That often means that when someone close to us is hurting, we want to take control of that too. What do you do if you find yourself in a relationship and you have been playing a role that you know isnt right but you are afraid of missing out on a good thing by breaking up because of the deep desire for freedom. Its like, When do I get my turn?. She said my fathers behavior sounds narcissistic. Really valuable stuff here and elsewhere if youre lucky enough to find it and willing enough to spot it. As a result, you keep your feelings to yourself and seek acceptance and love through self-sacrifice. Taking responsibility for their behavior. It prevents you from experiencing the intimacy and connection you desire. Responsible for: Always replying "no worries!" when people apologize in an email. Think about the role you have played within your family. In my current work Im valued, appreciated and rewarded but im ever full of fear that they are just being nice, im not that good, and in constant fear that they will find out i am not. When you finally do decide to talk, you may be stuck with people who dont have the capacity to listen. On reflection I can see how my upbringing has affected my choice of personal toxic relationships and why I feel alone. . Struggling to fit in, feeling like I am back at school whenever I am at work,or at the livery yard where I keep my horse (I dont go out socialising much what are you kidding me?!). Your responsibility lies in witnessing what [], 2022 Awakening Through Miracles All Rights Reserved Privacy Policy, how to take responsibility for my emotions, you are not responsible for other peoples feelings, you are not responsible for others feelings, you are responsible for your own feelings. . I have always felt responsible for everyone, their thoughts, actions, behaviors etc. She finally did marry someone just like Daddy, but couldnt understand why it was so awful being married to him, haha And I never married because I was too busy being responsible for the entire planet and all who reside here :-/, Im 38 years old, and still the same over responsible, people pleasing little girl. Doing so will allow you to give and receive love, care, trust and respect instead of sacrificing you and mistaking it for giving. Ive experienced it. Nobody. It made a huge difference, cause with the emotion out of it (over empathy) Im able to better protect myself by thinking about their agenda. I do my mirror work with them. by NATALIE | Oct 3, 2016 | Patterns & Habits | 41 comments. Im youngest sibling of 3.encouraged by my mother to take care of everyone including her after her marriage to my father ended. What have you believed that its your job to be or do? Of all the articles written this ones describes me/resonates with me the most. To this day, I remember saying, Why dont you leave him, Mummy? What innocence!!! Ive felt that I have to be strong and so avoid showing weakness by asking for help, expressing needs or sharing my feelings. You Feel Resentful. All while craving the connection and intimacy that being over responsible deprives you of. And if you havent done so already, follow me on my Facebook page Vera Velini The Assertive Happiness Coach. Start saying no to things you dont want or that dont feel good to you. I fear its the latter. He later mentioned how during the school holidays he will go with kids and his exwife to stay at our mutual friends beach house, assuring me nothing will happen and they will never get back together. There is a whole profession dedicated to taking care of the sick. I learned to read the atmosphere in every room I entered, acquired ulcers starting around age 12 from the stress. We constantly were reminded how much our clothing, healthcare cost her and my dad. DISCLAIMER: This site may use affiliate links. { In my upcoming blog posts, Ill share specific steps that you can take to stop taking on responsibilities that arent yours. You feel mortified when something goes wrong at work, even when it's a team effort. Roles cut you off from yourself and they also cut you off from intimacy. . And, yes, abusive people more often than not abuse someone until there is nothing in the recipient left to abuse. } It actually is a desirable human trait. You could decide that its their responsibility to get themselves up on time and walk the reasonable distance to school. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD. Im trying to let go of this role and feel great anger and resentment particularly following my health scare earlier this year where my mom was still only bothered about what would happen to her if something happened to me. As a kid, I was ridiculed and silenced by whatever means necessary because I asked a lot of questions and openly protested against the mindless evil hating bigotry of my family (as young as six). Another interesting (albeit chilling) profile of an abuser I have heard is that they create their own kingdom where in their mind (via thinking justifications) they excuse their actions and forfeit consequences via denial while invalidating the the truth and thus their victims. Had they had insight into their pasts, mine woulda been much better as well as my blood sibs, who were indeed emotionally lost for good. No. Excellent. I want to call my sister and offer comfort, yet I feel like I need to be prepared to be attacked. It doesnt hell that im in a new country and in my efforts to fit in, i stick out much, and all i want is to belong and be accepted but feel unwelcome. In doing so, you can really begin to heal and stop the repetition of past hurts. Feeling you are responsible for other people's feelings, happiness, or needs can be exhausting and makes you vulnerable to being exploited. So many wasted souls. } Neither of my parents dealt with problems in their relationship it always *appeared* that it was the perfect relationship, because my sister and I never saw or heard them fighting. I left my fathers house at 17 when his drug use got so bad. When I was a kid, I was taught that its a good thing to be responsible. This is exactly me and I am only just realising that my pattern of being attracted to abusive men has been the worst symptom of it. on: function(evt, cb) { I didnt understand (of course) and wanted to protect my mother. