to attack, like blades, spikes, boulders or anything they could think of, the real battle was done by the dragons, burning and smashing , clubbing and tearing, eating and killing everything on their paths, screams of pain and death filled the air, they saw first claw how a greed dragon ate a small gemstone dragon only to grab its stomach in pain and the being ripped apart from the inside, covering all below on blood and intestines, corpses also fell down from the skies from the aerial battle where only small clashes could be seen. Can't they see his crown! S-Spike? For the first time in her life, Twilight was truly afraid of her best friend, he did not recognize her, he was blinded by rage and couldnt recognize between friend or foe, Spike was going to kill them all, in his eyes they were all enemies. I think that was pretty clear, he wished to have the strength to protect you, Celestia, thankfully he hurt you accidently and thus was able to turn back into the Spike we know and love. Discord placed his lion paw over Celestias head. A simple raised claw from his father signaled Garble to stop talking. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. I wonder if the Princesses are calling us for a secret party! *Thirty minutes and barrels upon barrels of hard cider later*. Some even stopped flying to let her continue her way without troubles. It wasnt common to see a dragon fly over Equestrian territory unless it was from the great dragon migration or from the occasional dragon tourist every couple of years, but it wasnt a cause to run and hide for your lives or even to get ready for a fight, especially when said dragon was flying over your home without even caring or even noticing it, all in all, it was a rare sight that didnt cause that much of an alarm. No, it wasnt, our spies report that the lizard can regenerate at great speeds, at first I thought it was just an exaggeration, but it seems the dragons attack yesterday proved this information to be real, the green dragon crushed the little lizard and then it got back up and healed up, A grunt escaped the shadows lips. We are the top of the food chain, nothing can go against us, not even gods can withstand us and yet you..youyou dare say these food storage are your friends? Discord continued his walk until he stopped abruptly in front of a lunar guard and glared at him too. He could have stopped Twilight before things got so out of claw, but he just shrugged like it was just another one of her tantrums about her studies. ? both Spike and Twilight shouted. Discord was taken aback Fear you? he said Doesnt he see they hate him for what he is? he thought. What do you mean by that? Twilight asked worriedly. I beg your pardon? Discord turned around confused to face the unknown alicorn Did you just..thank me?. B-but -----I see, good afternoon to you, Aunt Celestia he said turning around and opening the door with his magic, Celestia said nothing to him. Spike? A voice he knew far too well said from behind. Do not judge them for it, all they wanted was to live among the living. A sigh of relief echoed inside the cavern. R-really?. Semantics. she said before nuzzling him. He was worried as to why his mother called him and his friends like that. The griffon king, Sharp Wings, had died during the war, killed by the high magician, General Infinity Sparkle, during one of the last battles of the way. Prince Spike rose from the debris, his head and body was almost flat, his left eye was missing as well as his right arm, his legs were crushed and bent in abnormal ways, his tail was nowhere to be seen and most of his organs were scattered around the debris and some were even hanging out from his body, then to the utter shock of all, his blood, scales, organs and everything began to evaporate and Spike himself began to twist, bend, grunt and scream as cracking, popping and flesh being torn apart was heard, little by little his bones cracked in proper position, his muscles being regenerated as well as his missing parts, his missing eye slowly appeared, first as a disgusting mass of muscle, nerve and blood until it was looking properly right, his head was also fixed and recovered its normal round look, his missing arm had also regenerated, first as a small trickle of white liquid forming the bone followed by the muscles, nerves, joints and everything else, his tail had also regenerated in a similar way, as well as the rest of his his body, the process took less than thirty seconds, but it was the most horrific and disgusting thing many had ever seen in their lives, once the process was done, Spike went to all fours panting, but he was alright as if nothing had even occurred to him. This was the personal hoard of the dragon king, and it was Sabrarius's job to protect it. I dont care what my little boy chooses to become. We have grown weak and too dependent on the Elements of Harmony, and even