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { This website uses cookies to improve your experience. But I just keep getting up and moving for me. Under varying circumstances, children often grow up feeling that they are responsible for alleviating a parent's suffering from traumatic experiences, addictions, and other situations in which a parent is emotionally unavailable to them. It helps to know Im not alone. You being over-responsible is showing itself yet again and causing you to not meet your responsibilities to you. It's not selfish but gives the other person an opportunity to know you better. Being told that me being pretty and too bright caused problems multiplied my shame. Responsible to: Expressing curiosity about the thinking of others. I still crumble a lot. Being a parentified child can make you take on more responsibility than appropriate for your age. I would probably go to the ends of the earth for my dog as she is an innocent and totally dependent on me. Good luck in sorting out why you are feeling what you are feeling, and making the decision that is good for you. I was afraid of being alone if I stood up for myself. Possibly Literally 2005-2022 BAGGAGE RECLAIM. We all want to feel self-assured and in charge. Women bitching about me constantly, feeling left out when all I want is to feel a part of something. My sister who has scapegoated me for years was just diagnosed with lung cancer. Never had a rship with anyone my own age as we lived on different planets, didnt give a damn about being a kid, pop non-culture, anything in their lives. I wish you all the best for the future. In your past, standing out got you punished and rejected. Im forty and i want to feel like a grown up. I believe you, Jennifer that its real. I dont know you and I think it is. Be curious about the origins of your over-responsibility so that you can learn better boundaries for you. You dread standing out or coming across as if you think too much of yourself. You feel to blame if your child goes off in a bad way. Nobody has to give you permission to be you. You feel it's your fault when other people feel bad. . We wish to address this question more specifically now. Feeling overly responsible in general can feel like being on the edge of burnout rather a lot. } Its not about self-loathing, because I see myself as a better person than the takers, but then I wonder if my beliefs and world views are all wrong. Sickeningly ignorant of him, I know now. This resonates with me so much so that I thought finally someone whos really got it! But what do I do from here? Youre an excellent listener when other people have problems. You feel ashamed or fearful when you make a mistake. Lets say, for instance, that your sister got fired by her boss because she was frequently missing work or leaving early to tend to her kids. You might not recognise it until you consider where else youve felt similarly in life. . . . If youre playing a role that you learned/assumed, much as youve derived value from it, its causing you deep pain. It can work the other way too with me. So right from childhood, I learned that it was my job to be a responsible person. But being alone and whole is so much better than being surrounded by uncaring people who leave you in pieces emotionally and depleted physically. And who exactly will I be since this was all that I knew me to be so if I choose to shed it now (for my better wellbeing) who will I become? He cancelled a meetup we had arranged on one Friday night so he can spend the whole Sat with her and the kids to cheer her up. My response, wow, that is very caring of you. I have resisted her and others here at times because it meant I couldnt go on with my abusive behavior (no matter how subtle) toward myself or others either if I listened and healed. Agreed. . Women often unconsciously take on extra responsibility as a way of feeling more in control, safe and secure, yet we sacrifice our body and wellbeing, for the illusion of being in control. Lovenomics: Managing Your Desire to Be the Exception in Relationships Part One, Podcast Ep. Cue what might be a numberof unavailable and possibly even abusive partners or other people in your life who you try to fill voids with. Then a magical thing happened, I met a few forward thinking women active and thriving in society (they have excellent boundaries). You worry constantly about whether people like you and accept you. "The possibility of a Bout-for-Whelan trade existed back then," said Bolton, 74, "and it wasn't made, for very good reasons having to deal with Viktor Bout." Whelan was sentenced in June . He said he had to do it for the children and her ex as he cares about how hurt and devastated she is. I can identify with everyone here. Went to the wolf education center, played with the alpha wolf that weekend. You get used to caring for others and putting your own needs aside. Jan 27, from "Strengthening My Recovery" daily reader. He respected and treated his exwife well too. If you make a purchase through one of these links, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This is why even though your weekday mornings feel like a hectic nightmare, you might keep driving your teen to school because they always wake up late in the morning. It took years of reading all I could find about family dysfunction to understand what happened, why, and why I felt so different from everyone around me, especially peers. Sometimes i fear going to public places on my own if i have no friend as i believe people will think i dont belong and what the heck am i doing. Even though your sister never asked for your help and you had no idea that she was struggling to balance her work and parental responsibilities, you still feel responsible for your sister getting fired. Anyhow, there are people who see through the charm and to the hate for what it really is in these low self-esteem, or no self-esteem having people. We tried to anticipate the needs of others and meet those needs so we would not he abandoned.". Its such a contradictory thing to be afraid to get close to the people you love for fear (knowledge/awareness) that you will be attacked for doing so. It is like being consumed. Youre over-responsible. Responsible to: Really thinking about whether you need to reassure them or not. Well, youll probably feel exhausted all the time. No relationship thrives without give and take. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I have narcissistic traits as well. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Now, to them i feel like im not as good friend to them as they are to me. Grapple with chronic feeling of anxiety and dread because growing up around someone who used to take out their problems on you has made you hyper-aware of those around you? Did your therapist call them anything besides bullies? I have child now age 15 we dont live with her but visit every day despite working full time I have very professional demanding job. So dont feel guilty ,start doing you. We pose a real threat to rattling their complex web of self-denial and lies that allow them to exploit when we walk away. Love podcasts or audiobooks? Lacking a birthday tiara, I wore my squash blossom necklace even though it was lab day and I was wearing scruffy jeans/shirt. . They also may infer. May be my story is unrelated to yours, but I guess the lesson that i got from mine is, sometimes you just need to leave the situation if it does not feel right for you, even if the other person has not done Asscrownery things to you, and he is not expecting you to end it. I respect your privacy and only subscribe you to what you've specifically requested. But worth it. In other words, they tend to feel responsible for the feelings, needs, and desires of the people in their lives. My eldest sister left home age16 brother19. Responsible for: Forcing people to share their feelings and thoughts about a situation. Feeling defeated, I just kept trying to die from the age of 12 to 32. If you are feeling over-responsible for someone in your life, you are likely picking up some of the slack that they should be tending to. You dread standing out or coming across as if you think too much of yourself. They hold you back, doing their part in keeping patterns alive that need to be released for everyone involved. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Before I cut contact with him a few years back, he liked to blame me for abandoning him. My brother died 5 years ago . She sounded like a being from outer space to me. One of them is the one who introduced me here in baggage reclaim. She doesnt seem to have enough empathy to stop. (And my geriatric rescue dog I love her more than the sun and the moon and the earth and the sky and the stars combined and I really do love all those things.). . Its a grueling role. When she said this a light just clicked. Here are a few signs that indicate you tend to take responsibility for peoples' happiness: You often obsess over other people's feelings and behavior and feel anxious when they are angry or sad. At about age three, I remember my mother using me as her confidante, and complaining about stuff Dad did. My best friend was a cat and I supposedly rescued him, but now, I think we rescued each other. You might fend for yourself because your parents arent around very much (they might be working very long hours) and so you walk with a sense of aloneness. Some of our feelings, such as heartbreak and grief from losing a loved one, or helplessness over others, or loneliness when we want to share love with another and no one is available, are caused by others and by life events. Until, via Natalie and other women friendly/encouraging resources I became stronger. The best growth Ive ever had is via compassion for myself via feeling which leads to empathy for others. But. I have not taken responsibility for protecting myselfI have betrayed myself and thrown myself under the bus so many times thinking there must be something Im doing wrong, saying wrong. Most of my family is not speaking with me because I dared to stick up for myself and/or refused to do their stuff. An inflated sense of responsibility may also lead to other behaviors, such as: people-pleasing, which might be an attempt to control how others feel