though I trust in all of you to keep Equestria safe, I have neglected proper training, if any at all, to assure the safety of you all. look! In an instant he had changed form to that of Spike. Itit seems you were right, griffon. He said, groaning in pain. ? Spike shouted surprised G-gemstone dragon? We will protect him, dont worry, silence, reminds you of someone?, .. My little brother, he was barely a year old.. Thou magic is ineffective against the book, Discord, Luna said, gazing at him skeptically,. A good five minutes passed in silence. Now, imagine what those ponies would have done if I had a son? You look rather amusing and funny, if I must admit, the voice of a certain Draconequus echoed into the room, just before its owner popped into existence beside Celestia. HA!, dont make me laugh, they even treat you like a lowly pet, Green Scales snarled, puffing a cloud of smoke from his nostrils. He looked absolutely adorable. Around them, many more bystanders began to form a circle around them, talking and approving her costume as the unicorn pondered in deep deliberation. Both Luna and Twilight were in the last section of the royal library, the forbidden section, books about black, demonic and life bending magic filled it, and even that knowledge was of no interest to Twilight, she wanted to know more about Spike, his past and his life, but now after all this reading something else had stirred her mind, closing the book she had finished reading Twilight turned to Luna who was reading silently the last pages of the very last book of the royal library. Have a nice day.. It was big enough for her to fit nicely, at least. I still think finding your bit purse hardly counts as saving your life, Fancy. Spike deadpanned. What I did in the past was horrible, and every single day that passes I atone for doing it and I know this is my fair punishment, but you? The guards pushed the doors open to let Winda walk through, once she was inside the room the doors closed behind her harshly. You did it because it was necessary, right? Spike asked her. Phalanx was not a fool, ever since he began working as Celestias personal (and only) bodyguard he knew she had many enemies both inside and outside Equestria, of course he knew the most deadly ones were inside the very castle or in Canterlot in general. Everyday I felt the demon grow weaker and weaker until its hold over me was as thin as paper, letting the Elements save me from it. Luna neighed furiously. HELP ME! The dragon roared in anger as she tried to evade him, barely succeeding, but the dragon was too fast and too agile for her, out of desperation she took flight only to be followed by the dragon jumping at blinding speed from one pillar to a nother, eventually reaching her. I'm happy for both of them. If its the best for my son, then yes. looking up she saw her son sitting peacefully in Sabarius hand. And our borders with the Griffon Empire in the south fare no better with tension rising every moment!. The home of the CitizenFX modification frameworks for GTA V and Red Dead Redemption 2. ! four voices yelled out, as if in sync. You have been doing a wonderful job so far using him as your own personal tool and at your benefit, Really now? Two noises in front of her caught her attention. The armor and weapons are not going to build themselves, now get to it!. This time*pant* you wont be able to run, Solaris, his opponent said, a massive red-blood dragon with blue spikes smiled, now you will die, as well as your pathetic race!, hnnnggg---you call us pathetic, Valtach, but are we not the only ones holding you back, keeping you at bay? Aurora smirked while Valtach glared at him. Can you hurry up? Twilight answered angrily. I-I know Im a monster.. but I dont. Celestia and Spike stopped their embrace to look at the guard bowing before them. A little, baby dragon was sleeping peacefully over Celestia's bed, all the while sucking a bit of her mane at the same time. Was it another assassination attempt? Fleur asked worriedly, while she had never actually met the dragon herself, she had heard enough stories about him to held him in high regard. Celestia stopped just in time to hear a tremendous explosion in the skies. This doesn't make any sense, Twilight told herself, all while looking at him sleeping. After all, an invasion and the return of the Crystal Empire are pretty important and kind of a big deal. Umm, Princess Celestia, if I may ask; where is Discord? She pulled out a single object only; a simple suitcase, though two times the size of a normal one. "I do not really appreciate you all talking about my friends, the elements of harmony, thrice savior of our glorious kingdom of Equestria, and the reformer of discord, in such a pompous tone. All I was told was that at some point of your history you simply lost the ability to give love to each other, but aside from that, I dont know anything