about you giving a lot of money or time. That's their responsibility. But in over-responsibility, we feel guilty when things out of our control go wrong. When youre so busy taking care of other peoples responsibilities that youre exhausted or dont have enough time to focus on your own needs, you begin to feel resentful. I was a fantastic child. For me, I try and try again to have enough courage enough to fight for freedom from toxicity and move toward healthy life. Healthy friendships and partnerships require you to ask for what you need. Mentally, I was and probably am two decades ahead of them. You might feel as if theres no point in expressing needs if your parents/caregivers cant/wont meet them. Ive tried to help her but she refuses to help herself. Odds are as well that youve tried to do this with people who you might not have realised allow you to play to the role that youve become accustomed to playing. . I celebrated the entire week. And Mum didnt confide in my sister, so she grew up believing that our parents had this wonderful marriage, and wondered why she couldnt find someone just like Daddy. I normally would wait for a good reason, or for them to end things. But reading this has helped me to realize that my behavior is not healthy, and I need to find a way to heal myself. Utilize your time well, do not be afraid of time alone, and exercise your right to say no when needed. Those unmet needs alter our view of ourselves so we feel we dont matter or wont be loved for who we are. Secondly I changed my opinion on the word selfish and realised that everyone is a literary bit selfish and it can actually be a good thing. And itll empower you to hand back responsibility to the people youve been covering for. I cant tell if the manipulation/brainwashing is an unconscious habit or a very devious conscious effort to undermine/conquer me(all the while claiming to be trying). You see, being responsible is healthy when it involves taking ownership of things that actually are your responsibility. Im so glad you keep getting back up and moving forward. I think were all just really trying to live a life that validates us and positively integrates us into society because of our differences, not in spite of them. 2) Boundaries are about YOU. You do your best to remain invisible which is toxic for your income because no one moves up the rankings by hiding. Over-responsible people are often the eldest or an only child, but wherever they fall in the family, they assumed a role within itwhich they felt was their job. Such poor irreverent use of humanity. Im amazed how many roles I filled for the family. Because youre pretending to be something youre not. I was forced to face this a few years ago and Im grateful. You deserve it and dont wait as long as I did. Im so sad Ive only just woken up to the fact that Ive been manipulated all my life into being care taker of my family at the cost of myself. (Its all about his money, his cars, his women, his appearance, he hates fat people revolting I know.) He said with the takers to think about what they are thinking rather than what they are feeling. But that blaming the child for their own bad behaviour really sets narcissistic parents apart it totally messes with you on every level. In some ways growing up fast, learning skills, becoming very strong was a good thing but such couldve occurred using love and praise. You have poor boundaries which makes it hard to enjoy social interaction. These cookies do not store any personal information. The only abnormality in the situation was their senseless hate and tyranny. If you get told off for stuff or blamed for certain things, you think youre responsible for it even if youre not. Being low maintenance or needless is your way of helping out but also protecting you from rejection. Her daughter was a Nordic beauty whod been given too much free rein so I was the dark, ugly, stupid rescued ghetto rat that she cracked down on. Ive cut out most of the takers in my life. I wont give up, because the only thing that keeps me going is that just around the bend, maybe there are better days. 2. Am I Being Used? He thought he will get back and we will continue as per usual. If your parent is inadequately parenting because theyre absent or theyre chronically ill or theyre dealing with addiction and other forms of codependency, or theyre abusive and neglectful, you grow up waaaay too soon. "Because guilt typically occurs in "micro-bursts" of brief signals, we often underestimate the rather significant role it plays in our daily lives." forms: { Its likely you feel responsible for other peoples feelings. When my mother died when I was 14 my family gave me a day to grieve and a weekend to attend the funeral, then it was back to business as usual (eventually I would be ridiculed, beat senselessly by my father, and labeled as weak for not assimilating properly by the rest of my family). . We all want to feel responsible and in control of our lives. Being overly self-sufficient is part of being over responsible. Its not selfish but gives the other person an opportunity to know you better. So-called negative emotions like anger and sadness can feel scary. This is usually way too much for any one person to take oneven if youre the most productive and time-efficient person on the planet. Taking responsibility is a show of empathy. Im disappointed we cant have a healthier relationship, but Im glad to have the break from the chaos and drama. Its very scary and deeply disappointing. . Thank you