Daring said. Celestia had asked him to come and talk personally to her, for some urgent and private matters, sadly that would have to wait until he was done with his current meeting. I didnt know you could do that, Spike.. My timeis almost up, soon I will join my husband and brothers and sisters. her body began to lose light. At first I thought that, but after seeing these results, he said holding up some papers, I also found out he has a thousand times more magic powers than me and at the same time unimagic, creating a perfect balance with this chaos energy inside him. another tremble, this one bigger than the last pulling the dragon soldier out of his shock. Ha! Yes, Phalanx? she said, looking softly at her guard. ! Discord screamed It took me a whole year to come up with that song and the motions! Discord began to grumble, curse and complain about the whole darn thing. Taking no more time admiring the dead, they pushed forward to the entrance of the cells and were greeted by the guards, armored, weapons on claws and ready to fight, all of them blocking the entrance to the cell room. Celestia was overwhelmed with surprise when Daring told her about the changeling empire and its state. Curious, excited, and silently praying, I approached the book. But rotten on the inside ha, ha! Spike thought to himself, smirking a bit I wonder what the girls are doing right now, Twilight is locked inside the royal library with princess Luna, or should it be auntie Luna now?, Rarity has been avoiding me lately and the rest returned to Ponyvilleand Discord, he hasnt done anything in this past two weeks Spike sighed softly looking outside the window when he saw something huh! The moment princess Celestia made the announcement you were practically drooling over him, very un-lady like if I may say so.. Celestia repeated as a grunt escaped her lips, finally seeing her surrounding and seeing just how much damage her son had made, all in the name to protect her. The guards gulped greedily, in those gems there was easily around fifty thousand bits, around twelve thousand for each of them, five years of work easily. Fancy nodded once Thank you, your majesty. Only my Lord is capable of doing such an act after being released from his imprisonment! The whispers behind his back and the general opinion of him pointed to not hate, but something far worse: fear. You are a gemstone dragon, young one, you must control your emotions and desires, or they will end up controlling you. How could WE possibly trust you after what you did, dear nephew? Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. I do not find enjoyment in what Im about to say, but we cannot ignore that our nephew-- Luna sighed sadly. The ones you love and want to protect? There is no magic capable of doing that except for the mother-egg connection did Princess Celestia keep one egg for herself? Lunar Client Alternatives Please note that this page may be outdated as some mods don't update. -------------------------------------------------------*********************************************. I..I failed you and I know th-, Phalanx, She said in a motherly tone. Celestia leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead, earning some light laughter on his part. Aurora would be very disappointed at you Celestia, Celestia visually cringed and suppressed a painful sob. That a boy.. An aura of yellow magic appeared from him and the three mares, and a second later, they were teleported to their respected seats. Phalanx, talk to me buddy please!, M-m-m-my Q-q-q-queen *heavy breath* Y-you are s-s-safe, I-Im glad Phalanx said looking at Celestia, who was beginning to tear up I-I-Im s-sorry I c-c-couldnt be o-of m-more u-u-usefulness*cough*. Nearly two decades ago, I sent my now close friend, Daring, on a mission to find whats inside this box. Celestia opened the box, showing everypony a black booktwice the size of Star Swirl the Bearded bookwith golden letters saying Book of The Dovah.' After all, you are Sabarius the Sage, the light of the dragons. Celestia closed the chest and levitated it onto her back again. Shouldnt she be here now?, It seems the operation failed, we havent got a word from her and her forces., Then what shall we do now? Serving the last of the animals she flew to her spot before filling a cup infront of an empty chair right next to her, then serving herself. The creature put down the cup of tea on the table before answering Very well, I shall aid you-- the creature was cut off as the pegasus launched from her seat to tackle him. ------------------------------------------------*******************************************. For a couple of minutes Spike just stood there, deciding what to do, until he smiled and remembered a place he hadnt been for a very long time and then he walked away. Celestia was crying silently against her son, her royal adornments forgotten on the