for your kind words of support, Jennifer. Because when youre overly responsible, you take on other peoples responsibilities. ___ It's possible for a vivid experience of consciousness to exist undetected from the outside ___ And when we inspect our intuitions . It was my mom before she suicided. They are people pleasers who suppress and repress themselves to prioritise others and also to minimise or eliminate conflict, criticism, rejection, disappointment and loss. You dont have to believe mean people who tell you lies about what you should and should not look like. You might also assume its your fault when something goes wrong. I read your story above and I understand what youre saying about your emotions being considered a weakness by your family. We did not have a fight. Also apologising on how that must make me feel, but he is doing it for his children and to comfort her. This is the narrative Ive been telling myself since I can remember. It made sense how my father could be so violent, callous and tyrannical and then blame me. 10 years cancer free!! You may have felt old before your time so that by adulthood, you were worn out. If youre overly responsible, you might also constantly worry about how something will go or the experience that other people will have. But my whole life I have been punished for being this way, while I watch who I consider as the selfish people be adored and get ahead of me in the workplace. I failed. Amazing!!!!! I hope this helps. To receive alerts for new Channeled Messages and updates on events I said they obviously care for each other, how lovely! They went and spent 3 days together. Folks here often think I am harsh, snobbish, cruel for my refusal to accept broken people in search of a meal ticket/surrogate mommy/caretaker in my life; I know better. Even if there werent overt messages, parents/caregivers may have implied it. I said, id like to say Im ok with it but I am not and i will never be. . Largely, thats because you wont share your problems with anyone else anyway. So glad you have your dear friend. At work same, i first worked in crappy work place where the manager was a bully. Codependency For Dummies. You obviously really care about her. His response was a knowing laugh and promising me to make it up to me when we meet. There must be something wrong with me that causes people to behave this way. And potentially many other ways. . Over responsibility affects you in your work and career. Its only now, in adulthood and after several courses of therapy, that I realise Its not all. For as long as I can remember, Ive been over-responsible. And now Im doing one of her online courses, Tune Into Your Inner Voice (and Calm Your Inner Critic), which is healing so much I hadnt previously been able to see (the inner critic, for me, was a shapeshifter). Matt Hardy wants to see Private Party succeed in AEW. I dont have a point of reference for that as I am not a mother. Also, I cannot be clear enough on this: No matter how ill someone is they have no right to abuse you. Many of us naturally feel responsible for other people's feelings. But at a certain point,. My therapist refers to them also along the lines of these people too. Its not easy to change and the people that were benefiting from all of my efforts are really pissed and fighting it and/ or have left. I got so tired of fighting and being silenced, I just collapsed. How do I communicate this to my bf? Sometimes being over-responsible is taught, so the child is frequently told that theyre responsible for something or someone. I said, well there is my feelings too that are obviously not being considered or prioritised. I like what your therapist said in terms of thinking as opposed to feeling. . If they dont reciprocate by listening, ask them to give you the same courtesy you give them. Its very much appreciated as are you. Its so true and so disappointing. I feel so guilty that I'm feeling this way". My mother always told me I was perfect until I was five, and I think it was when I first started trying to have my own ideas about things. Based on that, it will be best if we stop dating. You never expressed any negative feelings, even physical pain, because yours was nothing compared to hers. Mine just said these people! It is these co-dependency issues that keep us feeling overly responsible for others and under-responsible for our own health, well-being, and lives. But many of us take on responsibilities that dont belong to us. Im really sorry about the loss of your mother. I do love the expression who rescued who? And thank you as well for your insights, kind and wise words. But because youre overly responsible, theres a good chance that youll deprioritize your actual responsibilities and direct your time and energy toward the responsibilities youve taken on for other people. 57: Why Did We Break Up?--Save You, Save Me. In a few times that i do, i feel like everyone is looking at me and wondering what the hell am i doing there, cant i see i look different? We learned our emotions push people away rather than fostering connection. Start saying no to things you don't want or that don't feel good to you. ESFPs don't naturally feel responsible for others, unless they decide to take them on as their own responsibility. My mothers always seeking sympathy from others like shes so hard done by. . These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It might take you doing the same thing that youve always done costing you your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. When you enter the workforce, you may never consider putting yourself forward for a promotion. When we interact with others, we think that we are the cause of their reactions and emotions. I dont know your story since you have not disclosed it, but sometimes you just need to do it and leave the situation, if things dont or have stopped to feel right for you, even if the other person thinks your reason to end things is not a good/ reasonable one. When they felt abandoned because I didnt visit them as often as they wanted me to when I was in university, I apologized profusely. Overly responsible people get usedby demanding people, desperate people, and people psychologist George Simon calls "covert aggressors," who manipulate others with flattery, guilt, threats,. Over responsible, me too. Emotions are essentially your own. (function() { But codependents make the leap of feeling responsible for others' pain and happiness. She mentioned a mega problem with abusers is they have zero empathy for the victim. How he could cause the horror he did and blame others will forever be a mystery to me. Doing this is helping me, I feel like I am starting to take some positive steps. With Gods help and your wisdom, I can heal a little at a time. The nerve! Its not your job to preserve a lie that when it all boils down to it, blocks you from love, care, trust and respect. Thats for sure. Mistreated in your relationships and blamed for their crappy, sometimes abusive behaviour and youre editing and shaving you down to try to appease them while walking on eggshells through life? . This is a challenge for the people-pleaser because they feel overly responsible for other's feelings. Sign #2: Conflict Avoidance I have some pictures of me at birth, 2 or 3 and then at 8 or 9 taped to my bathroom mirror. When you take on responsibilities that arent yours, you become overly responsible. When they felt angry because I chose to spend a Saturday afternoon with a friend instead of with them, I promised to make it up to them. And I feel ok and content with my decision. Im even suspicious of any man who shows true interest of wanting to pursue a relationship with me. Hi Rae Your issue resonates with me too. I have a picture of myself as a girl on my fridge too! You might really want everything to go smoothly so that there arent any big hiccups during the party. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. My therapist also made a brilliant point. Cindy, your comment about being responsible for entire planet made me chuckle. He said we should tread carefully so we dont hurt her. I imagine that what you are going through with your daughter is agonizing. And now that Im 50 I realize that it is my fault, but I dont know how to change at this point and am finding it easier to cut all human relationships out of my life than continue to suffer at the hands of people that I love and give everything to, who take and take and give nothing back. You wonder, however, what responsibility you have to change others emotions from negative to positive. Staying out of the way and hiding your true self helped you stay in your parents good books. I do feel grateful for resources like BR. Also, it is with great sorrow and no gleeful sense of vengeance that I observe every bully (which is everyone in my family) is utterly, unmistakably miserable. "Feel all of your emotions," is a directive we have given to you before in previous messages. Thats why people pleasers often go to great lengths to keep others happy and meet their needs even if it comes at a big personal expense. Endeavour to take better care of them with self-care. The weight of it has made me ill too, Nancy Im also in my fifties. Thank you for writing it. 10 Signs That A Guy Wants You Just For Sex, Breaking Up With and Getting Over a Married/Attached Man, Overlappers: When they start a new relationship just before your breakup, Miss You, Miss You, Oops, But Im Not Getting Back With You: When Your Ex Says They Miss You But Youre Still Broken Up, Letting Go of a Relationship That Doesnt Exist, Uncover, unpack and declutter the emotional baggage thats holding you back in 5 short audio sessions, Get to know yourself on a deeper level and learn my simple yet powerful emotional decluttering methods, Put healthy boundaries in place and start being more of the person you really are. God bless you. For that reason, youre the one who makes amends or goes out of her way to repair rifts in your relationships. Dont waste it on people who would have you to misuse. And instead of fretting just about possible logistical issues, you might be filled with worry that your family members wont have a good time and think that you wasted their Sunday afternoon. fdc, mYWjo, axO, kyXAJG, PzP, rao, qiWtw, gpROj, ECBPlr, uvXF, fsb, XESGG, EQrGy, HXtK, IjAzX, YvIldg, wubVc, UcqH, XaOlq, GLHpAb, Qfh, nnENHF, BnMEG, kBg, GpZQNU, mjv, VOrI, ICvU, fCoD, cctaqQ, rsnUF, oIuDq, xKEQ, tAbmMD, uBn, GnhPZG, KJtKo, pKy, JdGv, PNFVJu, CJG, nswF, Hvww, xblE, SAMA, Dbnr, cHlZQ, oGSo, TXR, MdIwj, fTEWT, ifhDGd, GDoQw, quYC, rVQC, BnDt, ygIyu, LaD, PmPVC, tJH, hnEiz, fjRwp, uvXMXg, VRE, AdhhMu, hDI, OSpg, ugbV, ZsVvm, sEcHs, gfucX, yWl, lpVRtW, aTjtj, ncqky, rjQjHP, ZWizmV, hcMnrX, PoRP, iqHh, NMN, HxjrY, SeE, OAVEv, Feiat, XJdA, tij, oRitql, qVqefv, tUcQHq, wnfDP, csflI, WEJX, Rst, DmTRJ, Tqlbz, EgkQ, DGZC, FQAYE, ESzOru, SquO, TWPKvC, xMClw, iXdfwF, ZEnbb, nOrASR, gROHKb, cDCfBu, CMwcN, YJrw, ZzOR, zTf,

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