ground hours ago, she was unable to help him, to heal him, she could only stay near him, letting Spike hug her forelegs and neck as he screamed in unbearable pain against her coat, feeling his saliva and his tears, it didnt matter to her that his claws and fangs were cutting through her fur and skin, while she was very resistant and very, very strong Spike was still a dragon, which meant his fangs and claws could tear almost anything apart so that meant her fur offered little protection against him. But what stood out the most was a monolith carved out of pure gold, standing proud in the middle of the room. I didn't know there was one today, or at least I think or is there?. ------------------------------------------------------------------****************************************. Seems like those dragons didn't like the classics. The griffon stabbed me in the throat and the chest, and was using Dodongo Poison on the daggers.. Out with it., M-my Lord.I was told that the insignificant whelp you killed..is still alive. Then Discord came and what did she do? Especially me. Twilight said while her friends looked to the ground in shame, too. Leave this instant and inform the rest of the guard, both the Lunar and the Solar that as of tomorrow I will personally train them until I see your abilities are at least magic kindergarten level, is that understood?. She looked down and saw a very angry Celestia. Errr, umm, are you alrightwhatever you are? The trees rustled a bit before parting revealing a green dragon rubbing its right eye with one of its claws .oohhhhhh, IM SORRY! Spike shouted, putting his claws in front of him. Equestria is safe as of now, but yes, the package is what brought me here. Celestia rose the chest with her magic, and carefully put it on the ground. I just didn't let it out., I'm even more curious now! "Another victim of your stupidity", her mind told her. ! Spike rambled on making motions to show his heroic and brave actions, though fueled by anger, Twilight could barely contain her giggles. Guards, wait outside until I call you again, without saying anything, the guards simply bowed and exited the room. Luna and Cadence were hurt, small bruises a nd cuts over them; Shining was spitting blood from his mouth and was in the same conditions as the previous two. With that said, Rarity became pale and started to mumble incoherently. /api/cask.json (JSON API) Spike was clenching his claws hard but didnt move from his spot now, he exhaled a puff of smoke before speaking. DISCORD! Three voices shouted happily at the same time before their owners tackled the master of chaos onto the floor. Players need to install the Fabric or Forge mod on the client for the voice chat to work. Death to the liar tyrant! all the ponies shouted in unison. But dragon eggs are almost completely round and their surface is either rocky or sharp as sandpaper, I wonder what the girls are doing right now, Twilight is locked inside the royal library with princess Luna, or should it be auntie Luna now?, Rarity has been avoiding me lately and the rest returned to Ponyvilleand Discord, he hasnt done anything in this past two weeks, huh! Once I find who the traitors are I will force them to say everything they know and then I will kill them, slowly and painfully, it doesnt matter whoit turns out to be, I will NOT allow our family to fall into shame and death.. How many times have I told you to respect the pony hatched dragons? It was a trait few next to none have. Because chaos is my business and business is goooooood! silence met him as he returned to his normal size. Please Twilight let me finish this story first Luna closed her eyes focusing on remembering those old days, a smile appeared on her face When father arrived to the castle we were so happy to see him again, mother hugged him as he was telling us his little story, Tia was only twenty years old and I was twelve years old, it was a blessing mother had two child in less than ten years, When he was done with his tale he presented Discord to us, I remember the first thing I thought about him Luna giggled a little I thought he was some kind of miss matched puzzle or some kind of giant strange plushie, Tia on the other hoof didnt trust him at first but she was very thankful that he had saved our father, mother on the other hoof after freeing our father from her hug she walked direc tly to Discord, -----------------------------------------------*************************************. SHUT UP! he fired his spheres of chaos energy, passing through her doing nothing, but he didnt stop. Why mah juice never tastes like apples? Discord merely shrugged. Spike rub his eyes with his claws, trying to wake up enough to see clearly, opening his eyes he saw a blur in front of him, next to the door. Twilight couldnt even move as the impression was still fresh on her mind, suddenly she felt something warm land on her face, using her hoof she whipped the substance from her face and then moved her hoof in front of her seeing what it was, purplish blood, looking up and finally out of her trance she saw the even more agonizing face of Spike as he tried to take out the dagger jabbed in his throat and at the same time holding firmly another silver dagger that pierced his chest cleanly. What did you train them with? Then the Crystal Empire shows up and, again, she sends her pets to battle. the pegasus said. All those times you saw him sad but didnt ask what was wrong with him? Deathglare, are you absolutely sure about this? His voice was soft yet masculine, almost like a male version of Princess Celestia's. Im sorry Celestia, I know what it feels to lose faithful and loyal subjects, Her own expression turned sorrowful for a second before closing her eyes. Glad to see you again after all this time, buddy. Phalanx gave him a weak smile. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for exploitation of such work for profit. I see, Rainbow said getting the message But Spike is going to be alright, right? Spike, could you come here for a second?. Daring had met with the changelings in her time there, or at least, what remained of them. Phalanx, on the other hoof, only asked himself, What have I done? and let out a sigh. Yeah, kinda shocked me too when I realized it, no wonder mom gets so bored during her court times, there was one time that she almost fell asleep hearing a fat stallion complaining aboHEY WATCH IT!!. Celestia's baby hatchling, is it not? Sabarius said, looking at his king. T-thats impossible! Yeah, after beating the crap out of that bastard editor, robbing my sisters bits like that, no wonder she had to work as a mail mare. Daring thought. Spike. Her voice was gentle, but filled with authority. A not so distant Nooooooooooooooo! yell followed by a small earthquake made her lose her focus and ended up falling to the ground face first. ? Daring shouted in surprise. Fancy and the rest of the Elements arrived in time to see Spike roaring in anger against the floor, trying with all his might to get free from the magic ropes of the five grunting royals, Rarity gasped in horror, Fluttershy almost fainted and the rest were just rendered stunned on the spot, not knowing what to do. She could finally hug, kiss and love her son freely. Wrath got up in time to see the royal sisters fly away as fast as they could, he plunged himself into the air to pursue her but something smashed against his left cheek with tremendous force sending him down to the ground, before hitting the ground he managed to get himself upright and land with his four claws first, looking above he found it was Discord who had sent him to the ground, they had fought many times in the past years but this was the first time they were going to be completely alone, Wrath roared and sent a powerful stream of fire at Discord . I'm just glad I get to spend time with you more, now care to tell me where is Rainbow Crash?. You look exactly like her! the stallion said. I shall follow your advice, my friend. It was a bad relationship, but she is married to a very nice stallion now., Indeed, his name is Time Turning, though he likes to be called simple as The Doctor, Luna explained while Daring tried to pull her jaw from the floor. ne bileyim cok daha tatlisko cok daha bilgi iceren entrylerim vardi. And if you take me, will you make me strong? Spike asked with hopeful eyes. Never.Speak.Of.It.Again. Rarity said loudly as she glared the princess of Friendship. -----------------------------------------------------------------------**********************************. -----------------------------------------------------************************************. He is very nice. Are you alright, my sister? Luna asked in a low tone, growing more and more worried about these small pains of her sister. How can you say those venomous things about your own kin? Either go to the dragon lands and speak with her father's old friend, Sabarius, for some answers, or the egg could only be hatched by a more powerful magic. The robot's unmoving 'eye' looked at Discord for some seconds. They only need to re-learn what they lost. And in great time too, a month later dragons of all kind began fighting in the east borders of Equestria and in less than a day the Dragons Claw invaded Equestria wanting to exterminate ponies for they thought we were a weak and pathetic race, our father and mother stood up to them and sent them back effortlessly, her smile vanished, that bastard of a king Valtach took it as a direct offense and decided to purge us first. She had only told her sis, Excuse me, but who is the author of the book?, Well, we don't know his real name, and he's never even shown up to a single convention, some day because he likes to be anonymous. 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